"Mars retrograde in Libra also taught us about the many forms of Love:
* Putting your needs before those of others - Love of Self
* Clearing dishonesty in relationships - Love of Truth
* Finding an energetic balance - Love of Justice
* Honoring the truth of your partners - Love of Others
The past two months have been monumental in terms of the stress generated through the Cardinal Cross - I don't know anyone who has not had to deal with some difficulty. For me - it seemed that everything I touched broke apart - literally! The good news is: most of the things that broke have been replaced by something MUCH better. I love it when that happens. " www.mayawhite.com
What's being pushed up and out now is some of the shadow aspects of ourselves and our relationships that is past time for that healing process that needs to occur. If you are feeling any of this frustration and/or anger, personally and/or globally, know that the guidance is already in place to facilitate healing that energy at the very deepest level to deliver you up to the highest & truest aspect of yourself. Again, it is about detaching from the situation and not taking things too personally or seriously. It's just so easy to take things personally and get caught up in the drama that goes with the transformation. The true mastery is in allowing yourself to flow through the energies blessing all that they are facilitating for you at a higher level.
"It sometimes happens that people who we think of as friends - even good friends and companions - choose to absent themselves from our lives, or to become unresponsive to our efforts to maintain friendship. It's difficult to realize, but this is absolutely their right. They owe us no explanation. On the other hand, there is no reason for us to conclude that their action is the result of any fault of ours. We are not obliged to offer to change or apologize or do anything differently. Relationships are human works. We are instructed, in every major religious tradition, that all the works of humans are temporary, and will pass. It was nice to have known you for that moment; let's both be OK that it's over"~~ John Madsen
Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ~Andrew Boyd
"The Moon has entered the sign of Aquarius this morning,
and Mars is stationing, preparing to go direct. This combination of energy is very forward moving and progressive. The Moon wants to completely leave behind everything that has not worked for her in the past, and implement new, innovative ways of living life.
Within the context of personal relationships, this idea of progressiveness is highlighted by the trine between these two bodies. If you're not consciously choosing to evolve your relationships, expect them to change in ways that are upsetting, shocking, and radical in nature. Bringing awareness to the unconscious factors that permeate our own psyche, as well as the entities that are our relationships, can bring us to a higher level of love and understanding that ripples out into eternity.
Definitions of truth: sincerity in action, character, and utterance;
being in accordance with fact or reality." ~~
Daniel, Infinity Astrology 05-19-14
This really is the age of communication - higher mind and heart based communication. And so many of you are feeling a little bored and a little frustrated with what’s going on around you. The way to change that is to change the dialogue that comes out of your mouth.
And you can play with this and experiment. If you don’t normally say things a certain way, try it and see how it goes. You could be dead tomorrow, which is something I’m always reminding us. (Smiling) So why not on your 'pretend' last day on Earth, change the map a little bit?
This is important because there is a victim mentality that can play out in the psyche right now around ideas such as 'all of this stuff is being done to me' and 'there are all of these things outside me I should be scared of'.
You can change direction, and you can change what you experience in your life.
So those of you that are afraid to be the leader or the catalyst of others, because of past experience, recognize you’re older, wiser and more heart centered and compassionate now than you were then. Plus, the other people on the receiving end are more capable than ever of hearing it and this is a very different time than several years ago.
So for those of you that are bored and frustrated, look at where you’re not speaking your truth. Look at where you’re not using your words to redirect things. ~~Lee Harris, from May Energy Forecast - The Extraordinary Heart Within Your Higher Mind
Your human bodies have never had to go through these frequencies on Earth. There is nothing in the memory code of this body from any of your ancestors that has had to deal with such a time. So love yourselves back to vibrational harmony. Especially those of you who work a great deal with computer energy which is growing on Earth. Balance it with nature. Balance it with fresh air. Nothing beats fresh air, even city fresh air.
