Since the first of the November when I started offering my new Resonant Sound Sessions. I have noticed that everything is centering around 'resonance' now. This is the aligning of our vibration/frequency with the All That Is/Oneness. We are being brought into resonance through the energetic waves that are continuously sweeping the planet. Being physical beings, we are experiencing imbalance due to any resistance, old, lower or stuck energy. The new sessions that I am offering (see blow) are perfect for realigning during these infusions as well as facilitating our moving more into our truth and purpose. Without a doubt, they are the sessions to be seeking throughout the rest of this year.
So much synchronicity occurring now. I wrote about being infused with energy from the Earth as well as the Cosmos last week. This week I received an email from Tom Kenyon with the following information in it:
*Note: This message deals with specific challenges that are taking place in relationship to Chaotic Nodes. According to the Hathors, a Chaotic Node occurs when chaotic events in multiple and seemingly unrelated areas of the cosmos (including Earth) interact with each other, which in turn generates more chaotic events. As a Chaotic Node increases in strength, many areas of our Earthly existence are affected.
By their very nature all Chaotic Nodes are challenging to biological systems. This particular Chaotic Node is especially challenging due to numerous factors we have mentioned in previous Planetary Messages. While the challenges to your eco-system, financial systems and cultural institutions are increasing, in this message we will focus on one specific area—memory and cognitive function.
The accelerated escalation of this current Chaotic Node is being driven by a shift in your Sun’s magnetic field—a reversal of its magnetic poles to be precise. This is a cyclic occurrence and takes place approximately every 11 years. The next shifting of your Sun’s magnetic fields is close at hand, and this will set off a series of significant energetics.
Due to an intimate relationship between your Earth’s and the Sun’s magnetic fields, you are caught in a type of cosmic vice. This is due to the fact that memory is a function of magnetic fields—both internal magnetic fields as generated by your nervous system and external magnetic fields such as that of Earth. Furthermore human memory is greatly affected by the Sun’s magnetic field.
Due to the fact that the magnetic fields of both the Earth and the Sun are fluctuating, you may be experiencing cognitive challenges. These challenges may show up as temporary glitches in short term memory, an inability to sequence tasks in the ways you are used to, and a tendency to emotional volatility or instability, especially during periods of high fluctuations in the Earth’s and/or the Sun’s magnetic fields.
The energetic relationship between the Sun’s magnetic field and that of your Earth is a truly complex and fascinating area of inquiry. But for the purpose of this message, which is practical in nature, we will not go into the details of this relationship. But let us summarize this complex relationship between the Sun and the Earth this way—your Sun is affected by the Central Sun of your galaxy, which is, in truth, a black hole. This black hole ejects various forms of energy into your galaxy, which then passes through your solar system and directly affects your Sun. There is then a cascade of energy from your Sun to your Earth, and so from our perspective, the fluctuations of your Sun’s and Earth’s magnetic fields are catalyzed by the Central Sun of your galaxy. As human beings, as biological organisms, you are very much affected by this cosmic process.
As your current Chaotic Node further escalates, many of you will experience more cognitive disturbances and emotional volatility or confusion. These states of dis-equilibrium can last for a few moments, a few hours, or in the case of major fluctuations, it can last for days. These are indeed trying times for embodied beings upon your Earth.~~Tom Kenyon
It is amazing to see how the information is coming in now. Saturday night I received a message from my hubby's uncle who has been in spirit for 40+ years. I never met him, but he came to me and gave me a message for my husband that goes with a message I received from my husband's father a few weeks ago. It seems many received messages from loved ones in spirit Saturday night. Are you paying attention?? I repeat a quote I read on facebook recently, "The only veil that still exists is the one you believe exists." These are monumental times. The awakening process is our moment of Light. We are more and more each day realizing that we are Light Beings and we are here to shine our Light. We are waking up to our abilities and capabilities. Our gifts are shining through and reminding us that we have all that we need within.
Between now and the end of the year, we will find ourselves being fine-tuned by the Universe to enable us to move into 2014 (only 8 weeks away!!!) more aligned with our soul's truth & purpose as well as our planet and our galaxy. As a part of the Oneness, this shift will be made more effortless for all as we become more aligned to the Ascension process. We are reminded that the most beneficial thing we can do at this time is to stand in our truth and own our part in this amazing life experience.
