Uranus is the Great Awakener while Pluto is the Great Transformer. We are in the midst of the renaissance of humankind or the great re-birthing. Uranus, the Great Awakener, breaks down old structures in order for new ones to emerge. It will be the catalyst for the awakening of mass consciousness on earth. It will usher in the age of light and it will be the guiding force for the Great Shift. Pluto is the great transformer. He will re-boot you, whether you like it or not and without warning. Pluto shows the areas in your life where change will occur. Pluto is the rebirther,
Everything is in alignment with the great shift that is underway. The events of this week, with the tornadoes and weather disasters are absolutely part of the shift. Our reminder is to remain in the vibration of love, compassion, peace and forgiveness. If we succumb to the airwaves and what is being broadcast, published and projected, we will be contributing to the vibration of fear, judgement, anxiety, and many of the other vibrations in the family of fear. We can hold the space and energy by remaining in the vibration of love.
This link provides you with a list of ascension symptoms as defined by Karen Bishop. I believe I have included this before, but it warrants re-posting for the purpose of helping to identify the physical affects of these higher energies on our bodies. Please know that you are unique and your experiences may differ slightly, but know that you are not alone in your physical discomfort.
Here is an article from Suzan Carol of www.multidimensions.com that I feel speaks so much to our heart and what we are experiencing now. Although it is a bit lengthy, I could not say it better myself and it is definitely worth the read. We are absolutely creating this journey as we move forward, now more than ever. Our awareness and mindfulness of our thoughts, words and actions are critical in what is manifesting and being revealed. The responsibility of creation lies within us. It is imperative that we use 'Discipline, Discernment & Discretion' in navigating through the energies of this evolutionary process. "The difference between ordeal and adventure is attitude." I have learned that this Earth Dance is an adventurous journey filled with exactly what I perceive it to be filled with.
Volunteer to be a Conscious Creator of New Earth
"The pivotal word in this statement is "conscious" creator, as we are all in the process of creating New Earth with our every thought and emotion. We had hoped that our years and lives of dedication, meditation and service would
be sufficient to give us a free ride to New Earth and/or the higher dimensions.
However, this was not the case. We, the members of incarnated humanity, are the creators of New Earth.
Yes, finally, time is on our side. The higher light from the Galactic Center is flowing into our world, and we have more assistance from the Galactics and Celestials than we have since the Golden Age of Atlantis.
However, the higher light that is awakening those who have dedicated themselves to the manifestation of their earthly mission and integration of their Multidimensional
SELF, is making the lost ones fall deeper and deeper into their personal torment.
Unfortunately, this inner torment is acted out as torment against others. Fortunately, inner peace and unconditional love is also acted out on others. However, we have been calibrated from myriad lifetimes on Earth to put fear first and wait
until later for love. Our animal brains tells us that fear is the most important emotion as it protects us from attack and eventual death. But death is always eventual and far less important to our Soul than the love.
Fortunately, as we download, integrate and become the Higher Expressions of our SELF, we have powers of creativity that are far beyond our former powers of destruction. Hence, what took TIME, effort and greed to destroy can quickly be transmuted with the unconditional love that is the core of the higher light that is awakening our creative powers.
However, in order to be master of our creations, we must master our thoughts and emotions. I imagine that is why I woke up with the above sentence. It is one thing to write stories, meditate, lead groups and help others, but another thing completely to BE the Master of ALL our thoughts and emotions.
We can easily think of all the "hard work" it would take to create a New Earth based on unconditional love for all life. However, living that unconditional love with our every thought and emotion is an entirely different challenge. We are used to
"hard work," but we have NOT had much practice at being the Master of our Energy (thoughts and emotions).
In fact, even those of us who are able to have pretty good control of our thoughts and emotions, still fall into the trap of complaining about the difficulties of daily life. We even complain about how difficult ascension is! In fact, most of
us "Lightworkers" are afraid to say the word ascension because it did not occur according to our specifications.
You can see that I include myself in that list. I too, have complained about the difficulties of remembering our True SELF while in the turmoil of our 3D life.
It is indeed a challenge to maintain a higher state of consciousness while we are observe the atrocities of life around us and while we travel in traffic and confront a pile of bills.
Therefore, when I woke up with the statement that "I AM Creating New Earth" it means that every thought and emotion IS creating my reality. My thoughts direct my intention and my emotions dictate the state of consciousness that fills that intention. Hence, if I am to BE a creator of New Earth, and I create my reality with my thoughts and emotions, I must be a Master of my thoughts and emotions.
Is it becoming clear now why we did NOT ascend? How many of us are actually a master of our every thought and emotion? Not me! I am striving to become a Master of my thoughts and emotions. However, I am fully aware that this form of mastery is impossible for our third dimensional animal brain. Hence, our animal brain is incapable of creating New Earth.
On the other hand, the Animal Kingdom that does not include humanity IS ready for ascension. They are ready for ascension because they live in Unity with Gaia and with respect for their planet. The human animal does not live in unity or respect
for our planet. The "animal's" brain has a code of ethics and behavior that has been lost by the human animal.
However, the human animal has something that the animal kingdom does not. Humanity has the ability to be conscious of, to recognize, integrate and BE their higher dimensional expression while wearing a human body. However, in order to do this, we will need to release our third dimensional thinking, just as we had to release wooden wheels in order to have a faster vehicle.
