I have always had a connection to Max, for over 10 years now, and just never had the opportunity to meet him or his guardian in person. I was provided this opportunity by a dear friend and so appreciate the way it unfolded. It was an adventure and a synchronistic event. It was such a timely blessing and so very much was gifted from the experience. The Universe is always planning surprises for us when we least expect it. It is always confirmation of our strength, our gifts, the support that surrounds us and our connection to Source.
I have had so much information transference in the last 2 weeks that I can hardly contain myself in the midst of it all. That urgency I felt several weeks ago, you know the emotional stuff that came in like a tsunami, these last few weekends with the ancients skulls were the reason for the feeling of urgency and unimaginable shifting.
I received a channeled message from Max that is coming together even as I write this and it validates for me the magnitude of shift that is taking place. If you remember, I received information from Sherry & Synergy quite unexpectedly while they were here. To see how all this ties together is what is so magical about it. The information that was channeled from Max was absolute confirmation of the information from Synergy. Two ancient crystal skulls, a week a part, and hundreds of miles apart......provided integrated information that assisted in the shift that is taking place for me on my journey, in my work and most definitely in my personal life. As we say, 'You just can't make this s#*t up!' Clarity will follow the integration process; however, for now, they say just breathe and BE.
The more we get out of the way and allow things to unfold, the more we will find God/Goddess/Source at work in our lives.
"Our most important job now is to stay completely focused on ourselves as Source; as Soul & as Divine Love.
We are to step completely away from any duality and any conditioned aspect of ourselves created by our culture, our upbringing, out schooling, our past lives or anything that has tried to convince us that we're not enough. There is no separation between us and any other. There is no good/bad, weak/strong, right/wrong, etc. any more.
We are balancing our Divine Male & Divine Feminine. There is no Tension between the two; no space between creating and manifesting. This is Wholeness; this is Oneness. As we love ourselves, follow our own Guidance and stay centered and grounded in personal Responsibility, all we create is Love. And this then goes out in waves touching all. So we stay focused on being this! Remember, we're still rising and shifting, so don't be hard on yourself when and if you falter. Everything is designed to take you higher, even when we falter in our quest." from Synchroncities of the Universe
"All of those doubts you have, can be worked through as soon as you start taking ACTION. I always say to my clients that "action" is the most spiritual path you can take. Acting on what we know, our intuition and what is good for us is so important to feel fulfilled and in high self-esteem.
As Mercury is pushing us to clean up our lives ahead of the retrograde and coming eclipses, my best advice is to focus on each hour as it comes and do as much sorting and answering old emails and phone calls etc. as possible each day now.
You will thank yourself in a couple of weeks time when you sail through November in your power!
Trust me on this one xxx"
"We’ve reached the middle of a very concentrated, deeply process-oriented week, and fortunately the aspects are fairly peaceful today. That should be a welcome relief, but don’t let the silence fool you. We are in the midst of a major Mercurial stirring of the proverbial cauldron, and we are being informed in ways we probably never expected. That is, we are learning startling facts about things that have been shrouded in secrecy for a long, long time. Be open to these facts, don’t let them shock you or shake you, and in this way you can keep stirring your alchemical pot with great diligence and efficiency. Because in the final analysis, the one piece of information we do NOT have is the outcome of all of this. Not knowing may be a hardship, it may be tough for us not to know what we most want to know, but the Truth is the outcome is exactly what all this is for, and it is the one thing that is not determined yet. To know it now would be to seriously limit it. Let it BE. Let it BECOME all it can." www.thecosmicpath.com 10-09-13
SOLAR FLARE - Who's felt all fired up the past few hours? I just heard that we have been hit by a CME (flare) from the Sun. There is a minor storm in progress that could get stronger. So drink lots of water (remember we are electrical beings) and stand on earth/dirt/grass to ground/earth yourself. This will help with any headaches or fuzzy over-loaded thinking. And this is a GREAT time for meditation and our ears buzzing with high frequency messaging, as we are so turned on!http://www.spaceweather.com/
PREPARING FOR THE ECLIPSES: In just under two weeks the final eclipse season for 2013 begins with a Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon Oct 18/19. As I have been saying since Sept 14/15 we are in full clean up and clear out mode. The window of two weeks before and after the eclipse season sees us cleaning up the closets of our life on all levels!