This is very important for you to remember. It is not a luxury to go for a walk in the park, it is a necessity. Ingrain that in your mind and your experience of life will get easier. It is no different to eating or sleeping. Balancing your own energy system has to become a focus when you are at the level you are, and it is why some of you question why you are suffering. It is why some of you question why things can be intense.
Let me be clear, I am not saying this will entirely take away intensity for you, but it will greatly support any intensity you are going through and allow your mind to be calm. For your mind gets very, very busy when your emotions get very, very activated. There is a certain level of feeling that you are used to feeling. When that level starts to reach maximum based on your past, alarm bells start going off in the mind and the mind starts talking. So, take the mind for a walk at these moments. Take the body for a walk at these moments, get yourselves back to nature. ~~Zapharia through Lee Harris, from A Self Love Journey - Self Love and The Mind
A re-share from 2011. It's good to follow the Keepers advice on these designations and see them more as life guidance, as opposed to letting ego chew too much on them.
I was thinking that there are some peeps that I've seen here on FB that are already seeing some pretty "light" things in their ascension experience. (i.e. people's bodies as their "space suits," auras around everything, etc.) I try to not compare my experience with others, but since I've been at this work for over 25 years I couldn't help but wonder why I wasn't seeing these things! I was given some info from the Keepers and I will share it with you.
I was told that besides the designations that have been given as Adult Indigos, Light workers, and so on, there are now some more. I was told that I am (and this group,) is what they called a "Light Anchor."
1) A Light Anchor is someone that is grounded, yet familiar with travel in 4/5D states, either to share energy (as a healer,) information, or both. People that are Light Anchors usually have Sun in an Earth Sign, and/or predominant earth planets, but this is not always the case. Their job through the Shift is to "hold down the fort" (they like that term!) and create a safe space for people to awaken to their own light resources. This is why we aren't having all of these wild visions and so on, we've got work to do! Most of our spiritual visions are seen in our meditation time. Many Light Anchors are Adult Indigos (1st and 2nd wave,) and also "Wizards" who are in their late 60's all the way to their 80's now. Light Anchors often work with words to convey their messages and can serve as teachers, writers and channels.
2) Transformers - are those that are able to quickly and efficiently transmute lower vibrational energies. Some of these people will choose difficult environments (i.e. low income neighborhoods, war zones, etc.) to do their job. They are less empathic than other light workers because they have to be. Adult Indigos and Blue Ray folks are also transformers to a certain extent, but they work in a different way; in the sense that they work to transmute family or ancestral karma(s) over a period of time. These younger generation transformers tend to "get in and get out" quickly, as it is the nature of their mission. They are in the age range of their 20's to early 30's, but again this is just a generalization, there can be some that are younger or a bit older too. Many transformers note that people often are either instantly attracted to them or repelled by the strong energies that they carry. They tend to have a "No BS" policy and a low tolerance for drama of any kind.
3) Sitters/Beamers - many of these are the Crystal & Rainbow kids that are coming of age now. Part of the reason why there is a bit of a "communication gap" between these folks and Indigos is that they have spent less or in some cases, ZERO lifetimes on earth, so they don't really "get it," as far as the 3D experience goes. They may come across as unintelligent, cold or arrogant, but they really are none of these. They are still adjusting to life here and their mission. Their primary job is to beam and bear the light. As the light quotient on the earth gets stronger, their job descriptions will expand and become elaborated. For now they are to keep their divine connection in tact and radiate LOVE to ALL.
I'm sure I will be adding more to this information later. Blessings all. Irma Kaye Sawyer/Akashic Wisdom Keepers ~ 9.20.11
Part II - added 10.3.11
4) Watchers - Carry an ancient, "wise ones" vibration. They are not limited to any age group but the majority of them on the planet at the moment are over the age of 40. They can have attributes of "Activators," but are here primarily to "hold space" for the Divine Will/Mind to be made manifest on Earth. Etherically, their energy systems are tall and are seen to be like Redwood or other powerful trees with roots both deep into the earth and also high into the aethers. In their physicality they tend to be very strong and hearty. On a personality level they tend to be introspective and quiet. When they speak it is often something useful and/or profound. These folks are often seen as the "old souls" of their families and communities. Though they are natural teachers, they recoil from a Guru role as they are naturally more reclusive than the other types.
