It is not easy to take action even when it is encouraged by your guidance. In fact, it's not 'easy' no matter where the info comes from. We are so loved, guided and protected that we are asked if we really believe that we have been set up to fail at this experience called 'life'? It is only our thoughts and minds that get in the way and sabotage our growth and transformation. Our minds can really stunt our growth based on our conditioning from all we have been exposed to (or not) as we have journeyed through life. We are lovingly supported in every manner of speaking as we move through this journey.
As I share often, it is through the integration of the Sacred Heart & Sacred Mind that we can better navigate this physicality without holding ourselves back. This is possible at this time more than any other time in our lives. The information below confirms information that was given to me by loved ones in spirit in the last month in which I was told that "due to the orbit of the comet(s), we were being provided a window of time (between now and the first of 2014) that deep soul healing would be facilitated and we could heal generations of karmic issues, forwards and backwards, thus ending historical repetition of thought patterns that were no longer relevant to our evolution." This is an unprecedented time in our evolutionary cycle. A time when miracles are all around us and we are able to perceive them with all of our senses.
Years ago, I was given a vision of my future self handing my present self a crystal skull and the message was: "What if they are not from your past, but instead from your future?" I also received the message that crystal skulls were the bridge that connected the past & the future through the present. At the time I was given these messages, I had no idea that I would come to a time on my journey that it would all make perfect sense to me. Instead, I accepted the message and tucked it inside knowing when the time was right I would fully understand it's wisdom. Now is that time.
The message this week was also about healing ourselves bringing our future selves into our present vibration. Our future self is that part of our selves that has already released all of the past and it's irrelevancy and moved into that higher vibration of heart consciousness. By calling in our future selves we can integrate that aspect of ourselves that knows that we are capable of healing ourselves and restoring balance as well as returning ourselves to wholeness. This will be the focus of my work moving forward. As I call in my future self to assist in all I am facilitating from this timeline, I can utilize that higher vibration that already exists within me. This is unfolding even as I type this so I am still processing all that is being unveiled to me. You see, some of us were never born completely healthy for at some level of our body-mind-spirit (thanks to our karma or ancestral stuff) we were born out of balance/resonance. So we can heal more by calling in the future than the past. The future self has already attained wellness & wholeness and all that we are working toward right now.
The following article about the comets affecting us for the rest of 2013 came to me after the message from spirit that virtually shared with me that we were on a fast track to healing karmic and ancestral issues. So very amazing how the Universe timed this as validation for guidance given just before.
COMET ISON has just increased its brightness tenfold after an unexplained "outburst" on November 13 and 14. It is now bright enough and close enough to Earth to be seen by the naked eye.
And, for those with telescopes, there is a rare "comet bonanza" occurring right now, with four individual comets being visible in the pre-dawn sky: ISON, Lovejoy, 2P/Encke, and LINEAR (C/2012 X1).
Comets are some of the "wild cards" in astrological interpretation. They do not follow the same rules as the traditional planets and asteroids we use in everyday astrology. Because of this, we can consider comets to represent ways and times in which we are supported in "breaking the rules" -- breaking free from the karmic patterns and restrictions that have formed our lives (and perhaps lifetimes) until now.
ASTRONOMERS believe that comets come from one of two places, either the Kuiper Belt, which is beyond Neptune, or the Oort Cloud, which theoretically lies beyond Pluto. The Oort Cloud is thought to be about one light year from the Sun, but has not yet been proven to exist. It is from this hypothetical Oort Cloud that Comet ISON is said to originate.
Using those characteristics, we can also surmise that all comets represents ways and times in which we can receive new information and insights, that some might judge as being "far out." In particular, with comets from the Oort Cloud, we are receiving information from sources that are not yet proven or that seem "other worldly," but that clearly have effect on us.
Considering that those Oort Cloud comets come from distant reaches of space, we can also think of them in as coming from our "future," since their light would usually take at least one year to reach us on Earth. In that sense, Comet ISON's arrival in our space may represent opportunities to integrate aspects of our future selves.
