In 2000, Casper, a white turkish angora with big gold eyes, showed up at my corporate office in Midtown. He was clearly out of his element, this beautiful white cat with a blue collar and no tag. Me and the other two women in my office brought him into the office. His paws were pink, not dirty, and he was pristine white. We figured he got out and may have been ran by some dogs to our plant. He enjoyed the attention we all showered on him for the whole afternoon as if he was used to all that attention. I joked that the only color cat I didn't have was white. The other women kept saying I had to carry him home with me. As we put him back outside that afternoon, thinking that he may go back to his home, I made the remark that if he was anywhere close to my car when I left, I would take him home. I no sooner got the words out of my mouth until he jumped up on the hood of my Saturn and laid down. How did he know which car was mine?? When I left that day, I opened the car door and he crawled into the back seat and laid down and slept for the whole hour drive home to my house. As he walked into my house like he knew where he was, he touched noses with Shadow (who was definitely the Alpha of our Pride) and they greeted each other as if they were brothers. They had that connection until Shadow passed away suddenly and way to early in his life, 7 years later. Casper really never bonded with any of our other cats.
We thought he was a female at first, I guess because he was just so beautiful. Tried to name him Snowball, which he clearly didn't answer to. After finding that he was a male, the name Casper came through. His nickname was 'OGWO' - Oh Great White One, as he made it known that he was royalty. In his pictures, he just looked like energy with big gold eyes. An animal communicator friend told me that if she didn't know he was a cat, she would have identified him as an angel as he definitely was connected to the angelic realm and appeared to have fallen from the heavens. During a session in Mount Shasta in 2001, I was told that he had a connection to one of the 3 wise men named 'Kasper'. He loved us all so very much, but especially my daughter, Ashley. He claimed her and loved to kiss her eyes.
He was our spirit cat that came into our lives just as we all went through the tremendous shift that occurred for us in 2001-2002. So, his transition is symbolic of the transition that we are about to go through within the next 6 months.
As I sat with him the night he transitioned and prayed for a peaceful transition and had that talk with him that we always dread having, I knew he would not last through the night. I dreamed of accompanying him to the Rainbow Bridge and of Shadow greeting him and them touching noses once again and joining the rest of the "Little Critters". My daughter told me she journeyed to our house that night and as Casper saw her arrive, with his last breath, he jumped up to greet her in excitement.
The next day as I was getting ready for work, I was moving into that sadness that befalls us when we feel their presence knowing that their physical is now gone. He said to me, "Mom, don't be sad. Instead celebrate the life we had together and the blessing that we were in each other's lives. Know that we were both so special that we were blessed with being together on this journey......and we will always be together."
All of my furbabies have been and are special. Each such a unique and amazing part of my life. Casper was one that signified a huge spiritual shift in my life at the time that he entered into it. He once again signifies a huge spiritual shift in my life. It became even more real with his transitioning. The synchronicities every day are too many to even remember, but each day is filled with them.
The emotions that go with ending and new beginnings are overwhelming right now. I know that I am feeling them so very strongly that if I had the time, I would be crying for a while. I am so grateful for my work in service as it serves me just as much as it serves others. My connection to the Great Spirit that comes through in each session is such a blessing as I gain clarity and strength with each experience. Even though I have my own personal sessions daily with my guides and Spirit, that connection to the "All That Is" comes through with each session in service and fills me up.
The new moon in Cancer tomorrow is all about moving through these emotions and not getting caught up in them to the point of losing ourselves. Allow yourself to have the feeling and move through the emotions without attaching to them. This is part of the release process that is being facilitated for us at this time. This new moon is going to be an emotional one as we began to realize all the endings and new beginnings headed our way.
We are headed for the Mayan Day Out of Time on July 25th and the 8:8:8 Lion's Gate, an infusion of the Divine Feminine Trinity. Powerful energies headed our way moving forward into August and September.
There is a plethora of interesting and helpful information coming down the pipes now. There is much to share this week. It is my intention to facilitate a sense of peace and calm with this very major transitional period of our evolutionary journey by sharing information and, of course, being available to assist when you feel the desire to work with a facilitator.
