Many may experience 'spiritual flu' with nausea, diarrhea, low grade fever, respiratory distress, headaches, general aches & pains, obvious signs of detoxing, lack of focus & clarity, and the list goes on. The best way through this 'spiritual flu' is as any other 'flu', by nurturing yourself and making sure you get enough rest. Salt baths are excellent for relieving most of these symptoms on a daily basis.
The energies of last week's 12:12 Star Gate and 12:13 Divine Feminine encoding along with the Full Moon and Solstice energies this week are kicking butt. The more resistance there is, the more we will feel this way. Push-Pull, it's definitely going to feel like a tug of war going on within.
I had such a wonder-filled weekend starting with the visit of Abigail Noel on Friday and Saturday, and then the Full Moon Meditation Saturday night culminating with the Holiday Market & Fair on Sunday. It was such an awesome weekend for connecting and making new friends as well as seeing some older friends. It was great to connect with Abigail who filled the air with laughter and her unique way of teaching truth. I received validation on my connection to my guide, Jesus (Yeshua). Not that I was requiring validation, but some of the information that came through in our talks and in her shared information was exactly what he has shared with me. It was just his way of letting me know how strong my connection with him is and that it is growing even stronger. It was so very cool to connect with someone else who has him for a guide and to know that he shares the same wisdom with us both.
I was told today that I had the heart of a servant, one who wants to take care of everyone and feels the need to 'do it all to insure that it gets done.' I had to think on this a bit as I know that I am committed and dedicated to serving others; however, I felt like I had let go of that need to 'get it all done'. Many times, and even more so in these energies, there is just no way to get everything done. We are encouraged to do our best each and every day and know that some days, it's just not possible to do it all. And we will even find that sometimes, the only one it matters to is us and in the end it may turn out to be totally irrelevant. We are truly an interesting species. Many times, our priorities are a bit confused and it takes someone (friend or stranger) to point it out to us. This friend actually reminded me of the Serenity Prayer that she had posted on the wall of her business to help her customers and one day she realized it was there for her as well.
The Serenity Prayer is one of my favorite prayers. I have also found that it is the prayer of the Leo. I adopted the prayer when I was 14 after seeing a movie entitled "Billy Jack". I was so impressed with the movie and the lead character who was a half breed Native American and the story. Today Tom Laughlin who played Billy Jack in the movie passed away. When I think about it having such a strong impression on me at the age of 14, I am reminded that I am here to make a difference. I have always known this and yet this weekend and even into this week, Spirit is showing me that my path has always been that of service and facilitating change. Such synchronicities the Universe puts before us.
I feel blessed beyond comprehension at the signs and gifts that Spirit consistently lays before me and I know that as was emphasized in a session yesterday, "It's about to get REAL!!"
December 17, 2013 FULL MOON in Gemini ~~~ The primary lesson of Gemini is to reach out and share. You can share your truth,your questions, or your brilliant ideas. Gemini is a sign of reaching out to other people - and if you have anything to say to important people in your life - this is the time to do it.
What the full moon signals in the language of astrology is that it's a time of maximum awareness - a time when you can step aside from your emotions (represented by the Moon) and evaluate the results of actions you have taken in the physical world ( as shown by the Sun).
You probably know that the Sun changes signs approximately every 30 days - for example, the Sun has been in Sagittarius since November 21st. This Saturday, December 21st - on the day of Winter Solstice, the Sun moves into Capricorn, staying there until January 19th. By the way, New Year's Day is a stellar astrological 'event'. It's a New Moon that coincides not only with the beginning of the year, but also a day when the Sun and Pluto join together - calling us all to embark upon the journey of a lifetime.
THE WEEK AHEAD DEC 16 - 22 : Hello and welcome as we head into a new week! With only 2 1/2 weeks of 2013 left, we are in honouring mode of what we have experienced this year and what we have learned and grown from. Can you feel this? Do you feel released and grateful as you give thanks for your journey? It's important we focus each day to enjoy every last moment of 2013. It's a full week coming up energetically. So let's look at it...
~ Full Moon hits early in the week. We are already vibing from this. Sleep patterns may be interrupted as this is a particularly 'mentally quick Moon' this month.