WE HAVE OTHER clues as to the purposes of Comet ISON. We've talked a lot in recent months about the ongoing Pluto-Uranus square and its effects and challenges. This square (in effect from 2012 to 2015) is actually the first testing point in a cycle that began in the mid-1960s, when Pluto and Uranus were aligned and many social and political changes were initiated.
That is why my jaw dropped a bit when I read this on the website this morning:
"The orbital similarity between ISON and the Great Comet of 1965 suggests that the two comets could have actually broken off from the same parent body."
The synchronization of the two timeframes is pretty compelling. September-October 1965, which is when "the Great Comet" was visible from Earth, was also when Uranus and Pluto were exactly aligned, in middle degrees of Virgo. And, Comet ISON is now traveling through the constellation of Virgo, as seen from Earth.
WE CAN CONSIDER this time, these last two to three months of 2013, to be pivotal in many ways. This is the time for greater insight into the changes that are taking place in our personal and collective lives. It is time for us to call upon our knowing of cosmic truths, whether or not we can explain them or pinpoint their origins.
It is also time to call upon our self of the future to be integrated into our self of the Now. That future self may be healed in some way, may be more enlightened, may be more courageous or more loving, or more ___________ (fill in the blank). This timeframe, these comets, this Pluto-Uranus square -- they are all conspiring to help us break free from the limitations and definitions of the past that continue to affect our present, and we can use their energies with those intentions in mind.
I'm sure there are many meditations out there that utilize the imagery of calling one's future self into the present. If you know of a good one, please send me an email and I'll consider putting it on my blog. I also wrote a simple visualization and posted it to my blog this morning, if you are interested. (See "On comets and futures".)
We are reminded that even thought we act on guidance in changing a given situation, that we must steer clear of expectation that the people involved will change or even accept our action. We only know for sure that we are changed every time we act on our guidance and can be assured that every dynamic within that situation is changed although we may not be aware of how. We do it for us. We act on that guidance so that we can move on and embrace the opportunities that are being offered to us. It goes without saying that it changes everything at some depth and degree.
The final weeks of 2013 will be life changing as we 'Surrender~Release~Allow' knowing that we are being changed at a soul/cellular level. The heavens are surrounding us with opportunities, support and all that is required to make the shift into the new year of 2014. 2014 Opportune Year of Change I continue to see 2014 as the year that we realize our Light and how that Light affects everything, as well as how our Light blends/merges with all the other Light on the planet to raise the vibration to facilitate the ascension process. It is a collective effort.
You can shift your energy exponentially by working with crystals. Wearing crystals, sleeping with them under your pillow, all around you, meditating with them.....connecting with them as the vibrational beings that they are, will assist you in your awakening process. Not only are you connecting deeply to the Earth, but you are also connecting to the crystal vibrations out in the Universe. Crystals are a unique gift given to us to assist us in so many ways at this time. It is no coincident that we are finding that the planet is a gigantic crystal cluster and that we have crystal particles as our biological/physiological make-up. This awareness will become a valuable tool as we move forward utilizing the crystals in and around us in tuning in & turning on our aetheric antennae to connect more closely to our Source energy: the Earth Mother & Cosmic Father.
Ascension: Soulstice Rising~~~
As one rises in vibration; thus Ascension; you might find that others may not resonate or understand you. This is OK; this is a part of Ascension. Realize you are never alone; yet your connection may change with others. Realize that in Truth your most powerful connection is with your Soul.
Know that any time you become defensive, it is showing you where you still need to whole. There is nothing to defend; it is more important to honor your own Truth; thus being Authentic. This is what is asked of you. Be true to you. Share honestly and those with ears to hear and eyes to see will resonate with your Heart and true Essence. When you are true to yourself in the highest way, others will see themselves in you. And this is true connection and Oneness.
