My dedication to my work in service keeps me going and inspires me to move through it rather than hole up somewhere and ignore it or hope it passes without my participation, which my guidance tells me is not an option. To do the work, you must face everything 'head on'. That is the only way through it. You can't go under it, or over it, or around it. It will stop you 'dead' in your tracks if you don't go through it. And as you do, make no mistakes that you gain momentum and strength on your journey.
In moments of this last week, I found myself reverting back literally to old ways of thinking. Someone or something else was definitely in my head. I found this happening on several occasions and as I caught it, wondered where the heck it came from. I finally just stopped and said out loud, "OK, this is NOT me and NOT my beliefs. This will stop NOW." We are in a time of transcending karmic energy. The voices I was hearing were those of the past where no hope or indication of moving forward in Oneness existed. I know now that that energy came through me to be transcended. It wasn't MY stuff, but from the collective and from past generations.
They (ancestors) were caught up in the separateness that they were conditioned to believe in that is associated with judgement. We are being guided to release all judgement in order to raise our vibration and move more into our multi-dimensionality. The article below really speaks to me in so many ways after last week. It validates exactly what my guidance was communicating to me as well as what I was feeling on so many levels.
"I am beginning this Note by sharing with you that being crystalline means to be crystal clear, simple (not complicated or complex), true to Self and sparkly with Soul Essence. It is to be multi-faceted/multidimensional. So rather than reading/hearing words on the surface, feel the energy beneath the surface.Otherwise, you are just complicating things for yourself and all your reading and pondering makes you denser; not lighter. Unless you feel the energy beneath the words and stop putting everyone who shares from a higher perspective on a pedestal, for we are all One, nothing changes. So, please do not pay attention to what I write here, yet do feel the energy, for in that way, the vibration weaves its way through you, clearing you and upgrading all your systems (DNA, Cells, electrical, physical, etc.). We are crystals and diamonds; multidimensional, clear and simple in our structure. Isn’t this enough or are you still in pursuit of all the “stuff” (mental, emotional or physical) out there?
Crystals are formed by density; pushing, molding, reconstructing and isn’t that exactly what we’ve been doing? The density has been molding us into clear shapes; unique to us. And we continue till we are bright and clear and wondrous. Like crystals, we each carry a particular vibration; our Soul vibration. Each of us has a unique form and essence which we then share with others in our own unique way."
To read the rest of this highly recommended article, click Becoming Crystalline & the Equinox Gateway
Cosmic Weather - energy update, 9.24-25. ~ Hello friends. We are definitely still in another "vibrational upgrade" that started a bit before the Equinox on 9.22. The "Wobble" effect is still quite heavy, along with the corresponding emotions that are going along with it. I have not done a formal "Group Avatar" reading but can tell already there's been a vibe not necessarily of doom, but definitely of concern. For those that are doing mellow cruising at a comfortable altitude, be sure to light up the grid with your love and good intentions for the ONE. We've hit some rocky astro-turf lately. If you've been having a rough time the past few days, you are not alone. Reach for the humor, a friend, (or the chocolate!) and know this too shall pass.We are currently in a Gemini moon which can be a bit jangly especially in combination with the current energies. I suggest tuning into the higher creative and communication aspects of that particular lunar vibe instead. When writing this report tonight I heard the words of Maynard Keenan, "Spiral out. Keep going." These are powerful moments friends. Let us use them well for the benefit of all. Love & blessings all. Irma K. Sawyer
"Beloveds, another area where you are being called to be "magicians" is with the environment. In truth it is not really magic, but just an acknowledgement and alignment with the truth of who you really are as creative beings. In the current Uranus/Pluto energies, outdated structures in financial, religious and social systems are changing and you are the ones who make it so. Hold the Light dear ones. Environmental toxins and other related "debris" born of fear and separation do not exist at the level of 5D and higher.