5) Activators - this can be a sub-group of it's own in combination with Light Anchors and Watchers, primarily. It is also it's own stand-alone designation. Activators can be of any Sun Sign but can especially be found in those with strong Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio or Aries planets. They are ones who's "light is switched on," and in many cases this case been the case since their childhood or young adulthood. Many of the activators being born in the 2000's and beyond are born with high spiritual consciousness. Like Transformers, people tend to react very strongly to them and some may dislike them almost instantly due to both their energetic intensity and ability to "see," which is one aspect that they share with the Transformers. Activators tend to be in both the 1st and 2nd wave Indigo Adults, but there are some that are a bit younger also. Activators serve in some cases as a "walking diksha" or energy transmission. Some of these beings can activate others just through conversation. Others may use the vehicles of body work, physical touch and so forth.
For those that see these designations as something for ego to play with or to further create separation are either truly not of these soul roles or have yet to properly subdue their human egos. These are sacred roles that certain individuals are agreed to play in Gaia's transformation. See all others are your brethren for they truly are. You all have unique healing gifts and wondrous abilities at your disposal. The more you align with your deepest soul's truth, the more that you shine. ~ The Keepers thru Irma Sawyer, 10.3.11 — with Heart Temple and 14 others.
I find myself asking every day in what way can I better serve others and the planet knowing that whatever guidance/experience comes forward is for my highest good also. This helps me to better myself every day which is what the journey is all about anyway.....being the best you can be each day and better today than yesterday.
Being willing to heal is an important factor in the energies of now. So many are afraid of what lies on the other side of that. Honestly, what could possibly be worse than not allowing yourself to heal and move forward.....at any level. Healing is always going to move you to a higher aspect of yourself and allow you to help others, knowingly or unknowingly. It is the ultimate transformation!! Remembering that you are never alone and are surrounded with guidance eager to assist you. The important thing for you to remember is that, ultimately, YOU are your own healer.
"True healers know that wellness is the order of the day, so they do not allow themselves, even for a moment, to see anything other than that. So, the power of the healer is in the power to influence the one who needs to be healed into a vibration that allows the healing that they are summoning. (that they could get, even without the healer, but they can get faster with a healer's influence)"---Abraham
Here are eleven “Pointers For Healing” that will help align you to your true self on a daily basis:
1) Stay in the moment as much as possible. That is where all the power of life exists and creates the way of alignment with Universal Intelligence.
2) Pay Attention. We are responsible for 3 things in life… our actions, our reactions, and our non-actions.
3) Be the observer. All of life is based on our perceptions. If we can master being an observer without being detached, and still stay involved in day to day living, then we can act responsibly from our heart.
4) Be care in taking things too personally…. it was meant to enjoy, not to fight.
5) Be honest with yourself at all times.
6) Listen with more than the ears. See with more than your eyes. This is where insights and truths are gained.
7) Be aware of your thoughts and your words.
Quit blame altogether. There has never been a case recorded that anyone has ever healed by blaming something or someone.
9) Remember that every moment you live, you are making a choice. (How precious is that?)
10) Be gentle with yourself. We are all learning how to expand into awareness.
11) Give yourself the space and time necessary to reflect. Beating yourself up doesn’t ever heal pain.. The full article is....... Diagnosis Versus Condition
We have two awesome sound events scheduled this weekend. Both events are focused on raising your vibration facilitating wholeness, well-being, healing and will be empowering, uplifting & inspiring. It's going to be a great weekend!! More info on these events follows the update.