When It's No Longer an Option~~~
“One time I asked the Committee why a certain event did not occur, and they said, "Because you decided it was no longer an option." Is it that simple to change probabilities? Just decide that what seems the most obvious direction is no longer an option? We all establish psychic boundaries around certain areas of our lives that represent the demarcation line between what we will and will not accept. While the line may undulate around the periphery of our off-limits area—meaning sometimes we allow ourselves to step beyond our borders—it eventually becomes firm and obvious.
My sister Pam, for instance, will allow herself to go only so far with a serious illness, and then she calls it quits. One time she was told it had become necessary for her to carry a personal oxygen supply for the rest of her life. Within a week she was completely free of the illness. I asked her what happened, and she replied, "I screamed to myself, in essence, 'No! This is not an option!'" Another time she was told she had a heart condition that would permanently disable her. She screamed and it went away. Both times she hit the electric wire of her off-limits psychic field and ended the problematic situation by not accepting it any longer.
We all do the same thing to varying degrees and drama. Some will push themselves to the brink of bankruptcy and then cry, in so many words, "This is not an option!" Some will face discrimination only so long, and then cry, "This is not an option!" Yet in other areas of their lives, they're wide open to pain and sadness because they have no established point of retraction.”
- Ten Thousand Whispers (Lynda Madden Dahl)
“For now, it is good that you are maintaining the frequency that you are. There is still much for you to experience in this frequency range where you currently are. It is not necessary for you to worry or wonder about how you are doing. This is not a test. You are not being given assignments, and you cannot fail.
The purpose of being where you are is to have the experiences that are available to you only in this dimension. Therefore, efforts to transcend what it is that you have available to you in this dimension are squandering opportunities that you have for expansion and for better knowing yourselves.
I am a fifth dimensional being. I know that I will someday be a sixth dimensional being. I know that when that day comes, I will be ready. And instead of thinking of all the ways in which I could make myself worthy of that dimension, I am seeking out as many different experiences of the fifth dimension as I possibly can. Even though I know that the sixth dimension will have even more opportunities for me, I still revel in the frequencies that are available to me now.
I want you all to engage with your world just as it is. Have fun with it. It is temporary. Let yourselves understand that you can be operating in the fourth dimension and still have fun and still enjoy your ride. You cannot help but bring more of your light, because once the light is turned on, eventually it finds its way through the cracks. And your lights are turned on, my beloveds.
Feel it. Feel for the light that is inside of you, and know that your purpose is to give that light full expression. That light is not dimension-dependent. It does not only come on for the good, and the kindhearted, and the worthy. It is there for all of you.
I love so much that you are excited about coming to where I am. And when I offer you my guidance, it is because I know you are asking for it. But first, my precious, precious beings, I want you to fully enjoy where you are. Be present. Pay attention. And notice all the opportunities you have to shine even brighter.
I am Ophelia, and I love you.”
~ Daniel Scranton
When you are in deep gratefulness and appreciation, you are actually in a higher vibration of what you call love. In some traditions, it is called agape love… That is why many traditions teach how important it is to give thanks. As you learn to be grateful, you will raise the vibration within your body. Your vibration activates the DNA in every cell of your body… If you include being in a place of deep appreciation and gratitude, you will find your vibration rising faster than you ever knew possible.
You might think it's going to be rather difficult to be grateful for, let's say, the person who stole your car. Yet this is what this practice is telling you. When you learn to be grateful for everything and can accept whatever is there - the gift that is in everything - then you become the creator. As you are being grateful, you will attract to yourself all kinds of wondrous energy.
The more grateful you are, the more will come to you, and the more your life will change. The more you are grateful, the more you will be able
to accept things and people as they are.
~ Amma through Cathy Chapman
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Weekly Weather Report
Energy Report for November 2013
The Cosmic Conception
About the Solar Polar Flip.....
Why Failure is Impossible
Comet ISON: The Arrow Effect
Tips for Using Green Light Energy
Choose God
Soul Power
Caught in a Moment
Double Whammy X Flares Clean & Clear Your Energy
How Time is Changing
The Fifth Element
Paradigm Shifts: Desires & Beliefs
"Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. " Abraham via Esther Hicks
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. "- HH Dalai Lama