As you bridge the gap so to speak between the physical and new spiritual reality, this serves to heal, purify and transmute poisons. As you transmute the poisons that may exist in your own being/consciousness, you become a clear conduit for the higher frequencies of healing light to penetrate the earth. This is now the task at hand. Shanti." - The Keepers, 9.24.13 via Irma K. Sawyer
THE NEXT 24HRS: How are you flowing this week? As Equinox energies still charge through us the sense of renewal and release is high. As I said yesterday we are in a quieter celestial influence until mid-week. Are there big changes required in your life? Could the core of those changes simply be you accepting who you are and being brave enough to live that person in your everyday life?I see way too many people go through unnecessary turmoil, suffering and low self worth because they refuse to be themselves. They are too busy trying to be what they "think" mum and dad or their partner or employer or friends etc, want them to be. Please hear this: You are under an illusion if you think that others want you to be anything other than yourself. For people are so caught up in their own thinking about who they are, that they do not have the energy to focus on you. And that is the truth. Meditate on this and you shall understand.So the upshot is: No one is watching you other than you. No one else to blame, no excuses. Period. So now, who is going to make the decisions on what is right for you? Why you are of course. Make them. Then act on them. Action is the critical step that most people miss out. keep saying this same message day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year in different guises. And I will keep saying it, so that you may hear. Love to you. Go be you xxx #ElizabethPeru 09-23-13
WED SEPT 25 SPECIAL DAY: This Wednesday is the final 22 Master Number Day for 2013...(2+5+0+9+2+0+1+3)= 22 We have had eleven 22 Master Days since June and now the portal closes. Children born on these days are charged with a pattern of focused building of worthy projects that benefit humanity, throughout their entire lifetime. 22 is the energy of 'double peace', great patience, an inner core of strong stability, responsibility, respectability and determination. These are the energies we invoke today in our lives. Tap into them and move the heart and soul based projects along in your life with this force. Many people discount the energy of number days saying we are living under an imposed calendar system and that if we follow number days we stay locked in this system. I view this very differently. Yes there are systems on Earth and yes we learn within them, our way, rather than blindly following the stet path (secret tip: this is how systems eventually change). If you focus on how much you despise a system then you will spend your life trying to battle it and break free from it. What if instead for all intents and purposes you seem to be living with the system, but you are focused on personal freedom, living your life as your own leader, creating a path true to you. Using the system to benefit you rather than take from you. I have found life runs very smoothly this way. Love to you all magnificent beings. Work life your way xxx #ElizabethPeru
A very interesting article by Irma Sawyer about the current energies is Equinox Gateway 2013 - Empath HSP & HSP Tools
"Sunday the 22nd brought us once again to the point of balance - the equinox. On this day the Sun rises about 06:00 AM and sets at about 6:00 PM (local time) - almost everywhere on the Earth. Our attention has been around Virgo based activities such as routines, analyzing, and sorting.
And now the Sun moves into Libra. Because the cosmos were in
equilibrium, the ancient Egyptians only weighed their harvest at the full moon in Libra. Libra is a sign of balance, but it's also a very deeply karmic sign. Think about how justice is really tied into the reality of life.
Finding Your Balance null~~The secret to riding the energy of the Autumnal equinox is to find your still point - and stand in your truth. Recently I had a praying mantis take up residence on my hummingbird feeder. It's been quite entertaining to see that the little hummingbirds are actually afraid of this big guy; after all, he's longer than the birds, although not as hefty.
When unusual creatures come to visit, I always research the animal wisdom message. The word 'mantis' actually means 'Prophet' and he teaches us be still - just like the equinox. He also teaches to remain alert so that when it's time to act, that you move with surety, accuracy, and great power. Get ready - there are some good things on the way!
Good Luck Heads-up~~
Coming on Thursday the 26th is a major positive aspect between the two benefactor planets, Jupiter and Venus. Be on the lookout for something good to happen. The cosmic log jam is breaking free, so pay attention to those good luck bubbles that float your way. Sometimes you just have to reach out and catch one.
Astro * Alchemy ~~
More big news for this month is a triple conjunction of the karmic North Node, Venus, and Saturn - in the 8th degree of Scorpio. (This rare alignment of Saturn and the North Node happens only once every 10 years, each time in a different sun sign.)
The number 8; it represents infinity, balance, and manifestation.
So right now the Universe is calling you to align your Soul Lessons (the Node) with the dignity of your Life Purpose (Saturn) and infuse this mission with passion (Venus) - in the 8th degree of the transformational sign Scorpio. There is work to be done, but the results are magical.
