Could it be that this was another 'sign' from the Universe of the shift that has occurred with the new cycles we have just begun with our Sun and it's polar flips and our Moon's new cycle. The counterclockwise spin of the polar vortex indicates re-setting or re-calibrating of energies that moved in with the eclipses at the end of 2013. Always observing 'signs' at every level, it seems this was an emphasis on the shift into the Divine Feminine energies that we have experienced over the last few years that are being firmly anchored in at this time compliments of the Universal alignments.
The message to nurture ourselves as we move into this year of light & balance is very strong at this time. Many are experiencing respiratory problems and find themselves bedridden for several days at a time. I have always felt that when the Great Spirit is ready to 'work with us' during times of great change, it helps us to be where we are required to be in order for the 'work' to be the most beneficial. For most of us, that is in bed....asleep. Some are finding themselves sleeping 20 hours at a time with these 'flu' symptoms. While the discomfort of the spiritual 'flu' is inconvenient, it is much easier for us to move out of the older energies and into the newer ones through the transition of sleep. Many don't get enough sleep anyway, or sleep in waves. Many have been experiencing a mix-up in their days and nights and even spurts of insomnia. I find myself sleeping really good for a couple of nights and then the rest of the nights I dream so much that it doesn't seem that I even closed my eyes. These energies are definitely running interference with our sleep, so it's important to nurture yourself when you feel the call and are able to catnap or catch some extra z's. It is how we are acclimating to all that is moving through.
~~~This is the perfect time to get a reading to see what 2014 holds in store for you or to get a 'tune-up' through a sound session. It's great to prepare in whatever way you feel guided to. For this weekend ONLY (Friday, January 10th through Sunday, January 12th) I am offering a FREE 15 minute reading with every sound session (a $30 value!!) Be sure to mention this offer to get your free reading. It's going to be a great year! Let me help you move forward uplifted, empowered & ready to take it on!!~~~
The many sound meditations we held over the holidays and even through last weekend served us well in shifting and raising the vibration, individually & collectively. Having 4 meditations in 1 week was so very powerful for all those who attended (and there were those that attended every meditation) as well as our geographical area. Knowing too, that meditations were being held all over the planet with the intention and focus on welcoming in the Divine Feminine & new consciousness that 2014 heralded. Of course, it is an ongoing process. And so we have moved into another stage of the process.
"Life is about your soul, not about your body and not about your mind. Most people work hard to keep the body happy. Then they seek to stimulate their mind. Then...if there is time...they look after their soul. Yet the most beneficial priority has it just the other way around. When was the last time you paid attention to your soul?" Neale Donald Walsch
This is the focus for 2014 and forward. Make your spirit/soul your priority knowing your mind and body will follow. We should now be making reference to Spirit-Mind-Body rather than Body-Mind-Spirit....As we begin to nurture our soul and honor it as the genuine/original being that is 'us', we will begin aligning to everything that already exists to fulfill our journey. We are first and foremost spirit/soul that has incarnated to have this physical experience. It is time that we acknowledge this aspect of ourselves as our original essence knowing that as we eradicate the separation of spirit/soul & physical/mental, putting the soul first, we will remember & recall all that is our Divine birthright.
~~~Your Personal Vibration or Energy State is a blend of the contracted or expanded Frequencies of your Body, Emotions, and Thoughts at any given Moment.
The more you allow your Soul to Shine through you, the Higher your Personal Vibration will be.
~~ Penney Peirce
"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive." Albert Einstein.
01-05-14 THE WEEK AHEAD: Hello and welcome to a fabulous new week upon us! Hot on the heels of the very liberating and expansive Jupiter Opposition, this week sees much movement around 'communication' and working towards your personal value and power. Excellent stuff. Read on for a weekly overview...
~ Jupiter closest to Earth all year start us off. This annual event pushes us to live large and be bold and daring in all of our actions and thoughts. No need to be shy now, the world is waiting for you to be and express as alive as it is!
~ First quarter Moon comes in mid-week and we are in the building up phase to the New year's plans we put in place on January 1. Act on your intuition and forge ahead.
~ There is a lot of Mercury and Venus action around from mid week onwards, meaning you will find the urge to communicate your worth and value. Particularly related to personal wealth, finances and the using of your abilities to your best advantage.
~ By the weekend there are some very high (Sun) energies that are positive for personal expression and taking 'full on' responsibility for your life. You will be pushed to live your truth without delay.
~ Sunday is the second 11 Master Day of 2014. Excellent for stepping through doorways into a new life...
Enjoy this week for all it presents to us. I'm so excited to be kicking off my Advanced Mentoring Program today on these strong energies Love to all and stay tuned to my page for daily insights and messages you can use xxx
#ElizabethPeru #WeekAheadForecast
If and when you notice those old fears come up, look them in the eye, give them a big kiss, thank them and tell your Self you don’t live there anymore.
