I continue to be given pieces of the puzzle that date back to 1988. With each piece, I have an AH HA moment. I feel that click and the knowing that the time is very near the moment of absolute and complete metamorphosis. There is a feeling of "This is what you have waited your whole life for!!"There is such an essence of excitement with this energy now. I guess some may actually feel more anxious than excited, however, it is a great time of change. We must remember that we volunteered to be here at this time to have this experience. As your perception shifts, the excitement replaces the anxiety and fear. It absolutely does get easier to view the journey with the higher vision.
So many things coming to light in the next few months, personally & collectively. It seems a lifetime ago just between December 2012 and now. Our vibration and frequency is completely different than it was just 6 months ago. We are seeing from a different and higher perspective. We are feeling and navigating with our heart, and sometimes not necessarily comfortable with it, but nevertheless, are utilizing this wonderful aspect of ourselves for journeying forward/upward. We are better able to hold the vibration of compassion knowing that it is easier and less demanding on our physical being than sympathy. Sympathy fills us with guilt and heart-wrenching sadness. Compassion respects the situation for the many journeys and the purpose of each and every life involved. It allows us to hold the energy of Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Gratitude, & Harmony for the change that is being facilitated by those involved.
We are all here to be a part of this exciting time of evolutionary change. As we step back and detach personally from the situations that are unfolding before us, we can better determine our part in it. For most of us, we are here to hold the space and energy of Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Joy, Gratitude, Compassion & Harmony.
By remaining in the higher vibrations, the Body-Mind-Spirit is better able to release the older, stagnant energies and allow the infusion of the higher frequencies that are coming in. I was told by the Team that we would be experiencing information through coded music now. We will be hearing music or frequencies that sound like music as we are being encoded with new information on moving into the next 3 years. This information is very important for our adapting to the activations and attunements that we will be receiving over the next several years.
A reminder that your being true to yourself, standing in your Truth & Divine I AM presence benefits the Greater Good of the Whole. You are a vital part of this experience. ...The collective effort by millions has already had a profound influence on the spiritual awakening of many people and is accelerating the spiritual transformation of humanity...✣ Sanaya Roman
"You are being reminded of your own innate validity: You exist, you ARE, and therefore you are important. It may not always be easy for you to recognize that your very presence, your being-ness, IS the service you offer. That presence is intrinsic to your higher purpose, so honor yourself just as you are." www.thecosmicpath.com
"Can You believe how much has happened and how You have changed over the past year? Really, take a moment to look back and compare to now. Look how far You’ve come. Notice the beauty around You now, no matter what is going on in your life. If You were to do nothing this month other than allow any emotion that comes up to move through and be transformed, then You will have contributed to a more beautiful world. The changes that will show up around You are directly related to the inner adjustments that You have made up to this point. Remember that any emotion that You stop or block causes a lack of ease and shows a lack of trust. Are You choosing to tap into your whole and healed reality? You have the power to access the your highest potential by choosing thoughts of appreciation and allowing the universe to fully support You. Why would you choose anything less? You deserve to be able to move through life with ease like the whales gliding through the water and sharing their beautiful song." www.psychicpotentials.com
PLANETARY UPDATE - From Jim Self July 2013 - IT'S ALL ABOUT THE SUN "As the shift continues to accelerate we are seeing many more variables, fluctuations, and choices in how we know ourselves. Much of what is happening is being directly influenced by the Sun, which is now in a stage where it's producing very significant changes within itself. The escalation in huge bursts of energy, CME's and solar winds that are being produced are creating alterations in light frequencies. As charged electrical particles from the sun hit the earth's magnetic fields, weakening it and changing the flow of the electromagnetic balance around the earth, they also pass through the atmosphere and into the earth's core, heating it up. This is affecting the currents of the oceans, which in turn have a significant impact on the weather. In the coming months and years we can expect to see more temperature variances, which will cause more rain and tornadoes in areas that have not typically experienced these before. The result will be more flooding, more earthquakes and greater volcanic activity. At the same time, however, we too are being altered by these electromagnetically charged frequencies, which are making many more levels of consciousness available to us. Thoughts are electrical, emotions are magnetic - and as the charged particles pass through us, many things are happening in our emotional field, our thought/mental field and in our physical body. Our DNA structure is expanding, and alterations are occurring in the way we receive and understand information, as well as how we experience and express ourselves. We are moving towards a different way of life in which a higher consciousness is available to all of us. These light patterns are providing choice and realignment. Cracks are continuing to appear in the old systems, creating challenges, as well as wonderful opportunities for transformation. Where we put our attention now is more critical than it ever has been before. However, if we focus on the external changes and challenges, the path of transformation will be far bumpier and less comfortab le than if we cultivate allowing, rest and ease."
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Astro Insight
Psychic Potentials July 2013 Energy Update
The Tip Off Global Soul Report
Weekly Weather Report
Weekly Lightblast: Fast Paced Peace
Monthly Astro Forecast July 2013
A Marriage of Mind and Intuition
July 2013: Astro Energy Overview
Spiritual Energy Leaks
Divine Changemakers Heal the World
Grand Water Trine of July-August 2014: Let Love Rule
You're Itching to Discover New Paths/Apps
How Can I Help My Indigo Sons Q&A
Victim or Victory?
The World Has Changed
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.