With Mercury going direct on 11-10, we are feeling more movement and also feeling the emergence of coming through the eclipse wormholes. Many are experiencing grand changes in their lives right now and will see more opportunities as we move toward into the new year. It is going to be a truly magical year, I believe, in which we take our power back and began to re-create ourselves, our lives and our experience, rather than allowing ourselves to be influenced (or controlled). Many are already doing this and many more are coming on line at a rapid rate.
Let us remain in compassion as we send loving healing energy to those affected by the typhoons of late. This is a major purification underway and again the souls that were a part of that experience were part of the plan to amplify the energy of compassion as we move into 2014. We can honor them most by residing in that place of compassion and surrounding the planet with it as well as Infinite Love & Gratitude for the changes that are occurring all around us. These are life-changing times we are in. No doubt, we are all experiencing transformation at some level at this time. We are being guided to hold the planet and all it's inhabitants in love and light for moving through these changes with grace and ease. For with each experience such as this, sad & painful at the same time, there is a greater awakening and awareness facilitated.
Just Channeling~~~
November 12, 2013 - Grand Water Trine Void! Well of Water and Spirit!
MOON in Pisces TRINES SUN in Scorpio and JUPITER in Cancer, at 6:23 am, pst and 6:34 am, pst, at which point the MOON goes VOID.
Before we step too far into the morning, we are into a "between world journey," spinning off of a Grand Trine in Water--deeply emotional, soulful and expanding.
SUN TRINE JUPITER at 8:39 am, pst is the third point of the GRAND TRINE. This water trine is a portal for spiritual journeywork, deep emotional healing, group water magic. This Grand Water Trine can be a gift, blessing and abundance flow.
May we allow rain, rivers and water weather to teach us, with their nourishing grace falling upon the earth and unconditional giving of springwater, and lifeforce. May we be generous and life-nourishing like springwater today. We are for giving.
Today is a good day for spinning, swimming, and communing with dolphins! It is a day for visualizing our abundance and dancing our buns to heaven on earth.
~ Starweather via Azlan White
11:11:13 "The Gate" ~ 12:12:13 "The Radiance" What is a Stargate? It is a particularly cosmic moment in time usually determined by numeric, astrological and energetic codes. Stargates are divine opportunites to drop impediments and illusions and step through to higher levels of love, healing and realization. The Stargates of 11:11 and 12:12 are among the most powerful for the year. Stargate messages from 2012 (for reference) ~ 11:11 Stargate Message: Dear Ones, make a conscious intention to accept and assimilate the new Light Codes that are making their way unto the Planet into your being. They have been bathing you and Gaia in a steady stream, however there are certain dates or moments in "time" that they are more concentrated. The Stargate of 11:11-13 is one of them. Shanti. 11.11: Transcendence. We see that these energies (being also while the Sun is in Scorpio,) provide great potential for healing and transcending the limitations of the past; using the tools of shamanic, dream and “Shadow” work. - The Keepers, from 11.1.12 The 11:11 for 2013 also has "transcendence" as it's keyword, but with an additional focus: ascending the duality/fear matrix (love vs. fear.) To align more fully with what is in spiritual truth (light, love, abundance) and to further disconnect from what is false (fear, separation, lack.) So how does one accomplish this? To acknowledge and recognize oneself as a divine creator in one's life. To TRUST that all is well in its unfolding, even if all purposes are not recognized in the moment. This is one powerful way to stay out of anxiety, which tends to be focused in the future and out of the NOW moment. - The Keepers, New Moon/Eclipse, 11.3.13 Image courtesy of Higher Perspective. 11:11 Stargate Message: Dear ones, so much has been shed these past weeks and months for you. So many layers gone to reveal a deeper layer of your "core." You are indeed passing through another gate of realization and light to lead to the even greater "radiance" (the 12:12.) Like a newborn entity of any species, you are finding your strength and solidity. So much is now being born in you; creativity, vision, purpose. Be at peace. All is well. Shanti. -The Keepers, 11.8.13 Irma K. Sawyer
Beloveds, though you may miss and grieve the physical presence of your departed loved ones, there is a higher design regarding their absence in many cases. It is not entirely a metaphor that consciously awake beings such as your Obi-Wan Kenobi or Gandalf "the Gray/White" are more spiritually powerful when they are out of the physical manifestation of their form. This is partly due to the fact that they exist at the form of pure light/thought and can travel more quickly. They are also resting more fully in their higher dimensional form and are able to convey guidance from this place to those who are able to receive them. - The Keepers, 11.12.13
Mind Reality
"As you find resonance with source, first of all you will be inspired about what to eat, but you will reach the place where your resonance with source is not at risk no matter what you eat. And when you discover that your alignment with source is not at risk no matter what behavior you are offering, not only will your behavior morph into ways that are more pleasing for you all around, but you will discover that a lot of things that you believe is inappropriate, that at many levels of your being you still want to participate in, because there is nothing in and of itself that is inappropriate.