July's Cancerian new Moon falls on July 15 in the United States and July 16 in Australia. This is a big new Moon, and one that will see many things changing. We have Venus about to go retrograde and it is conjuncting Jupiter and squaring Saturn - a contradiction in terms. Mercury and Mars are exactly conjunct smack opposite Pluto, so there are likely to be some explosive events, whether on a personal level or on the world stage, things are set to be interesting, to say the least. We have the Moon's north node traversing the Super Galactic Center, so we will see a lot more synchronicities, magical moments and manifestations of our thoughts, dreams and ideals. Chiron is trining this new Moon, so we have a wonderful opportunity to listen to and observe the stories we tell ourselves, and, it could be time to rewrite some, perhaps a lot, of those stories. ~~~Lynda Hill
Our free will allows us to choose any path we wish for our life and we do that every day, with every thought, word, and action, whether we realize it or not. Contained within our free will choices are decisions about the frequency, vibration, and type of energy we will allow in and into our lives and on the earth. And there are two distinct paths for how we allow energy to flow into and out of our lives — we can either adjust ourselves to the energy around us or set strong boundaries and stay in the frequencies we choose for ourselves. A more appropriate term for free will is ‘energetic consent’ because it is a process of allowing energy flows according to where we focus our intention and attention, and by allowing these energies to flow, which we do by not choosing another level of energy, we agree to its presence. That’s why understanding our energetic consent is critical now, since with each thought and choice, we are creating an exponential energetic impact for ourselves and for everyone and everything around us.
When we talk about energy flows and consent, we must look attention and intention because they can point energy in different directions. For example, I may set my intention to get something done but if my attention is distracted by something else, I will intend one thing and do another. Where did my energetic consent go? To whatever got my attention, no matter what my intention was. And by allowing myself to be distracted, I unconsciously gave my energetic consent for my energy to align with and expand what got my attention.
Our energy flows tend to by guided by our attention, rather than our intention, especially around situations with strong emotions. Unless we are aware of how powerful our energetic consent is, we will allow distractions to scatter our energy, which disempowers our intention and flows our energy into situations that don’t serve us. And it creates energy flows that may be inconsistent with our desire for evolution and ascension, as well as for the presence of peace, love, joy, and abundance on earth and for humanity.
I want to live in a world that flows with loving, compassionate, supportive energy frequencies, do you? We can create that with awareness of energetic consent. One more thing, unless we are aware of how we consent or agree to energy, our energies are easily manipulated by things that get our attention. We end the manipulation by stating clearly and powerfully what we will energetically consent to, which creates a bigger energy container for the energies we want, and sets our energetic boundaries to limit the presence of energies we don’t want.
Energetic consent is how we control energy flows into and out of our lives and since we are energetic beings, knowing how we work with energy becomes one way that we can be fully aligned with our intention for our lives and for the world. When we’re aware of the power and potential of our energetic consent, we ensure that our attention and intention are fully aligned, there is a clear path for energy to flow into, and we have greater control over our movement between dimensional realities. We’re moving back and forth, from 3D to higher dimensions, creating large reality gaps that are more easily navigated when we pay attention to what we are energetically consenting to, aligning our intention and attention to becoming containers for the highest frequencies and vibrations possible.
The more we move into evolution and ascension, the greater the responsibility we have for managing our energetic resources. And the way we do that is through energetic consent.
You can see more in the video here and there is a sample Declaration of Energetic Consent below, which you can use as a sample to set your energetic consent to ensure that you are working with and within the highest frequencies and vibrations.
Here is a sample Declaration of Energetic Consent you can use to overcome energetic manipulation, declare your energetic sovereignty, and acknowledge your energetic free will:
I now give my energetic consent that the highest possible frequencies and vibration are now present on the planet, in our solar system, galaxy, and universe.
I now give my energetic consent to be filled with the Source light of the highest frequencies and vibrations and I expand that light and those frequencies and vibrations to all of humanity.
I now give my energetic consent to be a container for energy of the highest frequencies and vibrations and to be a source of those energies for everyone and everything, everywhere.
I now give my energetic consent for the creation of a direct pathway to Source light and energy for myself and for all of humanity and for the Earth.
I now give my energetic consent for the participation of every being and energy, throughout the cosmos, with the highest intentions for humanity, to assist us in clearing the planet of all lower energies and frequencies whose purpose, focus, and intention is harming the human heart, spirit, and energy.
I now give my energetic consent that the Earth now continuously receive light and energy to overcome, vanquish, and release any and all energies that are not in the highest purpose for humanity and the planet.
I now give my energetic consent that the highest possible frequencies and vibrations of the energies of peace, joy, love, and abundance, are now available as an unlimited, continuous, and constant source for myself, for all of humanity, for every being and life form, and for the Earth.
We are surrounded by a vast sea of energy, containing every possible frequency that we can embody or aspire to, and many that we cannot or wouldn’t want to. But they are all there and in order for any of them to be present, we must consent to them, which expands them in our lives, in the lives of others, and on the planet. This is how we use our free will, we agree to be aligned with certain energies. If we want to change the energy of any personal, individual, or collective situation or reality, we have to change what we give our energetic consent to. And when we consent to the presence of energies together, we empower the energy we want to live in and with, and that’s how we create heaven on earth.~~~Jennifer Hoffman
July 11, 2015
[HI DAD!] HI SUZY! I love you. [I love you too!!]
