Many are picking up on the collective energies now and it's important to discern what is yours and what is coming from the energetic field around you. It's important to detach from the collective emotional roller coaster by pulling your energy in. You can do this simply by stating, "I RETURN TO MY OWN ENERGY FIELD."
Some are having trouble coping with these energies. Remember that there is great change in the air and as you feel the tumultous energy, place your left hand over your heart and call in your energy using the statement above. It's easy to get caught up in chaotic energy and drama and it's also easy to detach from it; however, it takes a conscious effort.
That's what awareness is all about. Making that choice to raise the vibration, individually & collectively, holding the energy of compassion, Infinite Love & Gratitude for all that's taking place rather than feeding the fear, chaos & drama. Make the choice to be part of the resolution rather than the problem. It is as simple as saying a prayer for the higher good of the person or situation at hand. Once you state that prayer, step out of the energy and focus on your journey because if you continue to focus on all that is 'wrong' you are contributing to the lower energy of the situation, not to mention neglecting your own path/journey. While I am pretty sure that's not necessarily the intention, it happens way to often that we get our mindset in that place of fear and doom and continue to focus our energy on the drama of it all rather than seeing the bigger picture and knowing that all things now are intended to raise awareness. If they do not come to the surface, this cannot happen.
There is something to be said for 'remaining calm'. The object is to get to a place where you can remain calm rather than contributing to the chaos. This takes commitment and mindful effort and living that awareness & Christ Consciousness every day. It is not a practice, but a way of life; however, it may take some practice to get to that level as you re-set old conditioning.
When you do, there is nothing else like it. I realized this weekend that one of the many things I am so grateful for every day is the ability to remain calm around so much emotional energy. It's not that I don't have my moments, but I can easily bring myself back to center by connecting to my heart/soul/spirit & guidance. I am grateful to be here holding the space/energy as we move through this golden age of change. I have such compassion for those that are gasping for air now. No one said it was going to be easy, but it's a choice every single day to stay out of judgement and flow with the energy projecting graceful love & compassion for everything that is taking place around us now as well as what the planet is going through.
Connecting with the trees at this time is a huge source of feeling that strength and courage to move forward. Hugging a tree, sitting/standing on the roots of a tree, connecting with the trees through meditation/prayer is a great way to transcend energy that you are having trouble with. In honor and respect for the tree(s), always ask first before rushing to release the energy you wish transmuted, but the trees will be happy to accommodate. They teach us how to be flexible by ebbing & flowing with the 'winds of change' as well as giving us strength and helping us to connect to our Mother Earth and Father Sky. They are truly amazing beings and here to assist us if we ask.
My purpose at this time is to assist those awakening and undergoing the re-set or re-calibration of their journey. There are many ways I can assist and through my guidance Team, we are most effective & efficient in moving those forward who seek our assistance. It is my wish that you honor your spirit enough to seek that help getting through this great transformation. There are so many wonderful practitioners available in our area. There is no reason for you to feel alone or desolate. Your guidance and the universe is reaching out to you to facilitate this shift for you. Accept the guidance in gratitude and grace. You will be delighted that you did and wonder why you waited so long.
The Law of Detachment ~ In detachment lies the wisdom of the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe. ~~Deepak Chopra from The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
So much has shifted and is shifting. Do you feel it? Yesterday was incredibly intense and today I don't feel like me? Who is "me?" Letting go of any self-identification, I allow the New to be born with no description; no preconceived ideas, no thoughts; only feeling.
Are you feeling detached from things and people? Do the foods you once enjoyed no longer hold the yum-factor for you? Are you feeling buzzy or heavy or just not the same?
Are you questioning everything in your life; not intellectually, but more from an inquisitive observation? Are you going "Hmmmmm" alot? Are you going through the motion of life, but not really fully there?
It truly feels as though we have pushed through something big; well not really push, but have entered an area where we're just not sure of anything; much less ourselves. It's big! It can be challenging if you're attached to life as it always has been. Yet, if you can flow with it all and just observe it with fascination, then you will be just fine. Just know we're not done yet.
So take care of yourself, be gentle and follow your guidance with everything"! No pushing; just being and allowing. And remember, you are deeply and profoundly loved and are not alone. ~Kara, Ascension Notes: Soulstice Rising
When you practice being present, you are not only comfortable with what is occurring in the moment, where you are, who you are with, how you are feeling, but you also make an agreement to let go past and let go of future as much as you are able.
If in this moment you are struggling with something you are worried about - in the future or in the past - just for now, just for these minutes agree to let them go. Agree to become even deeper within your own self and this moment. Even if just for a few minutes, agree to breathe more into your stomach. Feel the depth of your breath as you inhale and then exhale. Feel the depth of yourself as you focus on where you are right now. The way you are breathing, the way your body feels, let go of any tension you are holding, carrying.