There are people who through their alignment can alter the vibrational frequency of food right before they eat it. And that’s why people have begun in the first place to bless their food. It was about preparing their own vibrational frequency in their own physical body and then asking what they were participating in to join them in that frequency. And food is a very cooperative component. That’s why there are people who can eat the most outrageous things that you have learned they should not be thriving on and still thrive. And it just irritates you because you think you can only thrive under these limited conditions, but that’s because you have not eaten from the inside out.
As we are talking about vibration, the more chemicals you add to anything, then the more resistance you are adding to it. But these things are insignificant to one who is in alignment. It is your alignment that matters. We want you to be different and it affects everything that comes to you. It takes a decision that says I know that source is aware of me and I know that all of my intentions have been noted, and I know that information is being offered to me, and I know that I have the ability to hear it. In other words, you really have to get to that place first before you’re then ready to not listen to that one and that one and that one and that one."
- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Abraham Hicks - Bless your food!)
Just Channeling
How can I be around other lower vibration people and not take on there energy. I am feeling extra sensitive at the moment. I want to be in a position to spread love and light without compromising my own energy...; )
Polaris AB : There are no lower vibration people, only those who have not yet recognized their full potential.
Once you are connected to the flow of All There Is, you will automatically feel independent of situations, people and places around you. As you become aware of being connected to all, you will realize that you are not attached or subject to or under the influence of your surroundings. It is only lower vibrational energies passing through you which distract your focus and attention. The key is to maintain the higher vibrations through choice not circumstance and to master staying within the flow of Source.
It is by focusing on your Self that you will be of most benefit to others. Unless you focus on maintaining your own high energy then all around you will pull that energy from you automatically. Water will always flow to the lowest level - so it is with your energy and those around you. You will find that you will be able to ‘see further’ than the others around you, the higher you are to start with. You will see the bigger picture rather than just the problem itself.
Everything around you then starts to provide you with meaning – a negative situation leads to a positive outcome because all will tune itself to your highest ideals.
With Love and Blessings, Polaris AB
TYPHOON HAIYAN and 11 MASTER DAY : Nov 12, 2013: Who's feeling like they have many opportunities for their life? Yes?... Then this Tuesday you are asked to jump on them, notice them and walk through into uncharted territory. You can notice your opportunities by a hungry feeling that comes over your gut when you are in the midst of something exciting and new for your life. No?...then stop looking in the past or to the future for your reasons for being. Opportunities are only found in the present moment. By being here and now and acting today...
Right now there is a hug global shift taking place.
TYPHOON HAIYAN has not just stirred The Philippines and Vietnam and China (and our oceans) but it has affected the globe energetically. As I said yesterday we are all connected. What happens to me also happens to you. A great force of nature that this typhoon is re-presents a mass clearing and global change. A clean out. You can feel it. Throats in particular have been stirred up. Your voice is asking to be heard.
You are being asked to get real with your life and live for today without fear and with a pulse in your belly that only comes when we are lean and in our prime. When we get too comfortable and sit back we miss our OPPORTUNITIES.
So right now, be ready to jump. Keep your eyes, ears, hearts and inner senses on alert. You are being called to action. Walk through the open doors that will present over the next 48 hours xxx
Love to all !
#ElizabethPeru #11MasterDay #Haiyan
IMPORTANT: NEPTUNE MOVES DIRECT: Who's feeling a little antsy right now? Are you pulled in and not sure of your path or direction? Have all your buttons been pushed? OR perhaps you finally are following through on your spiritual path and are feeling liberated and released? Welcome to Neptune's forward movement after along 4 months in reverse, relative to Earth. Read on for how this may affect you...
Since early June we have been on an inner spiritual quest. What have you found out about yourself? Guess what? The quest is now coming to a close and you are called to LIVE what you think you know about yourself. To live what you have uncovered and prove it's validity in your normal everyday life.
Now the good bit comes for us. We are asked in the days and weeks to come to put to the test all of the spiritual knowledge we have gained over the past four months. We are asked to live it in our daily lives of going to work, paying the bills, washing the clothes, teaching your kids, getting along with your partner, talking to the neighbours, you name it. How are you going to integrate and use your spiritual knowledge into your daily mainstream life? This is the task you are up for.