Wisdom combined with action creates Alchemy. "
I have had clarity in the last few days of exactly how the Universe orchestrated the events of the last several weeks for me. Many know that I am an avid believer of signs. It was no accident that I purchased a Chevy Equinox last year. I knew then that there was significance in it as my previous vehicle of 12 years was a Saturn. In understanding that Saturn is the Great Teacher, I can vouch that for 12 years I was truly learning who I was and my purpose during this Renaissance of Consciousness. The Equinox (perfect balance of light & dark) signaled a time when I would be more balanced in the work I was doing and in the way my work would be shifting. The day of my purchase in 2012 was a '9' and the day of the Equinox that we just moved through that has been so intense for me was a '9'. This indicates endings & beginnings. I was told by a friend on Friday that I was conducting a session for that things were about to take off for me with much expansion. It never ceases to amaze me how the Universe uses those we connect with to seemingly out of nowhere deliver a message of guidance.
As it sank in, I realized what all the purging had been about. It was an upgrade activation that prepared me for the new level of work that I am moving into. I had made the statement last week that I felt the level of change coming in that I experienced between 1998 & 2001. It was the biggest shift of my life so far. It was when I received a further activation and understanding of my purpose and work. I was introduced to the metaphysical community in this area and felt I had been reunited with family. The crystal skulls came into my life. I lost my job of 30 years. My work in service began and it seems now, although it wasn't literally, that it all happened over night. It all happened so quickly, there was no time to think or to rationalize it.
So, now I sit with the knowing that this same type of shifting is occurring yet again and don't mind saying it is definitely a bit unnerving as I cannot possibly imagine how it expands from here. I have in the last few weeks been provided with some interesting opportunities. There is a sense of anxiousness as well as excitement within. I am reminded of my strong faith and optimistic outlook. I am seeing through new eyes this week and I am enthusiastic about all the new that is coming in knowing that I allowed the old energies to be transcended. What a way to share with me my abilities to facilitate this trancendence!
I have been visited this week by my hawk friend at least once each day as well as a Bluebird (which is quite out of the ordinary as it usually is indicative of Spring) that keeps coming to the feeder closest to my kitchen window. Both symbolize to me the new beginnings coming forth accompanied by guidance through love, abundance & joy from the Highest of the Highest. My heart is full with gratitude as I move into the direction of my most authentic self knowing that it heralds a time of celebration.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Cosmic Path Weekly Weather
The Art of Being Human
The Equinox of the Renaissance
Weekly LightBlast: Accepting Gracefully
September Equinox 2013 - Rebirth
Release Your Soul Promises Now
Adapting to a Higher Light
The following articles are part I & II and are extremely relevant to now.
The Seeds of the New Beginning
September Equinox Special - Conclusion
I am here to assist in that process in any way that makes itself known to me and I am willing to step into that aspect of myself that is here to 'move mountains'. As I make that statement, I remember as a child when I was given a pendant that had a mustard seed in it, being told the story of the mustard seed. It only takes a mustard seed amount of faith in God/Goddess to move mountains, barriers, limitations, that which holds you back or confines you. At the time the pendant was given to me, I felt as if my guide, Jesus/Yeshua, had given it to me to remind me of greater things to come. Funny, not, I haven't thought of this since I was a child. Another of those, where did that come from moments knowing that it was a reminder set in place all those years ago to assist me in the now. See, there is so much to this journey that cannot be simply explained away. That is the true magic of it all!!!
You have all the tools required to assist you on this journey. All of the energies now are pushing us to go within. It is from this space within that we can emerge as the Phoenix from the ashes. We are burning off energies that are eons old and irrelevant to our present journey of evolution. It is absolutely necessary for you to shed this 'skin' of old and embrace the wings you are being given.
Remember to love yourself where you are. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at any given moment. You are enough. There is nothing you need to fix you, fulfill you, complete you or heal you that is outside of you. You have it all within yourself to shift into the Divine Light Being that you are. You have an abundance of Source energy to call to you that will assist you as you move forward/upward on your journey of self-discovery. Utilize your abilities and gifts in connecting with this Source energy through prayer, meditation, everyday conversation. Call it forth and then sit back and be amazed!! These are truly miraculous times we are in. Miracles abound and magic is the norm.
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions.
Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.