You may wish to place hands on your body in the areas that feel tense or constricted. You may wish to just focus very deeply on where it is you would like to be right now, if it's not physically where you are.
If you focus on a desired place, such as a beach, a place you enjoy being, a person you would like to be around; you are focusing the feeling you want to create that this place or person encourages. Doing this for just a few short minutes a day can influence your well being immediately. ~~Lee Harris, from 7 Days of Peace - Day 1 - Presence
I wrote this for All those of you in Fear, those of you immersed in concepts of Good And Bad, Dark and Light,
Those of you "battling" the mind, and not Fully in your Heart, I love you!
The linear mind cannot figure out Timelines, Parallel Worlds, The New Creation and The New Birth.
Someone mentioned to me yesterday, for me to go to a Parallel World is like them going to the Grocery Store. Even more so, I don't move from where I Am.
You do not Travel on a Plane to go to a different dimension! You Change Frequency! I Am in All worlds consciously at Once, at the same time!
It will be Heaven on Earth. It is Now, for those within their Heart. Who do not live by outer appearances.
Timelines, parallel Worlds, are not as they seem to be, to the linear mind. There is no darkness also!
All is a Reflection of What Is. And It is always perfect as it reveals Clearly what is!
The Evolution of Consciousness, planned before Time Began, is for All that have incarnated through the Creation Plan.
Moving into Your Heart, Allows you To move into your New Birth, Which Increases your "Frequency" which changes your experience, your Reality, the timeline you Live in. You don't go anywhere, as in distance, this isn't linear!
Consciousness, is as it is, All that Arises is always for the Highest. It is what it is, and is the reflection for you to See, Experience, to Love and Surrender All in Divine Flow. Only resistance to "What is" and Attachments, create Disharmony and Suffering.
You will choose Dear Souls, What is perfect for YOU, and what you choose is Always Perfect you see! And it will also be Perfect for All no matter what they choose. Do not consider One Choice better for everyone. What anyone chooses is Perfect!
Trust the Divine Plan, Deep within Your Heart.
Do not Look to the mind for Solace and Comfort. Confusion is of the Mind, in opposition to the Heart!
Move Deep within Your Heart!
Your Heart Knows!
I Am Always With You! Victory is for You! The Glorious Moment is Soon Here!
I love you and Hold You! I Am Victoria Elohim! I Am!
Laura Pleiadian
I was reminded of some good advice from the Keepers and GB from a few years ago this morning. It seems quite fitting in the energies of late.
The majority of people are completely self-absorbed and can't see past the end of their own nose for the most part. To have true compassion for others you need to have a basic understanding of how things work. If you have this, and also have been exposed to the dharma (teachings of truth,) you are blessed indeed; and in the big picture you are actually quite rare. To be angry at people for being in their ordinary mind is about as useful as being mad that the sky is blue. For the moment anyway, some people are to quote GB, "Doing what they always do." Continue to go about your business, blessing and lifting up others whenever possible, even if they can't or refuse to do the same for you. That's the way to spread and anchor unconditional LOVE in this place. Some days you may not feel like it, and that's okay too. Allow yourself those moments of disappointment, but it's best if you don't stay there. Shanti. Irma Sawyer
Scorpio Full Moon ~~
Rise of the Phoenix, Be Prepared to purge the old! Time to de-mask as truths reveal! Rebirth of health & finances! Emotional & karmic clearing!
Oh la la, the annual Scorpio full moon is well and truly here! I can feel a need to air dirty laundry and dive deep in to my shadows...not the prettiest of jobs granted, but oh so healing! The mix of the Sun in earthy, Taurus with intense, watery Scorpio is giving us an opportunity to purge and release old emotions to get to the heart of issues that may have been troubling.
And beyond the astrology of this moon, the collective Source message is to let your Inner Phoenix RISE!! She is truly fecund with renewed strength, joy, light and optimism. And she asks:
* What are you ready to birth in your life?
* What passion has yet to be explored?
With Saturn in Scorpio, your finances are also going through a period of renewal and if you feel you would like to be more prosperous, affirm to yourself, "I AM Prosperous"! Stake your claim; breathe and gather in all the abundance that the Universe is holding for you. There is always fact, prosperity is always in Infinite supply for you. Trust, believe and receive as you fuel your passions and RISE ever more in your Divine Self.
