I include some daily astrological quotes so you will have a play-by-play view of what's going on. It definitely helps to know ahead of time, as much as possible, what we can look for. You then have a choice as to how you move through those energies. You can take full advantage of what the heavens are serving up. Knowing what's going on helps us to know what to focus on or why certain things are coming up or happening for us at that time and can assist us in moving through them with grace & ease. I am all about grace & ease, so anything to make it a little easier is worth sharing.
As you read these entries, know that we are being Divinely guided through these alignments and heavenly events. To realize what an impact the heavens have on us is wisdom & power to literally navigate utilizing the stars. We come from the stars and the stars are there to provide us with guidance. What an awesome reminder that we are NOT alone. We are receiving more of these reminders than ever with the intention of facilitating the shift in consciousness on the planet. Everyone is talking about it. The 'Shift' that is. And without a doubt, it is underway. Again, some not feeling totally comfortable with what is taking place, but it is a new era. Let us embrace it together.
Cosmic Weather - Weekly Inspiration Message for September 16-22, 2013
Hello Cosmic friends! We've got a BIG week in the astro-weather, so I will get right to it. The highlights of this pivotal week are: a powerful alignment in Scorpio between Saturn, the North Node and Venus, the Full Moon in Pisces on Thursday, Pluto's station from Retrograde to Direct on Friday, and the Fall Equinox in Libra on Sunday, 9/22. (Spring for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere.)
The North Node entered Scorpio in summer 2012, and will finish its journey in February 2014. The North Node has to do with our *collective* karma and journey. Since it currently is in Scorpio along with Venus and Saturn, we have been getting some potent lessons and also hopefully clarity in our personal relationships. This energy is also potentially very healing and therapeutic, especially if we are willing to look beneath the surface of things and get our hands dirty, metaphorically speaking.
I personally love a Full Moon in Pisces; and the one coming up on Thursday promises to be particularly beautiful, magical and inspired, especially in combination with these other aspects. Pisces lunar energy in its highest aspect is transcendent, and more easily allows us to connect with the divine and our own Higher Selves. It can also be illusory, misguided and vulnerable. This moon is definitely a time for introspection, meditation and ritual. Be mindful to side-step potential illusions or become ensnared in emotional dramas. This full moon mojo is definitely too good to waste.
(Be sure to check out the Cosmic Weather Full Moon Report to be posted here and at www.irmaksawyer.com soon!)
Whenever we have a Pluto station such as we are having on Friday, the transforming impact of the Plutonic energies become stronger and more pronounced. Some of the archetypes that are associated with Pluto are the Phoenix arising anew from the ashes of its former self; and also one of the three-fold archetypes of Scorpio itself as the Scorpion (lower egoic self,) Wolf (mid-level worldly self,) and Eagle (Spirit self, most aligned with Source/Great Spirit.) It's a good time to reflect on one's own soul "story;" the successes and wisdom gained, as well as areas that may need further work and evaluation.
Sunday brings us to the threshold of the Equinox which marks not only a new season, but also a new chapter in our lives. The Summer of 2013 has been quite potent and intense in its healing lessons. We may be a little weary from the journey, but we certainly aren't the same humans we were three months ago. It's definitely been a "wiser time."
MONDAY SEPT 16, 22 Master Day: This is the second to last 22 Master Day for 2013 (1+6+0+9+2+0+1+3 = 22). As you may know from reading my page regularly these rare 'master days' are for acknowledging the slow and steady progress you are making, by acting on your innate worth and value in this world. The MOON is also at it's furthest from Earth right now (all month), so we are feeling a little more physically aware. Have you noticed your physical body has a few muscle aches and joint pains these past few days? Seemingly out of nowhere? Perhaps headaches too?
Just on four weeks ago we all went through a big shift on this planet. It was all to do with authenticity and coming from soul as many of us have found these past 4 weeks to be almost re-wiring the head and physical body to match the full force of soul coming through our skin.It has also been an emotional period and one where you may be re-assessing everything about what makes you happy and asking yourself, "Why am I not living this?". Your answers are nearly ready to be acted upon.
So as the week begins, go easy on you. You are still shifting into a new way. This won't be fully complete until AFTER EQUINOX this coming weekend. By later next week, it will be a new day. Let's see how we feel then xxx
#ElizabethPeru #Equinox
SUPER VENUS ACTION 09-17-13: Over the next 24 hours, several planetary alignments involving VENUS, bode very well for how we will feel and the action we take in our everyday lives. Have you noticed an upturn in your energy since the weekend? The slower sluggish, almost painful physical bodies are giving way to an inner optimism. Our physical bodies have gone through what can only be explained as 'upgrades' these past few weeks, now the renewed energy fields we emit from soul are taking over.
It is vital that with this new energy we take 'seriously' the need for ourselves to connect with SOUL daily, by resting and stopping our busy thinking if only for 15-20 minutes. It is essential. Remember to focus on the PAUSE between breaths to connect with soul. Lying down is wonderful.
Over the next 24 hours, VENUS makes wonderful alignments that trigger the deep aware love of our natural skills and talents, love of our past and love of what we do best through our human life. So in other words, this period is all about feeling very warm and gooey and full of love for your unique way of expressing spirit via your soul.