Today I want you to know that the earth has reached a new tipping point. It has ascended its light body and its physical body is soon to follow.
[So what does that mean specifically?] It means the earth has shifted into full labor, so to speak. You won’t read about this in the paper but here is what I see from my vantage point. The energy around earth has grown to look like a rainbow of light. When seen in the frequency field of my spirit it resembles colors of the spectrum that completely dwarf the colors you can see. It is a living spectrum of love and light.
[Was there an event that triggered the tipping point?] It was a council meeting of the highest order of ascended masters. This, in linear time, has been discussed for awhile. In the time of no-time, where I am from, it was a feeling of momentum that the earth sent to us. She is opening her energy fields to the universal bodies that allow this ascension to happen.
[I see the image of a filter being removed around earth. Is it like that?] In a visual sense, yes. In the energetic sense it is like the rays of creation are flowing faster and stronger now.
What you will notice on earth is a quickening of time and intention. This means be mindful of your thoughts! You will create everything much faster now. This includes the full spectrum of human emotion.
Try to look at an event not with the eyes of personal advancement but with pure love for all. When done in this way your highest and greatest experiences will unfold quickly. No more time for humans to see events with the belief of “I know best”. Like your Ego friend who came to chat in your QHHT session talked about, ALL understandings are shifting now.
Meditate, be in nature, picture colors and light swirling around you and earth. The Cosmos is exploding in joy and gratitude for this advancement. Enjoy the ride!
~~~ by Suzanne Spooner. All Rights Reserved.
We are becoming exceedingly aware of how we use and abuse power and what true self-empowerment means. We are clearing and creating space for the new, by releasing the old (ongoing theme of the last 2 years!), any conflicts that arise are designed to bring us to a metamorphosis (Pluto)… pushiness is one sign that either you, or someone you know has an agenda, observe the process and see what you get. Some people or situations can be explosive today and we get to choose where we sit on the emotional scale and how reactive we are.
The energy leading up to this New Moon can stir up resistance and that is actually a good thing, as it helps us to see where we need to let go or stand firm. Being true to yourself always yields the highest dividends and helps to sculpt the healthiest reality for all concerned. Hearing what that truth is … that is where the work is.
The New Moon in Cancer is exact at 9:25 PM EDT. There is a grand water trine involved which speaks to heightened intuitive guidance and with the Mars/Mercury conjunction in Cancer as well, this is the time to plant seeds about our emotional well-being. Our relationship to our physical vehicle (our bodies) and our metal perspective are irrevocably linked. This is a great time to ask yourself how you can tend to the Body-Mind in a more nurturing way that will bring you a greater sense of well-being.
We are being guided to grow, to plant new seeds that will nurture who we have become… time to blossom again! Venus turns retrograde later this month on the 25th and Pluto’s connection with her today is setting the stage for a much bigger review of our values and where our heart is leading us. The Cancer energy brings up the root of our being, our history, our family, our sense of security. The energies are providing us with an opportunity to reframe the story we have been telling and heal old wounds… let old resentments go. This New Moon energy holds great potential and possibilities.
Ok, so the time has come for "no time". What this means is to break all the rules you think you know about the past, the present and the future. Instead, focus on this... that "a new day" can be had in every SINGLE moment of your breath. Inhale... good... now exhale. This is the truth - that the dawn of a new energy, one that breaks the mold, ends the current pattern and begins a new one, is always ONE solitary choice away - and then you're in it... the NEW DAWN.
What if it was that simple? What if all that was required was a choice... a choice to draw a line under your current situation and start fresh. You cannot heal the past without acceptance of it in the present. So why EVER live in the past? In fact, you cannot not EVER achieve a healthy future without acceptance of ALL that you are HERE AND NOW. Are you willing to love yourself FULLY right now?
You see, you are a magnet. And your auric field acts as the great attractor. Only, the one part missing maybe is determining the core essence of your generator that generates the energy of your attractor. Since you are being so left-brained right now, let's talk about that. Ha ha!
Ok, so we've just identified that your auric field acts as the great attractor. But what does this mean? Well it means that you attract to you what it is you think about the most, or the thoughts you generate. This generator has by-products, known as emotions. Your emotions are then projected quite literally into your auric field. This is why, when there is tension in a room, people often say, "you could cut the tension with a knife." If enough "tense" energy is being generated out of individuals' core generator, and into their auras, eventually it will be felt in the physical space.