Add to this eclipse season a Mercury Retrograde as well and you get SUPER shake ups in your life and on a global scale! And particularly over the next 24 hours we are preparing now as Mercury is nudging us quite strongly to get responsible and pull ourselves out of doubt and into certainty by DOING what is good for you.
I see so many people each week who are scared to be their true selves. They are worried they won't make any money, worried what people will think of them, worried if they are making the right decision and the common denominator in all of this is putting too much focus on tomorrow rather than now!
Goals are fantastic and I always recommend you have a long range focus, but how you get there, and what it will look like when you do is part of your daily CONSISTENT path.
One great piece of wisdom I give you as the week begins is to just focus on doing your best today. See if you can do this and see how good you feel for it. Feel free to post how you went here in the comments. Love to you xxx
So much going on still. So much still to come. This coming Sunday, October 13th, I have been invited to do readings at a fundraiser for a rescue shelter in Jackson, TN. I feel so honored to be a part of this event and even more so from my heart feel it is such a wonderful opportunity to support the animals. It is amazing to see how my work has come full circle from 'working with the animals' to being an advocate & voice for them through my spiritual work. For more on the event that I will be participating in please visit Bone Appetit Farm to Fork Dinner to Benefit Downtown Dogs Rescue Group
On October 18th & 19th, I will be participating in the NAMASTE DAY BODY-MIND-SPIRIT FESTIVAL selling my unique crystals & jewelry & doing readings and mini sound sessions. I haven't done a fair in almost two years now and am so looking forward to it and seeing everyone who joins us.
It's hard to believe we are already in October. It's amazing to know the level of transformation we have undergone. We have much to look forward to in the next few months. The curtain is being raised and it is easy at this point to know who is behind it. THE GREAT AND MIGHTY OZ! (No, not Dr.Oz-LOL) Actually, it is the aspect of ourselves that is Divine. That uniquely individual that we are in all of our glitter & glory. Have some fun during the rest of this month. Dress the part. Be YOU and be honored to step out in full Light as the Light that you are. I am right there with you. I look forward to seeing you soon and often as we move through this Life Dance together. Live, laugh, love, dance, sing, & soar......your heart will carry you.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
The Fifth Initiation: monad merger
Ascension Notes
The Energies of October 2013
Diversity Up Close
Things to Remember When the Shift Hits the Fan
Things are Lightening Up
Life Connections
Move Forward with a Badge of Courage
Two Types of Darkness
Stress Begone
The River of All Creation
Dreaming Mind
Frustration is simply doing it's best to tell you that you are LOved and perfect in All your imperfection. That you did not leave Heaven to be perfect,...in fact that is illogical...you were already perfect and believe it or not,...you became bored with perfect. You were eager for a challenge.
You boarded the shuttle leaving Heaven that was destined for earth. You chose your name and wrote your movie,...before you left you signed your contract. You hugged and kissed All goodbye and you set out on yet another journey to rediscover, remember and to evolve back to Love...sweet conscious Love.
You may not remember, but you knew before you left that 'the stage' was designed to incite you to experience all kinds of emotions, both 'good' and 'bad'...so that each may be mastered on your road 'Home."
Your Heart does not fear fear and does not fear hurt. Your Heart knows it is going to experience hurt and your Heart chooses the journey still. You are your Heart, so your Heart was not only present when you signed your contract,...but it is your Heart that wrote your 'script.'
And you may not remember, but you knew and in many cases you asked your fellow 'actors', aka soul family not only to intertwine their stories and scenes into yours, but often you asked those closest to you in heaven,...to hurt and piss you off the most here on earth.
Why?...because those that Love us the most have the ability to hurt and irritate in the same measure...And remember, we came to experience and master emotions. You must feel emotions to experience them and you must feel emotions to master them. There is no book you can read or quiz you can take.
So each time you are frustrated with someone outside yourself, it is your Heart that is asking you to accept and Love some fraction of yourself that you are denying. And each time that you are frustrated with a situation, that is your Heart asking you to remember to trust what only your Heart knows...The Universe has your back and Heaven Loves you Infinitely in All your imperfection." All Love.... Abigail Noel