The tones from encoding have been really intense as well and very consistent. While in the midst of a reading the other day, the encoding came in so loudly that I had to stop for a few moments and just allow the process. I don't think my client was even aware, but it seemed very untimely, and yet we could say that about a lot of things these days. I know it is part of the process as with each of these experiences comes greater clarity and knowingness.
Actually, as we all know, everything is in Divine Order & Timing. It is us in our linear thinking of not being able to wrap our head around what's actually occurring here now to the planet and all energy and life on it. The veil has been lifted and for those that don't have a clue or can't quite seem to grasp what that entails, the energies are over the top and very chaotic.
I have met with several clients lately that just cannot seem to remove themselves from the element of fear. Of course, the element of fear is so much stronger now as is the element of love. They are in a conflict for the restoration of balance to the planet. Just as love is much stronger with it's higher vibration, so too is the element of fear. When asked why they are in fear mode, these clients could not put their finger on it, but felt it so intensely that they required extensive help in bringing them back to their center.
I have added to my daily and nightly rituals the intention of creating peace for everyone as well as the planet at this time. Many others are doing this as well. We can't find clarity, direction, focus , or center if we are unable to find peace within. When our energies are scattered, it is easy to fall into fear, even if it's the fear that's being picked up from those around you. There is a lot of fear on the planet now due to all the changes occurring all around us. There is also a lot of love being radiated out to diffuse and eradicate this fear. We are all working overtime here to transmute this 'fear' into a productive & creative energy.
It is my feeling that the fear we are experiencing now is in conjunction to the responsibility that goes with the changes that are in progress. There is no turning back now and we know it. Some have resorted to childhood states of, 'I don't want to play this game anymore'. It is not that easy. We can shift that energy together by focusing on love, peace, gratitude, and forgiveness. Know that ANY negative feeling, emotion, reaction, not only lowers your vibration, but feeds the fear that is out there now. If for no other reason, this is the perfect reason to remain positive and stay in a higher vibration of love, gratitude, compassion, and peace.
My advice for moving through fear is to pray. Pray whatever prayer feels right in your heart. There is no right or wrong way to pray. It is what moves you in your heart to a place that creates within you a shift that you can feel in your physical being. It feels like a release because it is a release. It is a release of lower energy. You will feel lighter and even peaceful as this shift occurs each time, and it does build in momentum. It builds to a point where you will notice seemingly all of a sudden that it is effortless to move into this space of peacefulness. I am providing a few of my favorite prayers. As I told someone earlier today, prayers are not about religion. They are about what resonates at the heart level. You can even make up your own. Just be sure to listen for the guidance that is provided as well, knowing that prayers are ALWAYS answered.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
Prayer for Inner Peace
God/Goddess help me to live in Your joy and peace. Give me strength and understanding to resist anxiety, anger, envy, depression, bitterness, hopelessness, loneliness, fear and guilt. Rescue me when “my spirit is overwhelmed within me and my heart within me is distressed”. I refuse to let my life be brought down by negative emotions such as these.
When I am tempted to give in to them, show me Truth. Grant me patience for the process enabling me to connect with my soul at the highest level. Help me to keep my ‘heart with all diligence,” for I know that “out of it springs all life.
I invoke the Light of the God within.
I am a clear and perfect channel.
Light is my Guide.
I would like to share some excerpts from a book that I am reading called Moments of Mastery by Lauren Zimmerman. I resonate so strongly with what I am reading in this book, it is almost as if I could have written it. I remember it from another time and space. Of course, I feel we exist everywhere simultaneously, which to me explains a lot about this journey of the Soul.
"As a child of God, a creation of Soul in union with God, you do not need to give permission or authority to anyone or anything to assist you in creating your reality, unless you choose to do so. Each of you alone is the master of your own reality. Each of you alone are given the choice and the opportunity to decide how you will experience life. Your choices are dictated by your emotional reactions. You can choose to live in harmony with your Soul's mission. You can choose to live in power rather than victimization."
"Let God and Universe satisfy your needs from the inside. This action, this act of making this choice, dilutes the pain of the reality that lives outside of your personal connection to your Divinity."
"The process of transforming your life into the purity of Soul begins with the realization that you are pure energy. You are not disconnected from Soul. You are Soul's energy having an experience that feels real. Reduce the impact of the 'realness' upon your emotional body by reacting from the base of your Soul's Truth. When you have an emotional reaction, re-interpret that reaction with love and the Knowing of your Soul. All things being energy, the energy that you transform from the human experience will be the heart of what carries you to the transformation of your personal life."
"Within you is a cell of joy, a cell of peace, a cell of all that you desire. Within you is all that you can be, Within you is Me and I am all that is. I offer you the totality of all that I am. It is only your task to accept it."
"The journey to God is actually a journey in self-discovery. There is no greater way to find out who you are and who you are not than the path of discovering how much faith you have ~~or do not have."
"All Divine Alignment has to do with one's perception of life and events. How one perceives and accepts or rejects each life experience is all that needs to be Divinely Aligned. Do you see? If one is Divinely Aligned with Soul, one's perception, understanding, and acceptance dictate how one interacts with the experience."
"As you know, resistance creates resistance. Divine Alignment does not resist any experience. Soul understands that with every single event is the opportunity to gain and to learn something. The pain that is experienced on Earth is the ego/personality resistance to the 'right' and 'wrong' of the event. But who is to say that the ego/personality knows right from wrong in the Soul-dimension? the 'rights' and 'wrongs' are created from the personality level, not the Soul level."
"Not all of the events that go on around us are ours to participate in. There are times when the people in our lives create experiences that our Souls do not need to be included in. Here's another key--Divine Discernment. Discern what is and isn't yours, what is your Soul's choice and what is your personality's choice. In doing so, you are training yourself in personal empowerment. You are learning to own what's yours, to allow others to own and 'out-picture' what's theirs, and to make choices based on what your Soul needs rather than have your life dictated by the illusionary reality we live in."
"In the Seeking comes a time when the darkness of the Void is met. It is asked of us to blind ourselves to all things, to step off the cliff of solidity and apparent-knowing into the nothingness of Surrender. Blind, deaf, and uncomprehending, we must achieve the ultimate trust. Trust of Self and Trust of God, the Creator of All That Is. What we must remember, in order to find the courage, is that it is ourselves, our Soul, that has brought us to this point. It is ourselves asking ourselves to grow beyond fear, beyond pain, beyond illusion. It is ourselves asking ourselves to grow into the Truth of Soul."
"As pure Soul, we exist in a state of Grace and Love. Within the pure power of our Soul lies the knowledge that nothing truly exists except what we choose to create. If we are creating all things that exist outside of ourselves, what then do we have to fear? What then can take our power away? What then has the power to disrupt us from the pure state of love?"
"Some of you have come from another 'frequency reality' in order to help 'insert' higher dimensional frequency energy. Your task is to hold your frequency (your Truth) despite everything."
- Weekly Weather Report
- Planet Alert June 2013
- The Tip-Off Global Soul Report
- Soulstice Rising
- The Three Winds
- Working with the Current Energies
- Breaking the Cycle of Lack
- June 11th, 2013: Saturn Trine Neptune
- There are no Shirkers in this Transition
- The Indigo Revolution
- Preparing for Chiron to Turn Retrograde
- Being Ascended
- Lunar Guidance
- The Journey Home