So...if you are feeling any challenge in this area, I say to you this.... We are create situations for ourselves that we are capable of fulling and that stretch us to prove our worth. So if you feel like hiding right now. Please come out. Face your challenges as they are total gifts to help you know how good you are. Challenges are essential for growth and they don't have to be hard. You decide how hard you make them by how much you resist good change for you xxx
Love to you on this most special energy day!
#ElizabethPeru #NeptuneDirect
Louise L. Hay~~~
When I hear of any crises in the world, I immediately surround the whole situation with white light. I send love and healing energy to everyone connected with it, including whomever may have done the damage. Rage and fear don’t heal anything. Hatred begets hatred. An “eye-for-eye” philosophy makes everyone blind.
I seldom read newspapers or watch TV news. I refuse to clutter my mind with most media turbulence. The media is good at stirring up our emotions and selling fear. If you read a newspaper from cover to cover every day, you’ll live in fear. They want you to buy a new paper each day to find out what to be afraid of that day. It’s the same with the television news. If you want to sleep poorly, watch the late-night news just before you go to sleep.
So, know that we each live under the law of our own consciousness. You are a beautiful, wonderful creation of God. Your strength comes from your connection to Source. Living in constant gratitude and appreciation brings good into our lives.
Let’s you and I, every time the thought of war or conflicts of any kind come to mind, say with conviction:
THE WORLD IS BEING MADE A SAFE PLACE FOR ME, AND I AM CONTRIBUTING TO THAT SAFETY. The opening line of a famous hymn says: Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. We can make a difference. Use your powerful mind to help create the world you want to live in. 11-12-13
The new sessions that I am offering (see below) are proving to be very instrumental for re-calibrating at every level of the body-mind-spirit and upgrading via encoding of the Light Language. I am always amazed at how Spirit conducts these sessions given to me for the highest good of those seeking the experience. This session is truly 'out there'. It will catapult you to that place you wish to arrive with a 'knowing' of the fact that you 'have arrived'. It is perfect for these times and such a God/Goddess given 'tool' to facilitate the final touches on this transformation that has been underway in 2013. This session has been in the making for a while. Many have expressed interest in meditating in the pyramid not even imagining receiving a full spectrum sound session at the same time. The Universe always has a way of bringing us the perfect tools to serve us at just the right time on our journey.
Here is another article that ties into this new session:
Cell Resonance & Restructuring
~~~REMEMBER~~~~ I am now offering a new session on SUNDAYS ONLY in the pyramid at our office. These Resonant Sound Sessions are facilitated while you relax in a zero gravity chair with a crystal grid beneath you in the copper pyramid surrounded by the crystal bowls and gong. These intense sessions move a lot of energy at an accelerated rate. They are designed for these shifting times & will facilitate encoding that will provide you with the ultimate clarity on your journey at this time. These sessions are highly recommended for re-calibrating and realigning your body-mind-spirit system and cleaning up your energy field given the intensity of the energies we are experiencing now. These sessions will be $100 for one hour and you must schedule in advance. The times to schedule a session are from 1 to 5 pm. These sessions are offered on SUNDAY ONLY.Package offer does not apply to these special sessions. Powerful indeed!! Right NOW is the perfect time for scheduling this session which will enable you to move through the eclipse energies more fluidly and emerging out the other side of this 'wormhole' empowered and anew!! Call me if you want to know more about these sessions. They are already growing in popularity due to their intensity and all they facilitate!!
When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and dedicate your focus & intention to your journey and your own transformation, I can help you with sessions that are unique to you and your path. These sessions will give you clarity and build upon your abilities and bring to the surface the aspects of yourself that you are ready to embrace. They will also assist you in releasing the old, stuck and lower vibrational energy that is irrelevant to your growth and present journey, thus facilitating healing at a cellular/soul level. The key words are commitment and dedication.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Weekly Weather Report
Weekly Forecast
The Taurus Full Moon
11:11 Gateway of 2013
11:11 - Changing With the Times
Ascension Notes
Quantum Awakening Newsletter
The Gateway to Spiritual Consciousness
The Radiant Ones Emergence
Recreating Your Physical Body & Life Span
Leading Edge Makes a Quantum Leap
The Energy of Give & Take
Your Purpose
Your Robotic Self
Now is All You Have
Being Resistant
Blending Your Divinity with Your Ego
"Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. " Abraham via Esther Hicks
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. "- HH Dalai Lama