"The Moon moves into Virgo at 6:45am EDT, and we enter the dark of the Moon. We will be in this still expectant place all day, until 7:36am tomorrow morning, when he Virgo New Moon occurs. Virgo is a very important sign in the new Cosmic Consciousness system… it is the sign of the Divine Mother, and it is the progenitor of the Christed Self in each of us. In other words, the Virgo portion of our consciousness is the place where we learn to nurture and love our Selves so well that the higher Self is born. You could say that Virgo is the place where the higher Self gestates. We heal, we align, we work on making our Selves whole here, and eventually the higher Self emerges out of the unity consciousness we achieve." www.thecosmicpath.com 09-04-13
~~THE NEXT 24HRS: Who is feeling some tension in the air? This has been building the past few days due to a very erratic planetary line up involving MARS and accepting our past (without anger) so we can OWN who we have become today! The important thing is not to lash out at anyone else right now. We are being asked to DEAL with any pain arising by ourselves so we can truly transmute it and own our power. Indeed, you may seek the compassionate ear of another who will listen without judgement and serve as a mirror to you. To allow another to help you is very liberating when you ask. Or you may find some solitude is required for a day or so in quiet contemplation of your life. This is also very healing right now. Whatever you need, act on it. Some deep change is brewing in our lives, which will reveal itself over the next two weeks. Trust xxx #ElizabethPeru
PEOPLE NEED TO FEEL APPRECIATED: As a new week dawns there has been so much FEAR around the planet this weekend and yet love was so readily available for us to use too. Many sensitives went through the ringer transmuting the fear which worldwide media is whipping up over aggression, in fighting, politics and would be wars. It is making many beautiful people doubt themselves and their abilities and this beautiful planet we live upon. Many past life memories are arising because of this and also those of tradition and what is expected of us in family units. So what can you do to feel good right now?
Focus on your immediate world and the life you are living right now. You are in a far better place than you realise. Close your eyes, put hands on heart and internally say, "Thank you". Bask in this for a few moments.
It is important you appreciate your beautiful being and all the wonderful work you do for yourself and thus, the universe. Appreciation comes to you from this inner connection, this simple little reality check with the soul. It is sorely needed on Earth at this point in 2013.
Sincerely love to you all for the coming week. Please pass this message on and know that you can remember the beauty you are xxx #ElizabethPeru
"It seems we are at a precarious moment in world history and we all have it within our grasp to help things move away from chaos and toward coherence by maintaining peace within the collective mind. How? Just find your own center and stay with it. Stay quiet and calm and hopeful. No, this is not denial. This is advanced meditation. When something throws you off your calm center, that's fine. Just quietly find your way back to it again." Theresa Crater
These are indeed intense times and we are being called to pray for and meditate on peace. There is a urgent call to duty for those who are here to promote peace. Wouldn't that be ALL of us? Yes, we are all here to hold that energy and anchor it in at this time. As the saying goes, it begins with us. Let us all take the time to spend a few moments each day, upon waking and at the end of the day, focusing on peace and allowing ourselves to revel in that feeling. See it literally enveloping the entire planet and radiating out into the cosmos. It is imperative at this time as we move through this wave of truth that is rolling in.
A message given to me at the last meditation was that our freedom lies in our truth. This is also where our power lies. As we move forward in our truth, we can no longer be held prisoner by manipulation and intimidation at any level. Our truth is ultimately what sets us free. This truth initiates peace at the heart level and promotes calm rather than chaos. Chaos is easily found at this time, so we must be mindful in our anchoring in peace at every moment that we feel scattered, mis-aligned, off center, ungrounded, anxious or any of those 'fear' related feelings. It's so important now to focus on peace rather than feed the negatives and fears.
One of the many life-changing themes this month is around self-love. Actually, this has been the theme all year, but it is up front and center right now. I am feeling it has to do with the shift that is coming in this month and the ending of a cycle. As we return to self-love, know that anything that is not nurturing your soul is not in your Highest Good. We have a tendency to hold on to people, places & things because they define us or we simply don't know how to exist beyond them. This also includes old ways of being. At this time, much will simply cease to be or to function in the old way of being and you may find yourself 'winging it' or 'flying by the seat of your pants'. This is quite alright, as it is the Universe's way of encouraging you to move more into a journey of faith navigating through heart consciousness.
