First, I hope you will join me at the NAMASTE BODY-MIND-SPIRIT FESTIVAL Friday & Saturday, October 18th 5-9 pm and October 19th 8 am - 4 pm. This is the first fair I have done in a while and it's going to be awesome. For more on this event, visit NAMASTE DAY FESTIVAL PROGRAM
Second, be sure to join us for our LUNAR ECLIPSE FULL MOON MEDITATION on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20TH @ 4 pm. We are holding the meditation Sunday due to the festival on Friday & Saturday. This is going to be a really potent meditation!
Third, beginning Sunday, November 3rd, I will be offering special sound sessions in the pyramid at our office. These Resonant Sound Sessions will be $75 for a half hour and you must schedule in advance. The times to schedule a session are from 1 to 5 pm. These sessions are offered on SUNDAY ONLY. These sessions are highly recommended for re-calibrating and realigning your system and cleaning up your energy field given the intensity of the energies we are experiencing now. Package offer does not apply to these special sessions.
Now, on to the rest of the update. We are experiencing some real bouncing around of energies now. It is again difficult to focus and maintain clarity. The solar activity along with the Eclipse Full Moon energy approaching this weekend mixed with Mercury Retrograde and these wonder-filled alignments that continue to influence our physical bodies as well as mentally & emotionally make it challenging to just get out of bed. The energy over the last few days has been really heavy. In fact, I made the remark to a friend that it felt like I had concrete shoes on. My body has felt heavy, really dense, and achy. I am reminded to not move too fast as I could easily throw something out of whack. I am a fast mover. If you have ever seen me walk, you would think I was walking a marathon or something in a hurry. I have to pace myself as I began walking so fast to keep up with my husband who is a foot taller than me with long legs some 38 years ago!!! Now my guidance reminds me to ssllooww down and pace myself. If I get to moving too fast now, I find myself running into things or smacking my knees, shins, elbows--you get the picture.
We are all being guided to slow down now and pace ourselves. This dense energy that is moving through is attaching to some really old energetic stuff and is becoming heavier as it moves through. We may even feel the waves of energy as they manipulate our energy fields now. Today, at some point, I did something that made my lower back just ache. Don't know what I did, but nothing seemed to help it. Didn't matter whether I was standing, sitting or laying down, it really just hurt to breathe. About an hour ago, it stopped just as suddenly as it started (Thank Goodness!!!) It was one of those, "I don't have time for this!" today, tomorrow or this week!!
Things are not slowing down. They are not even braking for us to get our second wind. We must set our intention and focus on truly nurturing ourselves as well as pacing ourselves. It is so important to be mindful of this right now as it is too easy to fall out of resonance at a body-mind-spirit level. Falling out of resonance creates all kinds of maladies within your energy field thus affecting you physically, mentally & emotionally. When this happens you are unable to focus, have no clarity and/or energy.
Ascension: Soulstice Rising 10-14-13
Because each of us is becoming stronger in our Authentic Sovereign Selves, we are also becoming more intuitive. So, we may receive information about others, whether we know them or not; whether they're on Facebook or simply walking by you.
If there is an emotional charge or an expansion within you, then that person is mirroring something within you; whether that is judgment or respect or admiration; it is a mirror into you. This is part of the Oneness space we are now firmly in. For instance, if you are in judgment of another based on your intuitional hit of them, the judgment within you wants release. If you are in awe of another, the mirror is showing you that you also possess that person's gift within you.
As we move closer to this next POWERFUL Eclipse/Full Moon, this is a wonderful way to become more aware of what you are integrating and what you are releasing. Always honor, trust and follow your Intuition and it surely will guide you in the most wondrous ways. Your Intuition is your Soul communicating with you. ~Kara —
Ascension: Soulstice Rising 10-15-13
As we move closer to the powerful eclipse and Full Moon this Friday, we have been activated also by solar activity. So there may be several things going on with you, based on where you are on your Ascension Path. Remember, what I share is general in nature.
You may feel quite uncomfortable; not knowing where to be, what to do or even who you are. This is perfectly aligned, so breathe through it and let go of your need to know; just observe it and trust that all is in Divine Order. Meditation and merging with Soul definitely helps, as does getting into Nature.
Along with the uncomfortableness, you might be having extraordinary experiences that definitely show you that you are not in the old; that you have expanded into the New and you are seeing beyond the Veil. For instance, yesterday I was looking at my tree. I saw flashes of gold throughout it. Rather than the need to know what it means or what it is; just enjoy it.
You might want to plan something, but have no idea what that might be. Planning takes projecting into the future, which is not aligned with the Present Moment, where we are to be; attending to what is. So let go of your plans unless you have absolute knowing that that is what you're guided to do. It may definitely shift.