~ Uranus ends it's long 5 month retrograde. Expect a rapid increase in synchronicity and surprises in your life. You'll love this flip over and are probably already seeing it happen.
~ An 11 Master Day on Friday Dec 20. Opportunities are here, doors opening!
~ Summer Solstice for the southern hemisphere (day of most light) and Winter Solstice for the northern (day of most dark). It's a celebration and honouring occasion, just as the ancients did.
~ Venus moves retrograde. A 5 week period where we will overhaul self-image and finances and strive to be the authentic being from the inside out.
A BIG week. I'll be here every day with posts directing and moving you along. Love to you and as always...enjoy and make the most of all your opportunities xxx
Full Moon Gift: I awoke with some notes from last night's pow wow with the Keepers still fresh in my head. I was told that regarding Chemtrails and other environmental dangers, it is good to focus intention on the cessation of these activities, and also to work on clearing any physical/energetic effects. We are to continue to raise our vibration high enough to where lower frequencies do not cause harm, so it is a twofold process. I also got an email from Tom Kenyon and the Hathors in my email today (thank you Jen Reich!) which is about the same thing, including using the Violet Flame as energetic medicine which I have been doing for some time. Synch.
Irma Kaye Sawyer 12-17-13
Beloveds, we understand in the last Full Moon of 2013 there is a sense of culmination of all that has passed before, and also feelings of sadness or even an emptiness. This is not uncommon at the end of a cycle to have a "pregnant pause" so to speak, before new frequencies and experiences fully come in. Take heart dear ones, and congratulate yourselves. You have been present and holding space for others and yourselves during a distinctly challenging time in your world, and this is not without rewards. We see the gifts at this time being of a more inward nature: the gifts of peace and the light of awareness. Open to them. Shanti. - The Keepers, 12.17.13
Light Effects ~~~
We’re in the middle of an influx of light. We’re walking in the time between the ages of the Piscean to Aquarian Age, which offers light to the planet. In the last turning of the ages, Buddha and Christ walked on the planet. Regular infusions of light come from solar flares and cometsRegular infusions of light come from solar flares and comets, bringing a higher light level. This increased level of light is associated with gestalt realizations in science and art as well as philosophical changes associated with spirituality.
Light is also energy. When we cultivate light through meditation or inner reflection, we bring in light as energy. Light amplifies everything in life, including the good and the bad. It’s impossible to experience awakening without an increase of light and the amplification of energy. This is part of enlightened consciousness—growth through realization. Part of the growth comes from the motion of the mind and feelings between higher and lower reality; it’s called oscillation. When we can “hold” a higher state, the lower thoughts evaporate, and reality changes.
As we become more conscious, much of life changes. Negative thoughts or feelings happen more quickly because the light is drawing our attention to our habitual pattern of creating what we don’t want. Sometimes, this is known as “sleeping” and points to the less awakened areas of our consciousness. It can appear more energy is required to make positive manifestations, but this state is only temporary. It passes in time as we move through tests. Sometimes, the test involves devotion, insight into habits, awakening of the subconscious, or placement of the mind, but it usually bestows gifts and insights.
Several energetic areas are emphasized during evolution:
1) Happiness requires energy and effort. Happiness comes by deciding to think about good memories and pleasant thoughts. It consists of a thousand small gestures and actions. It means smiling instead of frowning and seeing the good in place of negativity. It also involves dreaming up your life constantly so it takes a nice route. And it’s really about higher vibrations. Happiness is more than pleasantness; it implies peace, joy, and inner quiet–the result of alignment with the inner self.
2) Everyone is tested in a specific area of life. It may be prosperity, relationships, or health. The challenge lies in remembering to delete negative thoughts and feelings, take positive action, and project an image of the opposite state. For money, it’s helpful to see more prosperity flowing in. In relationships, it’s helpful to have strong boundaries, learn what we really want, express it, and see the good in the other person. With health, it’s good to imagine the state of fitness possible and feeling it. The reason for the visualization and effort relate to karma. Karma implies misplaced energy, and visualization through connection with light replaces the energy with a higher vibration.
