Mixed in with the depression and emotional overload is some residual fear and anxiety that come from owning that truth and stepping into a new YOU. The ego is likely to be working overtime in holding it's space, so there is definitely conflict between the mind and heart. This will serve as a catalyst to move you more into your heart. Just 'Let Go & Let God'.
We will be working with the Divine Feminine and issues of the heart during the whole month of June. This energy is blasting the sediment and sludge from our system. Because of this, you may feel vulnerable and 'tender', but know that it is absolutely for your highest good and delivering you up to your highest self.
"We move into June, the 6th month of the 6 year. That means that every single day this month features a 6:6 Star Gate, and some feature 6:6:6 Star Gates! 6 is the number of the Divine Feminine. Interestingly, these next couple of weeks feature Grand Water trines galore, and a Grand Water trine is as feminine an energy as anything can be. It is intuitive, expansive and deep, and if we’re centered within our Selves, these Grand trines can help us to move into the 5D realm with ease and fluidity." 06-01-13 www.thecosmicpath.com
Working with the Divine Feminine and Grand Water trines indicate that it will likely be a month of releasing and moving through emotional situations. It is a time of purification so be kind to yourself and nurture yourself. This is always my advice, but even more so this month as we move through energy intended to restore balance and as we regain our bearings after being in the fog.
I am still seeing where the ego driven 'stuff' is rearing it's head to be recognized and transmuted in whatever way is necessary. When it does, it is very uncomfortable for all involved who see it for what it is. All that is required is to stand in your truth and remember that if you don't resonate with it, it is not your truth. I re-emphasize working with the 3 D's, Discipline-Discernment-Discretion, in dealing with ego. It will save you a lot of time and energy.
As things come up for you now, BREATH it, FEEL it and run it over your sensors a couple of times to determine if it is you or someone or thing else and also to see if you resonate with it in any way. If you do not resonate with it, give it love and gratitude and step back from it. Don't allow yourself to be immersed in anything right now other than Infinite Love & Gratitude. From that place you will also find compassion, forgiveness, peace, joy and balance.
- Astro- Insight
- June 2013 Energies
- June 2013 Energy Forecast
- The Energies of June 2013
- Astro Energy Overview
- Monthly Forecast for June 2013
- Awaken the Infinite Breath
- A Lifetime-to-Lifetime Process
- The Greatest Habits of Your Heart
- The Price of Belief and Cost of Judgment
- Weekly Lightblast: Being Yourself
- Solar Winds & Finding Your Anchor
- Out of My Mind
- 5D Identification Manifestation & Falling in Love
- An Invitation to Come Out of the Closet
- Limitation or Liberation. Which Do You Choose?
The Aquarian Empath is a Server, but not a “Rescuer.”
The Aquarian Empath is a skilled Problem-Solver but not a “Fixer.”
The Aquarian Empath is a Source of wisdom and light, but not a “Savior.”
The Aquarian Empath has evolved from the role-playing victimhood of the Piscean Age, to stand in the light of empowerment and wisdom as a Guide in the continuing evolution of the Planet.
An empath is one who intuitively picks up the feelings, energies, and thoughts of others. They are very sensitive, heart-driven individuals, and may be prone to physical and/or emotional challenges.
If you are an empath, you already know it all too well, or at least suspect that you are.
In either case, this is the guide for you.
In THE AQUARIAN EMPATH, Irma Kaye Sawyer speaks both from her own life-long experiences as an empath, and from channeled material received intuitively via The Keepers, her personal Guidance Team.
Visit http://irmaksawyer.com/brightstar/ for more details
The Alchemy of Creation - Transmutation of Consciousness
The Arcturians
Dear Ascending Humans,
We will speak to you today about the alchemy of creation. Alchemy is a process of changing matter by raising its resonance into a higher frequency. Hence, the alchemy of creation is actually transmutation. In the third dimension, creation is a time-bound concept, which is the polar opposite of destruction. However, beyond time there are no opposites, no birth and no death. Instead, there is transmutation.