This is about feeling, knowing the love first and foremost and appreciating you. For when you do you allow nature's force to move you naturally, like a wave. Let's all be part of the universal wave, that ebb and flow, that go with the flow. It really will carry you where you need to be xxx let it
SUPER VENUS ACTION 09-17-13: Over the next 24 hours, several planetary alignments involving VENUS, bode very well for how we will feel and the action we take in our everyday lives. Have you noticed an upturn in your energy since the weekend? The slower sluggish, almost painful physical bodies are giving way to an inner optimism. Our physical bodies have gone through what can only be explained as 'upgrades' these past few weeks, now the renewed energy fields we emit from soul are taking over.
It is vital that with this new energy we take 'seriously' the need for ourselves to connect with SOUL daily, by resting and stopping our busy thinking if only for 15-20 minutes. It is essential. Remember to focus on the PAUSE between breaths to connect with soul. Lying down is wonderful.
Over the next 24 hours, VENUS makes wonderful alignments that trigger the deep aware love of our natural skills and talents, love of our past and love of what we do best through our human life. So in other words, this period is all about feeling very warm and gooey and full of love for your unique way of expressing spirit via your soul.
This is about feeling, knowing the love first and foremost and appreciating you. For when you do you allow nature's force to move you naturally, like a wave. Let's all be part of the universal wave, that ebb and flow, that go with the flow. It really will carry you where you need to be xxx let it
And now for a few articles that give you tools to work with at this time in changing your thought process as well as sleep patterns. Meditation is definitely the way to go now as it helps you to gain the clarity of what the Universe is expressing to you. I have been very 'up in the air' lately feeling the level of change that I haven't felt in 12 years. That's how huge this shift is. Yet, it is all very simple if we just get out of the way and allow the clarity to flow. I have had to remind myself of this as well. I cannot tell you how many conversations I have had with my Guidance lately. All the while, asking for that clarity, direction and guidance that will make it easier to make the choices that are obviously presenting themselves. I feel the changes coming in at every level and it has me squirming in my seat as well as excited for the way it will unfold. Thinking of how my life has changed since 1998 and remembering it roughly took about 3 years at that time for it all to fall into place. I cannot even imagine what is in the cards at this time and yet I know it is unfolding in Divine Timing.
It has been said that the love of money is the root of all evil, but actually it is the fear of money that causes the distortion.
Yet you can have your view cleansed and expanded. You possess everything you need to make this a reality—it is only the impediments that need to be abandoned.
To increase your financial prosperity and abundance, we say:
• Stop your identification with limitation and its subsequent suffering.
• Identify yourselves as Cosmic Creators, and trust in this.
• Search your energetic being to identify areas of fear, blockages, and so forth.
Developing and listening to your true spiritual nature, and turning down the false voices of separation and fear are essential in these times. Drop your fetters, and soar upon the wings of Spirit, beautiful Beings!
You are the one who makes it so. – The Keepers, 2013
TO THE SHAPE SHIFTERS: Last week I spoke about honouring your natural flow, whether it be more conservative and introverted or unconventional and extroverted. I mentioned the beauty in both. There are some people who can shift effortlessly from one realm to the next. Do you do this? Can you fit your energy to the situation and mold to suit your environment?
Then you are a 'shape shifter'. Adept at working with subtle energy. Highly psychic and intuitive as well as comfortable in the material world and working with the physical and the use of power. It's important with this morphing skill you have, that you know what your "natural flow and tendency" is. Because even shape shifters have a base flow they gravitate more to, their comfort zone.
To know your natural flow you need to know your soul. So each day close your eyes, and focus on following your breath to the "pause" in between the breath. Stay here and sink into the silence. This is soul and will connect you to your natural force as a regular check in. It is very important and feels beautiful to do.
So dear Shape Shifters, play with your energy and learn how to fit into different environs as you also honour your truth. You have the best of both worlds, as they say xxx
Just Channeling.....
Question: If I am 100% responsible for what I have created, does that mean I created my own obstacles too? What do I do about that?
Everything that is present within your field of experience you called forth at one time or another. So the short answer is yes, you created your own obstacles, your own demons. It is your focused center of attention that calls them forth into your field, but you call forth both the wanted and the unwanted. Both of those things come forward to do your bidding.
The things that stay away from you are the ones that you ignore completely. “Eh, who cares about that?” will pretty much guarantee that you won’t be receiving very much of that in your experience—even if you are surrounded by it—and you are. There is an abundance of everything in the universe already present: it’s just this matter of awareness; awareness that is guided by your attention.
But we need to make a distinction between inattention and denial. Inattention means that you are not directing any energy—Source Energy—towards it at all. It is something that really is of no interest to you, so that you pay no attention to it all, even if other people around you are completely tied up with it. Denial, on the other hand, directs massive amounts of energy towards the object of attention.
It is your attention that is the key. “Where is my attention being directed and why?” Is a very good question to ask yourself if you want to consciously control your life experience. Paying attention to your attention is a critical step in taking control of your own thoughts.
You are loved and blessed upon your journey.