Don't miss the opportunity (or any opportunity) to raise your vibration facilitating an easier acclimation to the energies welcoming renewal and expansion. As you raise your vibration, you become more aligned with all that is your soul's purpose, passion & essence. Raising your vibration also facilitates that shift in awareness, perception & consciousness. The energies we are experiencing now are intended to create that shift for us & in us; however, many are so caught up in the 3D that they are extremely uncomfortable even to the point of pain. Raising your vibration serves to lessen the discomfort and release the 'pain-body' to the level that is correct & appropriate for you in that moment. Raising your vibration facilitates that shift with more grace & ease. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to give you some clarity on it.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast
Native American Code of Ethics
Top 30 Spiritual Terms You Should Know
30 Traits of an Empath
Heralds & Ignitions from your Future World
You Are a Divine Expression
Yeshua Speaks of Ascension
Pray To & Ask Assistance of Yourself
Let's Talk About Contentment
5 Signs You're Getting a Sign
Bring Your Best to Now
Accelerated Spiritual Growth
Do We Skip Over 4D?
I offer many services to assist in the awakening/ascension process, re-calibration and restoring balance to the body's chakras and energy field. Sound activations & attunements are very effective in assisting in shifts taking place within the physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual bodies.
You can now go to my website at www.cranialvisions.com to schedule a session
BUY 3 GET 1 FREE ~~ SOUND SESSIONS ($65 savings) - Package = $195 for 4 Sessions. Package good for 3 months.
REMEMBER, SOUND is excellent for re-calibrating & re-aligning regularly during these amplified infusions of energy that seem to knock us off our center.
Buying a package of Sound Sessions and filling in with our Sound/Vibrational Resonance Meditations is an excellent way to assure that you stay calibrated, synchronized and centered assisting with well-being, wholeness & maintaining harmony for the entire body-mind-spirit!!
~~~GREAT GEMSTONE TREASURES FROM THE TUCSON GEM SHOW~~~You won't find crystals like this anywhere else in this area!~~~Still offering a 20% Discount on most of my inventory depending on size of purchase and excluding NEW merchandise~~~
Come by our office and shop for unique gifts. Inventory in Stock: crystal skulls of all sizes & stones, crystal skull pendants, bracelets, earrings; crystals angels, crystal hearts, crystal totem animals, crystal pyramids, crystal goddesses, crystal merkabas, crystal vogel wands, shaman stones, crystal sacred geometry, crystal points, crystal obelisks, crystal eggs, crystal spheres, selenite wands, selenite hearts, selenite bars, selenite pyramids, selenite starseed wands, selenite octahedrons, selenite plates, pendulums, gemstone pendants, earrings, bracelets, silver chains, rings, Goddess stones & Fairy stones, tumbled stones, a wide variety of palm stones, high quality white sage sticks and more. Let me know if you are looking for anything particular or would like to come by and browse. I also offer gift certificates to be used for services or merchandise. Just let me know you will be coming by and I will make sure you will have time to peruse the new merchandise on hand.
I have new Himalayan Quartz crystal skulls that were chosen by Synergy to come to Memphis for sale in assisting with Sherry's expenses when she returns to Ervin Hypnosis Center July 18-20. These skulls can be viewed at my office and all were a part of circle of skulls that Synergy called together before I left Arizona. 80% of the skulls in the circle are Himalayan Quartz which is the highest vibrational quartz in the world. The skulls will be purchased directly from Sherry Whitfield, and she may be willing to work a reasonable payment plan. The skulls on-hand weigh between 2-3 pounds. They are A+ quality. I have other Himalayan skulls and crystal skulls as well from this awesome Tucson trip. Come by and check them out or give me a call or text if you are interested in viewing them in person.
Intuitive Reading in Person or by Phone: $50 for Half Hour; $90 for Hour
BioMat: $1 per minute up to One Hour or FREE with any other service (To learn more about this awesome healing tool visit: www.BioMat.com )
The BioMat is also available during the sound meditations at an extra charge. It provides the ultimate experience during the meditations.
