We are spiritual beings having a human experience. First and foremost, we are at our core love, loved & loving and the state of Grace is our natural way of being. This has all been forgotten in order to have this Earthly experience. We are being guided at this time to hold our vibration as high as we can in order to facilitate the shift that is occurring for the planet. Our priority, in fact, is to hold this vibration serving as a catalyst for the awakening shift in consciousness at this time for all life. For those of us who are already awake and holding the energy, it seems as though it has intensified.
The ego is being assessed at this time also. Wherever ego is attempting to control the consciousness, it is receiving a jolt of energy reminding it that it is not the one to be in control. It is an aspect of life, but not to be the controlling aspect. If there is anything being ruled or controlled by ego at any level, it is surfacing now for re-evaluation. We are infinite beings and the ego is a limiting aspect of our primitive reptilian being. This is where fear, anxiety, anger, guilt, low self-esteem & self-confidence, feelings of unworthiness and so on, come from. It is what causes us to take things personally rather than realizing when someone judges us or criticizes us, it is more about them than it is us. In taking our power back, it is necessary to transcend the ego mind, to broaden the perspective of the ego to allow the physical body to resonate at a higher vibrational frequency which will provide physical outcomes that are harmonious with the resonance being projected. There is no limit as to what the outcomes can be because ultimately we are infinite in an infinite Universe of infinite Source
I have felt more energized in the past 2 weeks than I have in months. So, if you are not there yet, just hold on. It's coming. The following is confirmation that there is so much more going on than we can imagine.
"Vibrational Upgrade Alert, 5.28 ~
This is going to be an interesting next few days... WE are still in an Electron Storm strongly as about 10x the normal electrons are bombarding us currently. Electrons are magnetics peeps.... Be very careful where you place your focus of your thought and emotions as electrons WILL EMPOWER THAT! Keep it on the LIGHT SIDE!
WE have a SUPER DOOPER Coronal Hole Stream turning into Earth in the next days... This of course is what seems to have the major earthquakes happening when it does this... pressures on the Earth's Ionosphere squeezing Spaceship Earth like a water balloon...
Those Coronal Hole Streams and the Photons we get during those events also increase the frequency and Light Quotient within our fields... I guess by now each of us who will read this are used to that sensation as our physical bodies are force fed the LIGHT ascending us.
But for the peeps who are in their heads, it only seems to aggravate...They seem to get worse, more moody or dark and negative... Be prepared as that along with the electron storm should make things pretty interesting!
For an easier ride, Stay FULLY FOCUSED IN YOUR HEART!... Feel the LOVE and energy letting it transfigure your body rather than thinking about what all this same energy exposes and collapses...
By now... Ya should know the drill!"
LOVE! Bill Ballard
My guidance continues to emphasize that this energy can best be assimilated through sound. Sound serves as an internal massage attuning and re-calibrating from the inside out. It is the ultimate FIX with energy and vibration serving to realign energy and vibration.
Here are just some of the benefits of Sound Healing:
- Affects all cells in your body.
- Balances both hemispheres of the brain.
- Changes our old patterns of behavior, habits and way of
thinking that no longer serve us and are harmful to our health.
- Cleanses negative energy and emotions.
- Connecting with your higher self.
- Deep relaxation.
- Helps to recover after illness, traumas and invasive medical treatments.
- Helps to cope with life's challenges.
- Improves sleep.
- Increases vital energy flow, creativity, intuition and motivation.
- Makes positive changes to our whole being.
- Removes blockages and toxins.
- Self-regeneration.
- Soothes, purify and harmonize your emotions and feelings.
- Stimulates circulation.
- Stimulates endocrine glands and regulates hormonal functioning.
- Strengthens immune system.
- Stress reduction.
Sound from singing bowls and gongs vibrates in a line with meridians in the body and helps balance & realign them. It activates Kundalini energy, which sleeps dormant at your root chakra, and it then ascends up the central energy channel along your spine. This is usually felt as slight tingling in the muscles or slight discomfort, if there are any blockages along the energy line.
Feeling a bit odd? (well, more than usual that is!?) Between coming off a major ecllipse and a major vibrational upgrade via an electron storm and Coronal Hole Stream impacting earth over the next few days, we're in for it.
NOTE: I am certainly no scientist (with no air in my chart.) I have received this data by my informed scientific friends and what my spine is telling me. I know a vibrational upgrade when I sense one.
Just like the song says, it's the "Time of the Season" for loving. That means that the opposite polarity (fear and all its furry friends,) are riding closely nearby. So what does this all mean? It means that many a game of psychic/emotional "Hot Potato" are being initiated now and have been over the past weekend. As in plenty of projection, shadow dances and ego parades. It's another astral/spiritual clear-out, and sometimes they are not pretty. Stay alert for psychic potholes, including the ones of our own making.
It is recommended to stay focused in the heart and strive for that Aquarian (our current moon) broadminded, brotherly/sisterly view. We're making it up as we go along friends, so let's make it good!
Remember to hold compassion for everyone and everything at this time, especially yourself. Be patient with what is unfolding keeping that faith that there is a new you evolving. This means everything around you is also being transformed. Do not place too much emphasis on anything that does not ring true in your heart, no matter where it comes from. It is also important to remember that you are not alone, no matter what you may be feeling in any given moment. While I know this is not news, it warrants re-emphasizing.
I am holding the energy here for any and all that are going through tough transitions and transformations now. I hold the vibration and light for those seeking that Light now, known and unknown. I am here and by holding that vibration I send out a ripple that is intended to bring peace and comfort so you will be inspired to keep going. Miracles are occurring all around us all the time, and it's just a matter of remembering that. In fact, YOU are one of those miracles, in my life and so many lives around you. Be that Light that shines so brightly that our Cosmic family is just beaming with excitement at what we will deliver from this great evolutionary leap. We are infinite Light Energy.
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.