3) Emotions are challenging as we move into more of the new energy. Awakening means finding the parts of the self that are sleeping, subconscious patterns, and internal dialog (what we say to ourselves.) Heightened emotions come as part of the big shift of changing from a lower to a higher vibration, and there are also hundreds, if not thousands, of people experiencing awakening at one time. Be patient and honest. Admit it–we’ve felt the same negative emotions for most of our lives. People and situations act as catalysts for the motion of intertwined feelings and thoughts. We can’t clear the emotion unless we admit to feeling it and take responsibility for it.
4) ) It’s necessary to live in duality to experience a physical body and spirituality simultaneously, but there are many levels of polarity. Certainly, a Golden Age would be preferable. In other words, we can refine our experience somewhat by seeing our lives and the world in a more pleasant frequency or a higher duality. It’s fun to think of instantaneous positive manifestations in the near future as well as a better world altogether.
5) Boundaries comprise a good bit of spiritual work. How much energy do we take from others? How much do we give? When does a phone conversation start to go downhill? Do our friends listen or vent? Do they improve? Duality brings shadows and light to play in every individual. The question is: are they growing toward their light? It’s also important to note when we’re tired or energized and keep a good balance. When the light level changes often, it’s important to rest. Notice who and what take or give energy in your life. When we think about life as energy, it’s easier to make good choices. (We can’t help anyone when we’re overly tired.) What’s necessary to be true to you in relationships?
6) Mass consciousness exerts a heavy weight. As our light grows, we carry more of mass consciousness. This means the weight of other people’s thoughts and emotions weigh on us. It’s helpful to ask for separation from mass consciousness. I also think it goes a little deeper as we’re breaking free of our culture’s more negative myths and stories. It’s part of reaching a higher level of duality.
One of the challenges of the group experience is learning to send love to problems instead of worry, fear, or frustration. Positive change in the world is created through high vibrations like love and light. Send light to the part of the self that experiences fear and love to any problems in the world.
7) Seeing the good. Is it so hard? Yes, sometimes it is! It’s constant and consistent work. It means reprogramming ourselves through visualization, meditation, and continual vigilance, but the alternative is worse. We don’t want to experience more of old patterns or negativity. Perhaps, we should think of ourselves as pioneers—people who came here to radiate light when the world was so, so dark. And we’re the ones who can see the beauty and love when almost no one else could. (Did anyone tell you that you’re a hero? Maybe not yet, but the time will come.)
~ Julia Griffin
The Return of the Divine Feminine~~~
If you respect your problems, issues and wounds they will respect you as they reveal a deeper soul journey. If you deny them, judge them or let them drain you, then resentment breeds and the gift that they present is ignored.
Adversity is a blessing compared to getting away with being a zombie. If life has thrown nothing but adversity, opposition, curve balls, break downs, change and instability or if that has been the main theme - be grateful that it has shaken up your World, because the end result is usually a great Awakening, empowerment and a whole new perspective on life. It pulls one into the self and into the inner treasures that do not need any of the outer attachments.
If it turns one bitter and apathetic, it suppresses the power of the human Spirit and it's ability to overcome and move forward into a grander adventure.
Life gives us exactly what we need. Our connection to Spirit starts to knock out everything that isn't true to who we are when we are devoted to this process of transformation, so that we can be the Sculpture (our true self) instead of a blob of Clay being molded by society and expectations projected on us.
Some of us made sure that we would not be able to get away with anything less than living the Truth of who we are. This can be the most challenging path and the most liberating.
Some of us have a Creative fire that burns so strongly, that nothing can get in the way of it manifesting our Dream and the Dream of Gaia, which is all about our Spiritual Freedom and Unity. Our conscious mind can tend to lose touch with the larger picture and fall into guilt, regret, confusion or grief over the disruptions that brought us to where we are today - but if we look again, we may just see how perfect it all was, as we release ourselves from being immersed in the deceptions or blindly following the quest for an American Dream, that disguises the impending nightmare.
We are the Dream - it is the essence of our joy, Spirit and creative imagination - its time to play in it and be fully engaged in the NOW and proud of all we have accomplished, instead of being constantly reminded of the so-called failures, which are actually leading us to a deeper success and victory.
