The Full Moon Meditations on Saturday were very intense. In fact, it hit me on the way home Saturday night like a wall. About half way home I became really emotional and thought I was going to have to pull over to let it pass. All of Sunday, this emotional wave hung around and was in and out. Dizziness and total discombobulation off and on Sunday. Sunday night, dream time was extremely weird as I couldn't escape the dream I was in even though I would get up and go to the bathroom. When I went back to bed, it started up again. I would find myself back at my old corporate job doing some of the accounting work that I did. My co-worker friend was in the dream as was my mother, both on the other side now. It seemed to go on forever with bits and pieces that were out there filled in with familiar details that applied to that time in my life.
As I embarked on my life adventure Monday, I couldn't help but feel both of their presence around me until finally, I asked them if there was a message from the dream that I needed to understand? I received several signs from both of them that there was indeed a message within the dream.
The Full Moon of Monday was the 3rd Super Moon in a row. We are being gifted with the energy that encourages (forces) emotional release. The energies of this year have been serving up reminders of old ways of thinking, believing, being, doing strictly for the purpose of transcending all of the 'old'. Many have found themselves caught up in that old way of thinking especially in the last couple of months around finances, relationships, jobs, home, and any other area of life that provides support, security, stability and comfort. The old way associated with these simply doesn't fit or work any more and we find ourselves entertaining that 'fear' element because we can't seem to imagine or grasp the reality of the NEW stability.
This new stability lies within each of us. It is not outside of us. It is that confidence that comes with knowing that the Universe totally supports us and is paving the way for us as we take each step FORWARD. It is that peace that reassures us that everything is what it is and is in Divine Order. This Divine Order is based on you walking your talk and living your Truth.
The fear that is felt with the memory of the old way generates overwhelming emotions of sadness and depression as it washes away or purifies the cellular memory for a new way of being. These emotions wash over you like an ocean wave that seemingly comes out of nowhere and lasts from a few minutes to several hours. You may find yourself sobbing uncontrollably or it may come and go through several hours. This is perfectly normal with the heavenly energies that are infusing us now. The intention is to allow the release to occur knowing that it paves the way for the transcendence or transmutation that creates the new.
The energies now and for the rest of the summer support and encourage creation and manifestation. As you allow the purification process to prepare you for your new way of BEing, it shifts your frequency and facilitates the return to your original vibrational signature. While this is occurring (which is NOT overnight, thank goodness), you are reminded to nurture your whole body-mind-spirit self in order to integrate what is being received.
"Closing the door to what we don't want, opens the door of potentiality for what we truly DO WANT.
The problem is, many of us out of fear of the unknown, will leave the door we should close forever ~ slightly opened. This dilutes the power and energy of the new door fully opening and blessing us with a new creation.
In order to fully be in our power as conscious co-creators we must shut the door to those things that no longer serve our highest good. When we do this, we are free to walk through the space of pure potentiality with focused attention and full faith that something more aligned with our highest soul's growth will be put in its place.
The Creator gave us free will! We hold the keys to our future. "
~~'How To Raise Your Vibration'
You will find that if you don't nurture yourself during this process, more and more you will become completely off-kilter and out of balance. This will make you feel like you are running in quicksand.
We are being guided now more than ever to be more mindful of our whole body-mind-spirit system and to take care of it in all ways that raise and hold the highest vibration possible in order to acclimate and assimilate all that is being infused into our energy fields as we are being transformed into crystalline beings moving into the higher dimensional realms. This is happening regardless of whether you nurture yourself or not, and if you are not taking the time to do so, you are definitely feeling it.
With these 'old energies' (memories) moving through you, be sure to stand strong in your Truth and what feels right for you. Again, the reminder is that we cannot 'fix' or 'heal' anyone but ourselves. If it is not their desire to receive help in any way, you can only pray for that which is for their highest good and love them where they are. It's difficult as some seem to spiraling out of control. Just know that by doing just as I mentioned above, you can facilitate a shift for them if their soul is crying out. Work from the higher realms now to reach out to loved ones who seem to be sinking in their own lower energy. Steer clear of judgement and just bathe them in Infinite Love & Gratitude.
We are being called into service in whatever way we are guided. Sometimes that way is just by holding our own energy to the highest vibration which in turn facilitates the abilities of others' to maintain and shift in whatever way is appropriate for them. They more you do this, the easier it gets to maintain that higher vibration as it becomes the norm. You will notice yourself becoming more energized and motivated as your frequency shifts and eventually it becomes apparent in your whole body-mind-spirit energy field.
Full Moon Psychic Energy for July 2013
Full Moon: Age of Aquarius
Weekly Cosmic Weather Message
Weekly Lightblast: Revealing Truth
Astro Insight
This Is The Big One We've All Been Waiting For!
Sirius Rising 2013: From Star Heart to Earth Heart
Lion's Gate Initiation: The Next Level of Spiritual Awakening
The Inspiration of Humanity
Be the Energy for an Ascending Earth
The Rare Merkaba Alignment of July 2013
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.