Mind and Heart are in a rare and powerful connection this week, and if you keep your lower fear based thoughts out of the mix, there can be major breakthroughs.
I was thinking that the symbols of 2014 being a "7" Universal Year in numerology and in the Chinese Year of the Wood/Green Horse was a bit of a dichotomy. The 7 connotes meditation, transcendence and a deep quiet. The Horse indicates change, travel and movement. So to me this translates as the year of Spiritual Pilgrimage; as close as your own backyard, or as far away as across the pond. Wherever your own Spirit calls you, to best find your own way back Home. Happy and safe travels all.~~~Irma K. Sawyer
The ongoing astrological configuration of the Cardinal Grand Cross is applying pressure from four energetic sides. If you’re experiencing any tension, anxiety, angst, anger, conflict, or need for huge change right now, rest assured, that’s what the energy is – the force of the Cardinal Grand Cross requiring something new in you.
As I mentioned in this last New Moon write-up, certain astrological points and signs are feeling it the most; specifically any planets and points in your natal chart from 8 to 14 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These trigger zones will continue to work with you personally throughout 2014. And there are MANY gifts in these energies, my friends!
The pressure building is similar to coal creating new diamonds, yet I’m hearing it in a slightly different way: the intensity is creating new light within to shine outwardly. The force is actually within YOU (not external) and is requiring you to breakthrough into new parts of your being, your energy, your potentials.
We are always in control of our energy. You own your thoughts, emotions, ideas, actions, beliefs, and choices at all times. We are quickly moving away from unconscious programming and opening up to higher levels of experiences as conscious individuals. Sometimes extremes are what takes us to the next part of the journey the fastest, so zoom out to see the bigger picture. You’re on a fast-track and also fully in control at the same time.
Quick exercise to do right now as you look at this screen:
Visualize the middle point of a cross. See the very center point of it in your mind’s eye. Focus on increasing light shining through the center point, until sha-zam! The bright clarity of a blinding light clears away the fog, stagnation, fears, or anything that you are experiencing. These light breakthroughs are quite fast and effective, yes?
LIGHT breakthroughs are happening because of our ability to create higher energies in all areas of our life now. We are open and willing to receive greater light than ever before, right when we request it.
Light BREAKthroughs are clearing away whatever is complete, ready to go, and be released. Recognize change as a natural manifestation of time in the 3D constructs of reality. Things of a lower vibration are ready to break and give birth to the new.
Light breakTHROUGHS are taking us to another energetic experience of ourselves. We are moving through to more of what resonates with our true Selves. Don’t fear the change; embrace it. Allow. Open up with trusting arms and receive the winds of change as forces of Spirit filled with awesome Love.
Doesn’t that quick change in perspective feel amazing?!
Everyone on the planet is feeling these energies, and you may come across some less-desirable expressions either through others, yourself, or a trigger point. In addition to that super-easy visualization exercise, I put together some effective thoughts to assist you in raising energies swiftly during these big growth cycles:
Passive-aggressiveness and/or inability to take action (Lower expressions of Mars in Libra) ~
Focus on peace within for all parties involved:
“May the energy of peace surround, fill up, and overflow within All involved in this situation now. I recognize the gorgeous Divinity in each being regardless of external energies.”Doubt in Self or Lack of Personal Clarity (Lower expressions of Uranus in Aries) ~ Focus on confidence in Spiritual Self: “May the strength of Spirit/Source/God fill me up to my natural state of Spiritual Confidence and Strength. I own my full energy as a connected source of Light.” Bullying, Force & Power Struggles (Lower expressions of Pluto in Capricorn)~ Focus on Trust in Highest Source of Personal Power: “May the inner well of power that is my natural birthright guide all involved to our best possible places now. I am connected to the bigger purpose of this situation now.” Emotional overload & projecting big fears (Lower expressions of Jupiter in Cancer) ~ Focus on detaching from the feelings/Ego-Mind and Return to Spiritual Connection: “May I always know that I am connected to the deep source of my inner Truth. I believe in my ability to Trust beyond any fleeting feelings that may arise in my consciousness.” Namaste, Molly McCord aka 'Conscious Cool Chic'
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Weekly Weather Report
The New Now
The Tip Off Global Soul Report
One Precious Life
Navigating January's Energies
Theme For the Year: Elusive
2014 & It's Numerical Encoding
The Energies of January 2014
How to Tune to & Live From Your Purpose
Why is Receiving a Dirty Word?
Stargazing 2014
2014 Predictions: The Year of Love
2014 Galactic Call to Arms
The Meaning of Ascension for 2014
"Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. " Abraham via Esther Hicks
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. "- HH Dalai Lama