One form of transmutation is the process through which encasements of consciousness (bodies and/or form) raise their resonance into a higher frequency of atomic and/or energetic oscillation. In a physical body, the atoms of third dimensional matter spin to a higher frequency, resulting in a higher resonance.
If the matter/body raises its resonance before the inhabitant raises his/her state of consciousness, the human consciousness may not be able to maintain calibration with the body. In this case, the consciousness will separate from the body, which on the physical plane is often thought of as death. However, death is actually only a condition of the form.
If the resonance of the form rises faster than the human's consciousness, which seldom occurs, the inhabitant will be returned to the Astral Plane to wait assignment of a new body. However, a human of a higher frequency of consciousness can then inhabit the form if there has been a Soul agreement with the previous inhabitant.
This scenario occurs with "Walk Ins." In other words, when the inhabitant of the form cannot maintain calibration with the ever-escalating form, that inhabitant can decide to leave that body and allow a consciousness of a higher resonance to inhabit it.
On the other hand, there are occurrences in which the consciousness expands beyond the frequency rate of the physical form. When this occurs, the consciousness ascends beyond the confines of the physical form and abandons the physical form because its resonance has become too low for the consciousness to comfortably inhabit that body. Throughout Earth's history this experience was known as personal ascension.
A third example of transmutation is when both the physical body and the consciousness transmute in a manner in which the consciousness and the form remain entrained to each other. Hence, the frequency of resonance of the consciousness and the body transmute into higher frequencies while remaining in calibration with each other.
In this manner, a person can accelerate their consciousness into the frequency of the fifth dimension and beyond, while their form matches the rise of the resonance of the consciousness and vice-versa. In this case, one can mediate for many years and greatly expand their consciousness. Simultaneously, special treatment is given to the body regarding food, exercise, etc.
When the inhabitant's consciousness is high enough, the inhabitant can use his/her highest states of conscious to connect their opened Third Eye with their High Heart.
With this connection the human consciousness can direct their body to release certain hormones. This hormone release occurs while the inhabitant is in a delta wave consciousness so that he/she can instruct the cerebral cortex to consciously direct certain chemical changes.
For example, experienced Yogis can sit on the snow and cause it to melt, go into hibernation for weeks and/or consciously direct the Pineal Gland to give certain messages to the Pituitary Master Glad, to increase its frequency rate of the body.
Many rituals regarding eating, sleeping and movement work together so that the body can raise its resonance enough for the higher consciousness to still inhabit that form.
However, in order to achieve this higher state of consciousness one has to direct all their attention towards this endeavor. Hence, it is mostly those who live an isolated life in which they can meditate many hours every day while their community
cares for them who can dedicate themselves to this process. In other words, these people usually need to dedicate their lives to illumination. In fact, they usually enter their spiritual community as a child.
On the other hand, what is occurring in your NOW is that the higher light is activating your 97% DNA and creating evolutionary changes in both your state of consciousness and your earth vessel. Once this DNA is fully activated it facilitates the recall of multidimensional thinking, which leads to higher states of consciousness. The DNA also works on the cell bodies to initiate the transmutation of the body into a higher resonance.
In this case, an outside source is assisting both the consciousness and the container/body to resonate to a higher frequency. However, this higher light is not confined to a Temple situation. Thus, humans are experiencing the great challenge of returning to multidimensional thinking, expanding their consciousness and totally shifting the frequency of their form while continuing with their 3D obligations and duties.
Through raising the resonance of your consciousness, you can survey the inner adjustments in the frequency of your form. Thus, your consciousness is actively involved in your physiological changes and the entire body works as ONE being to keep all vital organs and other life supporting mechanism working in harmony with the expanding resonance of your consciousness.
This type of immense transmutation of form begins in Source. The Immaculate Concept of any changes in form emanates from Source. The Elohim are the holders of form who receive that Immaculate Concept from the Source and initiate the process of stepping down that concept into the lower worlds.
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.