With all that is coming through the airwaves now, we must be diligent in our own self-love as everything may feel like a personal attack. It is important that we get to a place that we value who we are as well as our origins and purpose. The Divine Feminine energy is sweeping this planet now reminding us of this self-love and where it originates from. It originates from the heart of Source. It is a call to Oneness. It is a call to remember that we are all connected at the heart. With this in mind, let us send a wave of Infinite Love, Gratitude, Compassion, Forgiveness, Peace & Harmony rippling out as an Emerald Flame promoting healing for the Greater Good.
"Your bodies are transmuting at a cellular level to resonate to a higher frequency of reality. Hence, you are remembering to recognize a higher frequency energetic reality along with your physical reality. Whenever you perceive a higher frequency reality, your body adapts to the resonance of that reality for as long as you can perceive it. You have been taught to believe that only the physical reality is REAL and that other versions/frequencies of reality are a 'figment of your imagination'. However, your body believe in you, not the one who programmed you. Therefore, once you begin to perceive these higher frequencies of reality, even if only for a few seconds, your perceptions send that information to your body. Your body then begins to adapt to that version of reality." Dr. Suzanne Lie http://multidimensions.com/
"Your participation in the evolution of our species is achieved through the work you do with your own soul. Humanity could be just one conversation from paradise. That conversation begins with a talk that you have with yourself. It involves you questioning the prior assumption - every assumption you may have had about yourself, about your world, and about life itself. It could then involve you having a similar conversation with others. This is what The Conversations Movement is all about." Neale Donald Walsch
Taking 100% responsibility for what you create is kind of scary. How do we deal with that?
What you are really responsible for is your own vibration. It is true that you are constantly creating. You are constantly sending off a signal that brings forth the expansion of all being. Creation is always expanding, always blossoming, and you are unaware of most of it. Your attention here is focused. Even the most scattered and distracted among you are focused in such a way that they are unaware of the vast majority of what is happening all around them on the creation front. But with so very much going on all around, where do you place your attention?
Taking 100% responsibility for all of creation is overwhelming. But you can take responsibility for your own vibrational signal; and you take control of that by consciously directing your attention. And since it is your vibrational signal that attracts your life experience, you are thereby assuming control of that which is drawn to you. The most important thing that you can do is control your attention.
You are still a focused being here, and trying to control all of it is a bit like being a bus driver on the freeway and attempting to steer all of the other vehicles as well as your own. You’ll need as many hands as Vishnu! But you don’t have to do all of that. All you have to do, moment to moment, is direct your attention to that which is pleasing, positive and desirable. See the Godhead in everyone, everything and every circumstance. Then you will discover it is all under divine control.
Law of Attraction is the universal manager that sorts it all out for you. You just don’t need to worry about what happens to all that stuff you don’t want. Just deliberately direct your attention to the better feeling and joyful aspects within all your experience, including−and especially−all that stuff that rattles around inside your imagination. You are not responsible for everything that happens; but you are responsible for your reaction to it. That’s what we mean by directed attention. You are the focuser and what you focus upon becomes the next phase of your experience.
~ Twelve www.TwelveSpirit.net
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Cosmic Weather New Moon Report Septemeber 5, 2013
Weekly Weather Report
Astrology Report for September 2013
September New Moon Message
The Path of Ascension is the Path to Freedom
Celestial Focus
A Month of Realignment has Begun
Monthly Astro Forecast
Endings & Beginnings
The Codes for New Life Awakening on Earth
Evolving from the 'ME' Path to the 'US' Path
Coming Ashore with an Open Heart
Remember to love yourself where you are. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at any given moment. You are enough. There is nothing you need to fix you, fulfill you, complete you or heal you that is outside of you. You have it all within yourself to shift into the Divine Light Being that you are. You have an abundance of Source energy to call to you that will assist you as you move forward/upward on your journey of self-discovery. Utilize your abilities and gifts in connecting with this Source energy through prayer, meditation, everyday conversation. Call it forth and then sit back and be amazed!! These are truly miraculous times we are in. Miracles abound and magic is the norm.
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.