Just Channeling~~
All That exists as combinations of energetic frequency. Our individual perceptions may experience these at different points in our own evolution. Wisdom comes from using the knowledge of experience with purposeful intent. There are experiences you may have that others do not and others will have experiences you will not. This makes you a unique creator being and an observer of infinite choices of reality. Use the knowledge gained from experience to understand your Self - then you will be ready to use the Wisdom learned to benefit others and your Self too.
With Love and Blessings, Polaris AB
Just Channeling~~
Simply connecting with, aligning or understanding the truth of the Creator allows your soul to be awake and vibrant within your being improving the health and vitality of your entire being. The practice of allowing the divine will of your soul and the Creator to flow through your being, emanating the energy outwards with the intention of dissolving all illusions will encourage the Creator to be in action and flow into your entire being and reality with your greater awareness. It is a powerful tool to practice over a period of time purifying and energizing your being and reality. ~ Natalie Glasson
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer~~You Are Worthy.
Have you ever tried to pay someone a compliment and seen them embarrassed, confused, or even somewhat irked at your offering of kindness, love, and admiration? Or maybe, you have been on the receiving end and found yourself uncomfortable and unable to respond with gratitude and grace. This everyday example of the difficulties that can arise when we are offered a gift reveals one of the important principles of learning how to receive the abundance that the Universe holds for us. In order to manifest, to take part in the process of co-creating your life and attracting to yourself the objects of your heart’s desires, you must know that you are worthy of receiving. Manifesting involves using the power of your inner world to craft a fuller relationship with life. You can remind yourself all day long that the same power that brought anything into the physical world also brought you, but if you do not feel worthy, you will disrupt the natural flow of energy into your life and create a blockage that makes manifestation impossible. Remember that you are worthy of abundance. Feeling worthy of any blessings or desires is a feature of your inner life. Here are the major perceptions of those who know they are worthy and deserving of all of God’s blessings:
My self-esteem comes from myself. (As a child of God, my worthiness is a given.)
I accept myself without complaint and without conditions.
I take full responsibility for my life and what it is and is not. (I blame no one.)
I do not choose to accept guilt into my life. (I live in the present moment.)
I understand the importance of having harmony between my thoughts, my feelings, and my behavior. (This harmony translates into peace and contentment.)
There is nothing your highest self wants more than peace. This peace makes you feel worthy of all of the richest blessings of the Universe, and when you radiate this out into the world, it is returned to you without fail.
"In relationship to previous Chaotic Nodes, this one is highly volatile.
From our perspective, the primary reason for this is related to changes in your Sun’s magnetic field. Indeed the escalation of this Chaotic Node is tied directly to the magnetic field shift that your Sun is entering.
There are anomalies present in this phase of your Sun’s magnetic field-shift, and your scientists are puzzled about the reasons for this odd behavior. As the Sun enters a more dynamic phase of magnetic reversal, including the period directly after the Sun’s magnetic poles shift, we anticipate further escalations of your current Chaotic Node. Any technological device or biological system that uses electromagnetic fields is subject to aberrations during this phase of the Sun’s magnetic pole reversal.
Do not be surprised if your computers and telecommunications devices present erratic behavior. As biological organisms, you are being continually stressed by this particular Chaotic Node, and depending upon your level of sensitivity you might be experiencing sleep disturbances, emotional volatility, cognitive dissonance, memory glitches and an inability to sequence mentally—in the ways you are used to.
While we mentioned these aberrations in our previous message, we think you will see an increase of these phenomena as your Sun enters a more dynamic shift in its magnetic fields—including the period after the actual magnetic pole reversal occurs." The Hathors through Channel Tom Kenyon......
Cognitive & Emotional Challenges During Chaotic Nodes
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Astro Insight for Week 12/16-22
Weekly Weather from The Cosmic Path
December Full Moon Energies
The Month of December 2013
Boost Receiving with Full Moon Process
Don't Compare
Being Conscious, Conscious Being
Yearly Forecast for 2014, Part 2
Merging Love Withing Your Life
Galactic Ascension Symptoms Alert 333
How to Ascend Raising Your Vibration
The 12:12 Portal & Solstice of 2013
12-12-12, One Year Later, What Happened?
Wise Use of December Energies
12:12 Portal, Activating Your Merkaba
The Gift from the Comet ISON
Medicines of Light
"Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. " Abraham via Esther Hicks
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. "- HH Dalai Lama