Let it be OK to be uncomfortable and not really knowing anything. Allow things to unfold and continue to release the old. Know that you are not alone and are guided and supported along your Path. This is the New; quite different from the old predictable way of living, eh? ~Kara
10-15-13 The Countdown: 3 Days till FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE: The global energies are building as Earth is slowly moving between the Sun and the Moon ready for the Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse this Friday/Saturday (depending where you live). For us this means radical changes are being made in our lives right now. What was previously difficult for you can now become seamless and easier.
What was blocked will become open. The energy is about release and renewal on all levels. I urge you to jump on all of your opportunities over the next 2 - 3 weeks, because yes, we have a Total Solar Eclipse also coming up in mid-November to further boost us along.
The sooner you act on what is good for you the better as eclipses have a habit of forcing the hand of what no longer serves you, for you!
We are seeing planetary unrest all over the Earth this week. With a solar flare again impacting us today and sesimic activity over 6+ very active worldwide. Winds are also strong around the globe. WIND is the element of change. Be out in it, allow it to move you!
Please know this is a hugely positive period for you. You are being asked to run with your truth and you will find the doors wide open when you do so with trust in your heart. Now is a wonderful cosmic moment to go with what you desire. The vision is strong xxx
10-14-13 IMPORTANT NEXT 24HRS: Have you felt last week's high energy buzz catch up with you yet? You may have found over the past 24 hours you needed to slow down a little and take stock before you lose the plot! There is so much mental activity and quick thinking occurring that unless you slow down a little right now you may be creating dramas and uncertainty where there really isn't any.
My great advice (as always) is to close your eyes, place hands over heart and focus on following your breath to the silent place where your breath disappears into and reappears from. This silence is the soul. It is you. One to two minutes of this conscious head to heart connection will bring you great clarity and insight in the hours following.
Over the next 24 hours Mars is activating the way we communicate. You will have a great desire to get clear and forthright in all of your dealings. Do so, and clean up any loose ends before this weekends BIG ECLIPSE!! Come on now, you can do it...
OK, so people are asking why they are experiencing flashbacks to 1995 and perhaps 1994, particularly if what was happening for you in 1995 was a result of 1994's actions.
The family of eclipses coming up this Oct 18/19 (next week) last occurred in October 1995. Funny that, hey?
So absolutely, you an expect to be now be going over the same ground, energies and events from 1995. You have the same potentials available to you now as you did then. Question is, how differently will you handle them?
I received more confirmation/validation of what is coming in for me this week, quite unexpectedly. The information arrived following the adventures of the last few weeks with the ancients skulls, Synergy & Max. I was not surprised, but pleasantly amused at the synchronicity of the Universe and the manner in which is all came together. These are some really big times we are in and they will continue to shake us up. Just know that it is in these really intense times that we are uber aware and our sense of Being kicks in and it's like being in slow motion while everything else continues at warp speed. This is also dimensional crossover allowing us to integrate our multi-dimensional selves. Sometimes it's just cool to observe what is happening around us and to allow ourselves to experience the situation at every sensory level available to us. And there are many more than just our 5 senses, which, if they haven't already come on-line for you, will be doing so at a freakishly rapid pace. If you become overwhelmed with these sensations, remember the 'Quiet Touch' (more on this at EarthProject777 ) by placing your left hand over your heart and just allowing yourself to become centered breathing into your heart chakra. This will center and calm your entire being and will provide clarity in the moment. You will feel refreshed and uplifted as well.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Cosmic Path Weekly Weather
Energy Report for October 2013
The New Earth Energies October 2013
Eclipse Forecast
Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries
Astro Insight Eclipse Report
The Tip Off Global Soul Report
Solar Flare Heightening Emotions & Synchroncities
Accelerate Your Spiritual Progress
The Effect of Negative Emotions on Our Health
The Basic Law of the Universe
How Time is Changing
....A Place for Possibilities
Living in Now Time
Are We Wasting Our Time??
Embrace What You Have Discovered
Being Divine Love
"I prayed for change, so I changed my mind.
I prayed for guidance and learned to trust myself.
I prayed for happiness and realized I am not my ego.
I prayed for peace and learned to accept others unconditionally.
I prayed for abundance and realized my doubt kept it out.
I prayed for wealth and realized it is my health.
I prayed for a miracle and realized I am the miracle.
I prayed for a soul mate and realized I am the One.
I prayed for love and realized it’s always knocking, but I have to allow it in. "
~ Jackson Kiddard
Remember that we journey together on this big beautiful green/blue planet and we are all experiencing the same things just at a level that is unique to each of us. My purpose is to facilitate awakening through raising vibration, consciousness, awareness. This process serves us in so many ways as we step into our Divineness and honor each other by living our Truth and stepping into our 'I AM' Presence owning our power. Many new things are coming in now. Many old things are falling away. Embrace the change and be that Light that you are meant to be!! I am honored to be here with you now!