Many are feeling very emotional, sad, drained, scattered, distracted, lethargic, and anxious. This is all in line with the energies raining down on us now. Oh yeah, and the solar flares have started up again, so this is amplifying the energies. Everything that is being felt now is there to raise you up and move you through your past. It's also intended to help you to clarify within yourself what you intend to bring into your new 'life'. Remember, we are in a time of re-creating ourselves. The old lower energies that are moving out are allowing us to be infused with the higher vibrational energies that are assisting us in our creations. Remember also, that it's a proven fact that the cells in your body react to everything that your mind says. Negativity brings down your immune system. Be very careful of your self talk during these low energy level periods and as we are being bombarded with the higher intense frequencies. Just allow that lower stuff to move out with the help of the higher frequencies.
Everyone knows that sound is my passion. I believe so deeply that the benefits of sound/vibration healing can awaken, enlighten, heal, re-calibrate, and restore vibrational resonance throughout the entire body-mind-spirit energy field. Sound/vibrational healing is something that at some level should be incorporated into your daily routine of body-mind-spirit strengthening & uplifting. Certain frequencies such as the Solfeggio frequencies playing in the background of whatever you are doing will enforce, enhance, and amplify the benefits of what you are doing such as yoga, breath work, meditation, tai chi, massage, sitting in nature or any of the many ways you may nurture your whole self. There are so many benefits to sound/vibrational healing as I have listed before with the most important one being healing at a cellular level.
Sacred geometry is formed by vibration. As we work with sound to raise our vibration, thus restoring the vibrational resonance within our body-mind-spirit and entire energy field, we are returning to our original vibrational signature. We are creating ourselves as crystalline beings, as it is the sacred geometry and fractals that is replacing that which is being released through sound healing. This is also proven in the water experiments by Dr. Masaru Emoto. As we are 80%+ water, our system reacts to sound just as the water does in Dr. Emoto's experiments. This is phenomenal information that is so very useful to us in our shifting consciousness. For more on these experiments, please visit his website at
The higher the vibration, the more energy we have and the less sleep we are likely to need, as well as physical sustenance. As we create ourselves through sound we are transforming into crystalline energetic light beings that require mostly vibration and frequency to sustain at a certain level. Along with the Light energy that is infusing the planet at this time of our evolution, sound is facilitating the transformation (read complete metamorphosis) that we are experiencing.
"Both sacred geometry and cymatics have many profound effects on the mind, spirit and consciousness, but one of the most interesting is their effect on DNA. Our DNA is an expression of sacred geometry and is simultaneously activated by the viewing and presence of sacred geometry both in physical and vibrational (sound) form. When viewed through this lens, it can be better understood why music and art has played such a central role in human history. In both regards, they activate our higher consciousness and profoundly effect our mental, spiritual and etheric expression. The study of this ‘holy trinity’ of higher consciousness is fascinating indeed." - See more at:
The energies of the next few months are all about family at every level. As I tell many of my clients during sessions, "You are not your mother and you are not your father. You are YOU and it is time that you break out of that mold that is inhibiting you." If you are moving through family 'stuff', it is really intended to take you to the deepest level of your heart. The family issues surfacing now are healing those generations backwards and forwards. Just allow it to happen without attempting to identify with it. Remember that things are not what they seem and certainly not what they appear to be through 3D vision. We are gifted with psychic vision which enables seeing from a higher perspective as we awaken and embrace our Infinite Divine Essence. The higher we move in consciousness, the more we will view from this higher perspective being able to view the bigger picture, which in time will assist us in detaching so as not to take things personally.
In these times of intense energy and shifting, allow yourself to call to Father Sky/Cosmic Father and Mother Earth to ease your pain or discomfort. This Source energy supports you and is available to assist with the evolutionary process that is underway. Wanted to share a very simple practice to incorporate into your day & night. A friend posted a perfect prayer for signing off each night and greeting each day. It helps with dream recall as well as receiving wisdom and guidance that is shared during dream time.
"There's a sacred communion happening between you and the Father sky in the ethereal.. in which you are revealed deep truths about your life through the medicine of your dream weaving travels...
As you lay down for the night, say this:
"I offer this NIGHT unto you Father Sky. May this journey reveal to me my most miraculous superior self, and may my sovereign authenticity be a mystery no more."
THEN, as you wake up in the morning, say:
"I offer this DAY unto you Earth Mother. As I roam this land, may all the wise teachings that were revealed to me be ANCHORED into my core, so that I may integrate them into my daily life, into all experiences, and with all beings. Thank you, it is done!"
"The soul never sets about with the intention of introducing pain into the body. The soul is constantly drawing situations and circumstances for the purpose of extricating the energies (and consciousness) of Separation from the self. The pursuit of comfort and the pursuit of growth are mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed. Pain is falsely perceived as the enemy because most people are seeking comfort rather than growth. The fact that people rush to doctors to obtain pain “killers” bespeaks this self-deluding belief system. Human beings molt, just like crabs and snakes. Yours is simply not as visible… or is it? Hair, skin, cells—these all molt and replenish themselves. But so does your whole being. The one aspect of molting which humans deny, avoid, and resist the most is the molting of consciousness. Paradoxically, this is the most important part of the healing process because it affects all others and is the very vehicle for endearing you into the heart of God and for realizing your own divinity. Do you have to experience pain as part of the growth process? Absolutely not. God did not create your pain and suffering—you did. It is not growth but resistance to growth which causes pain." - See more at:
"July is all about learning how to love yourself and the people around you. We have a confluence of energies, mostly in water signs, that are helping you get in touch with your emotions, honor your feelings, and make loving choices. We will be in the astrological sign of Cancer from June 21-July 22, while Mercury is in retrograde in Cancer, and the abundant planet of Jupiter is in this sign for another year! During this time, you have an opportunity to connect with your family, and even members of your Soul Family, in new and profound ways. PLUS, there is a beautiful Grand Water trine from July 17-19. There are so many blessings for you to tap into!"
Important Dates in July/August
These are Key Moments in this evolutionary process of moving into Christ Consciousness:
25th and 26th July : the "day out of Time" and the "New Year"
8th August.......the 8/8...the Peak moment of the Stargate/Vortex transmissions
8th-12th August.....Culmination of the "gate"....
19th-23rd August......Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius and integration of the new Solar/Lunar Codes
"You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided you really are now? Don't think about who you have been. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully."
Tony Robbins
Astro Insight
July New Moon Energies
Cosmic Weather New Moon Report
The Lions Gate 2013
Healer Heal Thyself
Ascension & the Rising Consciousness
How to Stop a Downward Spiral - Immediately
Keeping Up With the Humans
Treat Your Body Kindly
The Recalibration of Self - Part 1
Physical Transformation through St. Germain
The Amazing Hologram
Weekly Lightblast: Expect Nothing
The Great Emotional Cleanse
Who Are You Now?
Self-Empowerment & Self-Love
The Pain Body
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.