The way it works is as follows... First, a story is created about a situation or scenario happening in your environment (including in your own head space). That story is based upon patterns you've created from experiences, up-bringing, etc. Then that story triggers a feeling (emotion - which is learned and stored by the way). This feeling and all of its energetic cords and ties is then projected into your aura. Finally, it is experienced by others, and then the next set of circumstances (or karma) plays out.
So, what if you CAUGHT the energy, or the energetic pattern mid-stream, drew a line under it, and CHOSE to create a different story - one of positivity and love? We'll cut the suspense for you and simply tell you... you would ABSOLUTELY create a NEW DAY! By Universal Law and the rules of engagement on your Earthly realm, this MUST be the way it works. Your choices are the VERY things that make you a Creator... THE creator, actually, of your world.
So... If it hasn't dawned on you already, a new day is just around your choices, for they lead to everything. Begin choosing more of "happy go-lucky, who cares, we're all ok", and you will create a world where everyone gets exactly what they need in exactly the right time. And, remember, when you are in "WE" consciousness, thinking of the collective good, you are IN the "we".
See you at the dawn of your new day.
With so much love in my heart for you,
WHO'S FEELING A LITTLE ALONE?...There's an important and essential aspect to spiritual evolution and it's a path that we all take at some stage in our life. That path is time spent on your own, getting to know yourself in the quiet of your soul. You may have noticed that there is a marked increase in relationship changes in 2015. There is an acceleration in souls waking up and desiring integrity. More of us than ever before are needing space to incubate and develop who we are, so that we can use that power to re-form our Earth. The ancients advocated alone time for the cultivation of wisdom. So try not shy away from it. Let it come to you naturally. There is a time for sharing and a time for being on our own. When you are away from distraction, you can actually hear the universe speaking with you... Elizabeth Peru
We have awesome sound experiences scheduled this weekend. This is the perfect way to get your 'Vibe' on for your weekend. Join us as these events are intended to raise your vibration, empower, uplift and inspire you on your journey. It's going to be a great weekend of sound!!
We are consistently shifting at every level of our body~mind~spirit. It's important to nurture yourself and take time out to re-group and to take time to just 'BE'. Our sound experiences & meditations offer the perfect opportunity to raise your vibration and re-calibrate while facilitating healing at whatever level you are ready to embrace. Keeping your vibration up and maintaining balance will help you to move through the coming weeks of this most expansive year with more grace & ease. We hope you will join us. More event details follow this email.
Friday, July 17th @ 7:30 pm, SHAMANIC CHAKRA TUNE UP
Saturday, July 18th @ 7:30 pm, NEW MOON MEDITATION
Don't miss the opportunity (or any opportunity) to raise your vibration facilitating an easier acclimation to the energies welcoming renewal and expansion. As you raise your vibration, you become more aligned with all that is your soul's purpose, passion & essence. Raising your vibration also facilitates that shift in awareness, perception & consciousness. The energies we are experiencing now are intended to create that shift for us & in us; however, many are so caught up in the 3D that they are extremely uncomfortable even to the point of pain. Raising your vibration serves to lessen the discomfort and release the 'pain-body' to the level that is correct & appropriate for you in that moment. Raising your vibration facilitates that shift with more grace & ease. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to give you some clarity on it.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
New Moon Update for July 15 2015
Thoughts From Your Hostess of Light on July 2015
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast
Are You Feeling More Emotional Lately
Preparing for Truth
Recognizing How Guides & Angels Communicate With Us
Spiritual Development vs. Psychic Development
Ascension Lessons from Our Elders
Being Alone
You Are Changing the World
Does God Want Us To Have Pain?
New You
Allow Love
11 Spiritual Truths of An Awakened Soul
Manifesting the 5th Dimensional Frequency in 2015
July 15 2015 Universal Energy Discharge Upon Mother Earth
How Wave X Will Affect You
When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and dedicate your focus & intention to your journey and your own transformation, I can help you with sessions that are unique to you and your path. These sessions will give you clarity and build upon your abilities and bring to the surface the aspects of yourself that you are ready to embrace. They will also assist you in releasing the old, stuck and lower vibrational energy that is irrelevant to your growth and present journey, thus facilitating healing at a cellular/soul level. The key words are commitment and dedication.
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
It is such an honor to be a conscious channel for enlightenment/awareness and self-discovery & realization at this time. Blessings abound as we journey together. The work is the inspiration. It is my purpose and passion to facilitate peace through compassion, love & gratitude.
Thank you to those who share this email and continue to provide feedback. It is my intention to inspire you as you are certainly the inspiration behind my work!
Abundant Blessings of Infinite Love, Gratitude, Peace, Compassion, & joy to you as you ride the auspicious waves of ascension. I look forward to connecting with you soon and often throughout this most life-changing year of our return to consciousness.