I know that I have restated what I have been saying for quite a while. However, I know that a reminder is important, as I must constantly remind myself. Then, I still act from my human self. My advancement is that I catch myself more often now. However, if I am too tired, if I have allowed myself to become "stressed out" by daily life, the reminder does not work. My wounded ego ignores my higher expression and steers my earth vessel into the trenches of the third dimension.
Therefore, when I awoke this morning with that message from my SELF, I have chosen to share it with all of you who I know are endeavoring, just like me, to remember that"
I, ________ from _________ Volunteer to be a Conscious Creator of New Earth
"If you would like to add your name to our list, please do. You can use a pseudonym or only your first name, as YOU know who you are. Also, if you just write that sentence down on a piece of paper or type it into your computer, you could use it as a mantra to assist you in remembering that YOU ARE the Creator of your REALITY.
The higher light has been entering our brains now for several months and giving us many uncomfortable symptoms of transmutation. However, slowly we are beginning to adapt to this higher frequency of light. On the other hand, we can look around our world and see many who have lost all control of them selves because of this energy. To them, we must send our unconditional love.
However, it is important that we do not become reactive to the fear that surrounds us because WE ARE THE CREATORS OF NEW EARTH. In other words, we can serve as the
antidote to fear by showering with our unconditional love. Sending love into fear becomes increasingly easier as our 97% DNA is turned on, and our multidimensional thinking/feeling comes online.
It is important that we remember to release our survival-based, human thinking and function more and more through the higher-dimensional Operating System of our multidimensional thinking. From this higher perspective we can send unconditional love into that which creates fear and focus our personal attention on that which creates love.
Therefore, we have to make some choices in our lives to release that which lowers our consciousness. If we hate our job, change it. If our living situation makes us unhappy, move. If our relationships are not going well, look at where you are feeding the negative and ignoring the positive. In some extreme cases, relationships will need to end.
Most important, remember to BE your SELF as often as you possibly can. I realize what I am asking because I ask the same of myself. I cannot say that I am wonderful at remembering to be my SELF.
But there are certain times that I AM my SELF.
When I am in the midst of a creative endeavor, I AM my SELF.
When I am with someone that I love and/or a dear friend, I AM my SELF.
When I am doing what I love to do, I AM my SELF.
When I am in nature or gardening, I AM my SELF.
There are also many places where I am not my SELF.
If I get too tired, I am NOT my SELF.
If I get too stressed out (which is usually when I am too tired) I am NOT my SELF.
If I am doing a mundane task that I must do now, I am NOT my SELF.
If I am working too hard (which is the collection of the above) I am NOT my SELF.
Take a moment to write down when you ARE being your SELF and when you are NOT being your SELF. I think you will discover, as I did, that if we are not taking good care of our earth vessel, the symptoms of transmutation are stronger and we fall out of our SELF.
On the other hand, when we realize that we are all working together as ONE Being to be the Creators of New Earth, we know that we are our Multidimensional SELF inside of the earth vessel that we are currently wearing. This earth vessel is of a frequency that is much lower than our resonance and is having great difficulty integrating our SELF into its small clay form.
We must give a great deal of unconditional love to our small clay vessel, as well as to the elements and Elementals that have created that vessel for us to wear. While we were not conscious of the fact that we were our SELF, the earth vessel fit fine, for most of us. Conversely, as we begin to remember that we are our SELF, we begin to allow the higher frequencies of light into our clay form.
This form is not accustomed to the frequency of our true resonance and is not comfortable with the frequency of light that is now entering its Pineal Gland. Hence, we must be loving to our vessel and give it thanksgiving for creating a portal through which we can contribute to the planetary venture of Creating New Earth. Furthermore, we must remember that we did not come here for our personal gain.
We, the Creators of New Earth, took an earth vessel at this time to assist our dear friend Gaia, consciousness of all life on planet Earth, to expand Her planetary essence into the higher frequencies of reality. The greater percentage of humans are currently unable to realize this fact, but the plant and animal kingdom, as well of those who have awakened to our SELF, are working as ONE to Create New Earth!!"
"Before diving into this upcoming Lunar Eclipse, here’s a quick point of reference about the energies of this week: May 20th was the third Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn transit that started in 2012 and will make a final connection in 2015. A grand transformation is occurring to take us forward and higher up into our personal authority and true individual expression. The themes are evolution and revolution, individually and collectively. But things get messy and there’s friction and we come up against our “stuff” and we lose sight of our inner unicorn. Plus, everyone on the planet is feeling this transit and some days you just wonder… why are they so crabby/annoyed/irritable? (Because of course it’s them, not you.)But if you want to know a secret… it’s one of the main reasons why we chose to incarnate at this time.We’re here to do this and consciously work with this energy, so be sure to pop some champagne or take an occasional victory lap on your 10-speed with that knowingness. Again, All is Well." www.consciouscoolchic.com
- A Journey through the Bardo of Living and Dying
- Heart Emotions: The Higher Path
- The Chaos of Now & the Brief Return of the Atlantis Energy
- Add More You Into Life
- Your Spiritual Service
- Ascending Into Newness
- Finally, a Bit of Sunshine
- Tornadoes of the Soul
- The Awakening Shift
- Revolution & Revelation
- Uranus, the Great Awakener
05-21-13 www.thecosmicpath.com
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.