Private Sitting with my personal crystal skulls: $1 per minute up to Half Hour
Sound Session (Crystal Bowls, Gong, Solfeggio Chimes, Tuning Forks, Shamanic): $65
Sacred Heart Activation Sound Session: $65
Violet Flame Heart Activation: $65
Sacred Heart/Violet Flame Heart Activation: $100
Alchemical Transformation: $65
Resonant Sound Session: $100 (Sundays ONLY)
Crystal Skull Transformation Session: $65
Dream Interpretation: $60 for One Hour
Spiritual Counseling: $60 for One Hour
Hypnosis with Sound: $100
Gift Certificates are always available for services or merchandise.
I offer discounted prices for combined services.
Please call me if you want to schedule a session or have further questions on any of the many services I offer.
~~~My new Himalayan crystal skull, Guardian, is doing some awesome work on past life and karmic healing. This skull definitely has a purpose in shifting the vibration from the old to the new and is taking my work to heightened levels. Everyone that encounters Guardian is drawn to physically connect with the skull and so the work begins whether you are there to see me for a reading, sound session, hypnosis session, crystal skull session or any of the many other sessions I offer. Guardian seems to take 'front & center' and is making himself known. It is no coincidence that this crystal skull is here at this time as we move through this pivotal shift in our evolution. Along with my other skulls, we are facilitating a tremendous shift and healing for this entire area, as well as globally.
~~~REMEMBER~~~~ I am now offering a new session on SUNDAYS ONLY in the pyramid at our office. These Resonant Sound Sessions are facilitated while you relax in a zero gravity chair with a crystal grid beneath you in the copper pyramid surrounded by the crystal bowls and gong. These intense sessions move a lot of energy at an accelerated rate. They are designed for these shifting times & will facilitate encoding that will provide you with the ultimate clarity on your journey at this time. These sessions are highly recommended for re-calibrating and realigning your body-mind-spirit system and cleaning up your energy field given the intensity of the energies we are experiencing now. These sessions will be $100 for one hour and you must schedule in advance. The times to schedule a session are from 1 to 5 pm. These sessions are offered on SUNDAY ONLY. Package offer does not apply to these special sessions. Powerful indeed!! Right NOW is the perfect time for scheduling this session which will enable you to move into this New Year of Light & Balance!! Call me if you want to know more about these sessions. They are already growing in popularity due to their intensity and all they facilitate!!
The Violet Flame Heart Activation is immensely effective in assisting you while moving through heart issues. It facilitates release at whatever level is appropriate for you as you journey through this major shifting experience. Although it works at the heart level, it facilitates re-calibration of your entire energy system as well as infusing the Divine energies into the void that is left with release. It is a very powerful session that provides clarity, healing and enlightenment.
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and dedicate your focus & intention to your journey and your own transformation, I can help you with sessions that are unique to you and your path. These sessions will give you clarity and build upon your abilities and bring to the surface the aspects of yourself that you are ready to embrace. They will also assist you in releasing the old, stuck and lower vibrational energy that is irrelevant to your growth and present journey, thus facilitating healing at a cellular/soul level. The key words are commitment and dedication.
Ashley Little is also available at Ervin Hypnosis Center for Swedish Deep Tissue Massage, Raindrop Technique Massage, Reflexology, and very special energy work for helping shift energy creating discomfort at this time. Please call her at 901-268-8679 to schedule a session with her. Ashley also offers gift certificates for her services. Visit Ashley's NEW website to schedule an appointment also: http://www.amtamembers.com/ashleylittlelmt
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
It is such an honor to be a conscious channel for enlightenment/awareness and self-discovery & realization at this time. Blessings abound as we journey together. The work is the inspiration. It is my purpose and passion to facilitate peace through compassion, love & gratitude.
Thank you to those who share this email and continue to provide feedback. It is my intention to inspire you as you are certainly the inspiration behind my work!
Abundant Blessings of Infinite Love, Gratitude, Peace, Compassion, & joy to you as you ride the auspicious waves of ascension. I look forward to connecting with you soon and often throughout this most life-changing year of our return to consciousness.
"Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that donot at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice. We are all telling ourselves a story"... ~~Cypher Raige in 'After Earth'
"Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. " Abraham via Esther Hicks
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. "- HH Dalai Lama