Wishing you an incredible full moon of release and renewal, Calista, Ascension Write & Teach Facebook
ASCENSION NOTES: SOULSTICE RISING~~Transforming addiction~We have moved to a new level. We are downloading the energies from higher dimensions and especially from our Home Dimension, which could make you feel exhausted, unable to sleep, having physical discomfort, etc.AND what is really big is that with this new space, which means you are holding more Light and Love, addictions are right there asking you to transform them. There are so many aspects of addiction. There is addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, sugar, Facebook , another person, your old stories, staying in an old role, a way of being, complaining, a particular diet; and just about anything in which you are either mindless or "can't help yourself." Addiction is any area in which you feel need. This is when staying in the Moment and staying awake and aware helps you, for then you can choose. Conscious choice is Freedom. Addiction is also resistance to evolving. A person becomes addicted when they don't want things to change or are even addicted to change; yet all addiction is repetitive action of any kind. It may feel good and comforting in the moment, yet know that it stunts your growth by holding you in your comfort zone. To be fresh and new.
ASCENSION NOTE: SOULSTICE RISING ~~Are you noticing how much more sensitive you are? The sensitivity I speak of is physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The sensitivity I speak of is not ego-sensitivity, where one takes things personally, as if one is being attacked from the outside. No; this sensitivity is about rising as a Soul-being; a Light-being.
Your body is more sensitive to food and environment, you are more intuitive...feeling so much more than even a month ago. Being more sensitive is opening up more to your Awareness and the truth of who you are; you are Love. You are an Ascending Master.
So be in Gratitude and Grace for all that is occurring in your life...the changes, the sensitivities, and all that is occurring. We are becoming Who we truly are...Light Beings of Love.
We have a very special FULL MOON MEDITATION coming up this Saturday, May 17th @ 7:30 pm. More info on this event follows the update.
Don't miss the opportunity (or any opportunity) to raise your vibration facilitating an easier acclimation to the energies welcoming renewal and expansion. As you raise your vibration, you become more aligned with all that is your soul's purpose, passion & essence. Raising your vibration also facilitates that shift in awareness, perception & consciousness. The energies we are experiencing now are intended to create that shift for us & in us; however, many are so caught up in the 3D that they are extremely uncomfortable even to the point of pain. Raising your vibration serves to lessen the discomfort and release the 'pain-body' to the level that is correct & appropriate for you in that moment. Raising your vibration facilitates that shift with more grace & ease. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to give you some clarity on it.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast
Opening the Door to the Full Moon
Physical Avatar Report
Cosmic Weather Full Moon Report
Energy Report for May 2014
In Line & Aligned for Action
The Next Step - Almost Uncontrollable Urges
How Negative Energy Affects Your Life & How to Clear It
7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening
Tip Off Global Soul Report
Statistics Prove that People are Waking Up
Our Changing Brains
I offer many services to assist in the awakening/ascension process, re-calibration and restoring balance to the body's chakras and energy field. Sound activations & attunements are very effective in assisting in shifts taking place within the physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual bodies.
You can now go to my website at to schedule a session
BUY 3 GET 1 FREE ~~ SOUND SESSIONS ($65 savings) - Package = $195 for 4 Sessions. Package good for 3 months.
REMEMBER, SOUND is excellent for re-calibrating & re-aligning regularly during these amplified infusions of energy that seem to knock us off our center.
Buying a package of Sound Sessions and filling in with our Sound/Vibrational Resonance Meditations is an excellent way to assure that you stay calibrated, synchronized and centered assisting with well-being, wholeness & maintaining harmony for the entire body-mind-spirit!!
~~~GREAT GEMSTONE TREASURES FROM THE TUCSON GEM SHOW~~~You won't find crystals like this anywhere else in this area!~~~Still offering a 20% Discount on most of my inventory depending on size of purchase and excluding NEW merchandise~~~
Come by our office and shop for unique gifts. Inventory in Stock: crystal skulls of all sizes & stones, crystal skull pendants, bracelets, earrings; crystals angels, crystal hearts, crystal totem animals, crystal pyramids, crystal goddesses, crystal merkabas, crystal vogel wands, shaman stones, crystal sacred geometry, crystal points, crystal obelisks, crystal eggs, crystal spheres, selenite wands, selenite hearts, selenite bars, selenite pyramids, selenite starseed wands, selenite octahedrons, selenite plates, pendulums, gemstone pendants, earrings, bracelets, silver chains, rings, Goddess stones & Fairy stones, tumbled stones, a wide variety of palm stones, high quality white sage sticks and more. Let me know if you are looking for anything particular or would like to come by and browse. I also offer gift certificates to be used for services or merchandise. Just let me know you will be coming by and I will make sure you will have time to peruse the new merchandise on hand.
I have new Himalayan Quartz crystal skulls that were chosen by Synergy to come to Memphis for sale in assisting with Sherry's expenses when she returns to Ervin Hypnosis Center July 18-20. These skulls can be viewed at my office and all were a part of circle of skulls that Synergy called together before I left Arizona. 80% of the skulls in the circle are Himalayan Quartz which is the highest vibrational quartz in the world. The skulls will be purchased directly from Sherry Whitfield, and she may be willing to work a reasonable payment plan. The skulls on-hand weigh between 2-3 pounds. They are A+ quality. I have other Himalayan skulls and crystal skulls as well from this awesome Tucson trip. Come by and check them out or give me a call or text if you are interested in viewing them in person.