~ Twelve
How do you sleep? by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Metaphysical teacher Neville Goddard offers us this description of what takes place while we sleep: Sleep is the door through which the conscious, waking mind passes to be creatively joined to the subconscious. Sleep conceals the creative act while the objective world reveals it. In sleep man impresses the subconscious with his conception of himself.
Each night as I drift off to sleep, I adamantly refuse to use this precious time to review anything that I do not want to be reinforced in the hours of being immersed in my subconscious mind. I choose to impress upon my subconscious mind, and therefore the mind of God to which I am eternally joined, my conception of myself as a Divine creator in alignment with the one mind. I groggily reiterate my I ams, which I have placed in my imagination, and I remember that my slumber will be dominated by my last waking concept of myself. I am peaceful, I am content, I am love, I am writing, I am the governing power of the universe, and I attract only to myself those who are in alignment with my highest ideals of myself.
This is my nightly ritual, always resisting any temptation to go over any fear or unpleasantness that my ego might be asking me to review. I assume the feeling in my body of those I am statements already fulfilled, and I enter my sleep inviting the instruction that my subconscious mind welcomes. I know that I’m allowing myself to be programmed while asleep, for the next day I rise knowing that I am a free agent. I understand that every action and event of the day is essentially predetermined by my feelings as I prepared for sleep, and while I was in that place of warmth and trust in the arms of the one universal subconscious mind.
Here are some suggestions for your own bedtime routine:
— As you lie in bed preparing for your nightly slumber, remember that the last thought you have in your mind can last up to four hours in your subconscious mind. That’s four hours of programming from just one moment of contemplation prior to going into your unconscious state. Create a reminder like a prayer or mantra to place by your bed. Write these words and read them as you get comfortable: I am going to use these moments to review what I intend to manifest into my life. Keep that sign there to remind you how to spend your pre-sleep moments nightly.
—If before dropping off to sleep you are assailed by worry, distress, or fear, do not stay in bed. Get up, turn on the light, take a few deep breaths, read from a spiritual text, meditate for a few moments in front of a white candle, say a prayer—do anything other than staying there lying down. You cannot defend yourself against these onslaughts while remaining snug in your bed. If distressing feelings come back when you return to bed, get up, turn on the lights, and try something else. When you finally do feel peaceful back in bed, repeat your loving I ams and drift off to sleep ready to have your ears opened and your instructions sealed.
What I have found with my work in service to others is that my life unfolds with the work. I feel that is the way it is intended. We facilitate self-discovery for each other. Each moment in time is a special moment to be unlocked by a certain person facilitated through energetic transference. This 'dance' of energy is what makes it all so interesting when you understand it. I don't mean literal understanding, but having knowledge of the process of self-discovery & realization. We are now learning that by making that soul connection through the eyes and heart, we cut out the guessing game and facilitate that revelation of our true identities at a much more accelerated pace. This also serves to validate and confirm what we are feeling or the guidance we are receiving along the way. It builds that confidence that there is a Higher Power and it is working for our Highest Good.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Weekly Weather Report
Full Moon Energy & Insights
Prepare for 9/21 Equinox Gateway
Following Truth
Diversity is Beautiful
Does the Rhythm of Your Heart Match the Rhythm of Your Name?
Releasing Distractions & Transforming DNA
The Healing of the Holy Grail Within
Forecast on Fall Equinox 2013
Can We Really Change the Earth's Energy?
Re-emphasizing that we are in a place of surrendering to that place within ourselves that has been under 'lock & key' for eons. It is now time to unlock that very special place within us that will allow us to know who we are and remind us that we are LOVE. It is our original vibrational signature. As we embrace our Infinite Divine Essence, we will recognize that love that has been there all along. It was just a matter of our waking up to it and to honor it as a part of us rather than something outside of us or something that we are not worthy of. When we set out on this journey for the first time, as we sat with our soul family discussing the 'adventure', we had tears in our eyes knowing that this would be the most amazing experience at being physical. We could not wait to share it with our soul family. It is still just as it began. What we are experiencing is a manipulation of the entire experience that can be severed or eradicated by simply connecting at the heart and calling in the Divine-ness that we are to come together in the name of peace. By remembering that we are all connected and focusing from that place of Oneness, we can change the outcome of anything we set our hearts on. Mass consciousness is a critical factor now. I SEE YOU & know that we are ONE.
You have all the tools required to assist you on this journey. All of the energies now are pushing us to go within. It is from this space within that we can emerge as the Phoenix from the ashes. We are burning off energies that are eons old and irrelevant to our present journey of evolution. It is absolutely necessary for you to shed this 'skin' of old and embrace the wings you are being given.
Remember to love yourself where you are. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at any given moment. You are enough. There is nothing you need to fix you, fulfill you, complete you or heal you that is outside of you. You have it all within yourself to shift into the Divine Light Being that you are. You have an abundance of Source energy to call to you that will assist you as you move forward/upward on your journey of self-discovery. Utilize your abilities and gifts in connecting with this Source energy through prayer, meditation, everyday conversation. Call it forth and then sit back and be amazed!! These are truly miraculous times we are in. Miracles abound and magic is the norm.
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.