The saddest part is not having that person/companion to commune with in the physical, to hug and to go to when you feel only that person can help in a way that no one else can. You see, we have certain people in our lives that we call upon to fill certain needs. For the most part, those people play a role that only they can play. No one else can take their place.
We are being reminded that just as this person is still with us in spirit, so too is their essence with us and can still assist us when we are missing their presence in our lives. My mother-in-law made a statement this past week that was so profound that I resonated so strongly with. She said, "When we lose someone important to us, we still have a responsibility and obligation to our loved ones to be strong and carry on as life goes on." It does not stop nor does it even slow down.She is one of the strongest women I know. She lost her husband 35 years ago and continues to be a caregiver for everyone in the family even after her experience with lung cancer last year.
We are allowed and expected to experience our grief. That is a part of the process of being human when we lose someone we love. It is part of this earthly experience. However, in honor of the person we lost, we must continue on in strength and courage honoring them with positive memories. Those memories are the essence of that person and the part they played in our life that joins us at the heart.
There are many who play a part in shaping our journey. Many who touch our lives at many different levels. From childhood throughout our life, many share our journey and contribute to our life story. We are blessed by their presence for however long they journey with us. Let us in these times of awareness openly express our love and dedication to those we journey with. There is no time like NOW to tell those you love how much you love them, as it is all that we are guaranteed.
Last week was such an intense week energy-wise. The cosmos continues to facilitate this Alchemical Transformation that has us up and down and inside out. Sharing from Irma K. Sawyer and Brightstar Astrology about this week:
Message for week of April 29-May 5, 2013
Hello friends. Whew! Well that was some week that just passed. With a Mama of a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and over 36+ solar flares in three days, you may have really been feeling the heat. In the week ahead, thankfully, things show down a bit, at least in the astro-cosmic realm. It's also rather a 'mixed bag." I will explain.
Wednesday, 5/1 is a big day with Mercury moving into Taurus, and Sun (in Taurus) Trine Pluto (in Capricorn). With Mercury in Taurus our thought processes settle down a bit and may bring our focus to what's in our bank account and also what's for dinner! Sun Trine Pluto is a POWER aspect: as in really moving mountains. Whether you want to take your exercise plan up a notch or remodel your entire life plan, you will be supported by the Universe in that. Mars is also opposing Saturn that day which tends to give plans the feeling of putting on the breaks. Luckily it's only temporary. It is also Beltane/May Day, one of my favorite holidays of the year. I highly recommend you let your inner wild woman/man catch a break and dance around the May Pole with a tankard of your favorite beverage. :)
We've got a whole bunch of aspects next weekend (5/4 & 5), so I won't bore the non-technical types with all of the details, but let's just say there will be a lot going on both physically and mentally, along with a potential tendency to get into some deep conversations that may or may not be cheerful, but potentially very productive. The recommended mantra for the coming week is definitely: "Don't believe everything you think."
Also something important to share again is this article from Deltawaves and the information about the wormhole that we just entered with the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon of April 25th:
Eclipse Timetable:
April 8-April 24 - Lead-up - we are cleaning, collating and sorting all matters inour life
April 25/26 - Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon
April 26-May - In Between Eclipses - All matters are intensified, let go & release
May 9/10 - Annular Solar Eclipse New Moon
May 11-23 - In Between Eclipses - All matters are intensified, let go & release
May 24/25- SUPER Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Ecipse
This series of eclipses last occurred in APRIL 1995. Do you remember back to this year if you were here and what was occuring around you and in your life?
What was coming up for you? What were your challenges and also strengths faced? For we now have similar energies at play and similar opportunities to use. In many ways you are healing 1995 and all if it's events in your life. This is your chance to handle your life differently.
Heads Up - Especially Powerful for New Beginnings - Super Special?
The May24/25 Super Full Moon Penumbral Solar Eclipse is the Birth of a new series of eclipses that will end it's life cycle in 3275!! This cycle called SAROS 150, is the first of 71 eclipses in the same family that will peak on July 4,2680 (wonder if we'll be back for it :-)
Learn about the birth of this new eclipse family below:
We kick off the energy of the next 1,262 years
And we will be here in 2013 to start this family rolling and to send the energy over the next 1262 years!! Very significant energy for us to be creating.
So know this first lunar eclipse is aligned with NEWNESS and sparkling potential for you to use to your best advantage.
Keep this in mind as May unfolds and I will keep the awareness of this cosmic event high on our radars.
The astrologers say that we are in the midst of some radical astrological energies that are intended to serve as catalyst for the alchemical changes that we are experiencing. With the 36+ solar flares we experienced last week, many began feeling extreme pain and discomfort. For some, it began with the onset of the solar flares and ended just as suddenly. For others, it has continued on as if driving out really old energy.
I feel we are in the 'in between worlds' now. Linear time is not accurate for most of us, thus our inability to keep up with the days, as we experience a rift in dimensions. We continue our movement forward/upward and yet at this time have a feeling of despair because nothing feels balanced or in place. As Lauren C. Gorgo states in her recent article, 'There is nothing we can do at this time but just BE.' We will begin noticing our creations as we continue to move through the 'wormhole'. The magic that is US is about to be revealed. Don't lose sight of the Infinite Divine Essence that is YOU!
Links of Interest
Cosmic Weather for May 2013
Post Lunar Eclipse
Transformational Eclipse Cycle Leading to New Template for Life
Astro Insight
Where Magic Lives
Nibiruan Perspective on Boston Events
Choosing Your Dimension Post 2012
Weekly Weather Report
How Saying Yes Might Just Change Your Life
Your Basic Assignment on Earth
Your Future Starts Now
The Re-calibration of Awareness
Brief Message from the Star Elders
Certainty without the Candy Coating
Transposition: Karmic to Christ Body
Transformation & transition are all around us now. The energies that we are experiencing are catalyst for these epoch changes in our evolutionary cycle. Remember, it is neither good nor bad. It is what is it and it is always in Divine Order & Timing. Truth is the key and unique to each of us as we reclaim our power through our truth. As above, so below, as within, so without. Be sure to unplug to re-set/re-boot on a daily basis. It's absolutely necessary to nurture yourself each day. It's important to keep a positive attitude and resist being drawn into drama at all costs. Expect the unexpected. Allow yourself to receive the miracles that are being delivered up.
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.