Intuitive Reading in Person or by Phone: $50 for Half Hour; $90 for Hour
BioMat: $1 per minute up to One Hour or FREE with any other service (To learn more about this awesome healing tool visit: )
The BioMat is also available during the sound meditations at an extra charge. It provides the ultimate experience during the meditations.
Private Sitting with my personal crystal skulls: $1 per minute up to Half Hour
Sound Session (Crystal Bowls, Gong, Solfeggio Chimes, Tuning Forks, Shamanic): $65
Sacred Heart Activation Sound Session: $65
Violet Flame Heart Activation: $65
Sacred Heart/Violet Flame Heart Activation: $100
Alchemical Transformation: $65
Resonant Sound Session: $100 (Sundays ONLY)
Crystal Skull Transformation Session: $65
Dream Interpretation: $60 for One Hour
Spiritual Counseling: $60 for One Hour
Hypnosis with Sound: $100
Gift Certificates are always available for services or merchandise.
I offer discounted prices for combined services.
Please call me if you want to schedule a session or have further questions on any of the many services I offer.
~~~My new Himalayan crystal skull, Guardian, is doing some awesome work on past life and karmic healing. This skull definitely has a purpose in shifting the vibration from the old to the new and is taking my work to heightened levels. Everyone that encounters Guardian is drawn to physically connect with the skull and so the work begins whether you are there to see me for a reading, sound session, hypnosis session, crystal skull session or any of the many other sessions I offer. Guardian seems to take 'front & center' and is making himself known. It is no coincidence that this crystal skull is here at this time as we move through this pivotal shift in our evolution. Along with my other skulls, we are facilitating a tremendous shift and healing for this entire area, as well as globally.
~~~REMEMBER~~~~ I am now offering a new session on SUNDAYS ONLY in the pyramid at our office. These Resonant Sound Sessions are facilitated while you relax in a zero gravity chair with a crystal grid beneath you in the copper pyramid surrounded by the crystal bowls and gong. These intense sessions move a lot of energy at an accelerated rate. They are designed for these shifting times & will facilitate encoding that will provide you with the ultimate clarity on your journey at this time. These sessions are highly recommended for re-calibrating and realigning your body-mind-spirit system and cleaning up your energy field given the intensity of the energies we are experiencing now. These sessions will be $100 for one hour and you must schedule in advance. The times to schedule a session are from 1 to 5 pm. These sessions are offered on SUNDAY ONLY. Package offer does not apply to these special sessions. Powerful indeed!! Right NOW is the perfect time for scheduling this session which will enable you to move into this New Year of Light & Balance!! Call me if you want to know more about these sessions. They are already growing in popularity due to their intensity and all they facilitate!!
The Violet Flame Heart Activation is immensely effective in assisting you while moving through heart issues. It facilitates release at whatever level is appropriate for you as you journey through this major shifting experience. Although it works at the heart level, it facilitates re-calibration of your entire energy system as well as infusing the Divine energies into the void that is left with release. It is a very powerful session that provides clarity, healing and enlightenment.
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and dedicate your focus & intention to your journey and your own transformation, I can help you with sessions that are unique to you and your path. These sessions will give you clarity and build upon your abilities and bring to the surface the aspects of yourself that you are ready to embrace. They will also assist you in releasing the old, stuck and lower vibrational energy that is irrelevant to your growth and present journey, thus facilitating healing at a cellular/soul level. The key words are commitment and dedication.
Ashley Little is also available at Ervin Hypnosis Center for Swedish Deep Tissue Massage, Raindrop Technique Massage, Reflexology, and very special energy work for helping shift energy creating discomfort at this time. Please call her at 901-268-8679 to schedule a session with her. Ashley also offers gift certificates for her services. Visit Ashley's NEW website to schedule an appointment also:
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
It is such an honor to be a conscious channel for enlightenment/awareness and self-discovery & realization at this time. Blessings abound as we journey together. The work is the inspiration. It is my purpose and passion to facilitate peace through compassion, love & gratitude.
Thank you to those who share this email and continue to provide feedback. It is my intention to inspire you as you are certainly the inspiration behind my work!
Abundant Blessings of Infinite Love, Gratitude, Peace, Compassion, & joy to you as you ride the auspicious waves of ascension. I look forward to connecting with you soon and often throughout this most life-changing year of our return to consciousness.
"Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice. We are all telling ourselves a story"... ~~Cypher Raige in 'After Earth'
"Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. " Abraham via Esther Hicks
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. "- HH Dalai Lama