I may or may not be able to get out an Energy Update next week as I leave for Tucson AZ early Wednesday, 1/29 and yesterday everything kicked in as to what has to be done before I leave. With a full weekend this coming weekend (be sure to check out all that's going on at the center), I am planning by the days what needs to be done and, well, you know how that goes. A lot to be done since I will be gone until 2/22. Will keep the intention to send out a short Update next week as I will be pretty much off-line during my stay in Arizona while staying on the mountain.
Lots of things going on around the home front now too. It's all about perception and how things feel to you right now. Being mindful & aware of what's coming up for you as you traverse through the ocean of emotions and feelings that are fading in and out. Realizing those synchronistic experiences are getting more and more frequent is a sign that you are aligning more and more with your soul and purpose.
Following is an article on sound & light and how they are being drawn into our journey as a way to help us remember and to assist in re-calibration, alignment & synchronization of our Spirit-Mind-Body. Sound is being utilized more as we advance in the Ascension process. It's no wonder that sound works with the light frequencies that are infusing us to facilitate the return to the original vibrational signature. It's also no wonder that sound helps us to see beyond the physical 3D into the multi-dimensional realms utilizing that aspect of us as we re-create ourselves moving forward. It's no wonder that sound is at the forefront of raising vibration, healing and maintaining balance within & without.
Deep Resonant Sounds~~~As the harmonies of the spheres are resonating in the magic of Rainbow Light, the depth of the Divine sounds begin to reverberate within your being. Ancient sound instruments that raised vibrational frequencies have been prominent in sacred ritual and prayer for more than a thousand years, because the drone acted as a reminder of the One Presence within all things. The resonant tones of these ancient drone instruments, such as the tambura from India and the didgeridoo from Australia, are still available to connect you to the Wisdom of the Earth and with the Divine in perfect harmony. These ancient sounds vibrate in the core of your central nervous system and remind your soul of the wisdom it has always known. Crystal bowls are especially empowering during this time as well. The power of Sound and Light is coming to the forefront this year, allowing your body to become more accustomed to the higher frequencies that have been streaming to the planet in ever accelerating waves of Light. All that is not in resonance will fall away gracefully if you use simple tools of breath, prayer and sound to keep you in alignment with Source energy. In these ways you will help support your body as it frees itself from old patterns and stagnant energy before the acceleration of the Equinox in March. For the full article on how Sound & Light can play an important role for the ascension process in 2014, 2014: The New Harmonics of Light & Sound
2014 was birthed onto the screen of Life in an explosion of Light. This Light was infused with higher frequencies of Divine Love from the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God than Humanity has ever been able to bear. The reason the Earthly Bodies of Humanity can now withstand this much higher, more rarefied, and infinitely more powerful Light, is because of the God Victorious success of the myriad activities of Light that were accomplished in 2013 through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth ......... 2014 Will be a Year Like No Other
~~~The World Has A You Shaped Hole In It~~~
“Sometimes the world feels inhospitable.
You feel all the ways that you and it don’t fit.
You see what’s missing, how it could all be different.”
“You feel as if you weren’t meant for the world, or the world
wasn’t meant for you.”
“As if the world is ‘the way it is’ and your discomfort with it a problem.”
“So you get timid. You get quiet about what you see.”
“But what if this? What if you are meant
to feel the world inhospitable, unfriendly, off-track
in just the particular ways that you do?”
“The world has a you-shaped hole in it.
It is missing what you see.
It lacks what you know.”
“And so you were called into being.
To see the gap, to feel the pain of it, and to fill it.”
“Filling it is speaking what is missing.
Filling it is stepping into the center of the crowd,
into a clearing, and stating,
here, my friends, is the future.
Filling it is being what is missing, becoming it.”
“You don’t have to do it all, but you do have to speak it.
You have to tell your slice of the truth.
You do have to walk toward it with your choices,
with your own being.”
“Then allies and energies will come to you like fireflies swirling around a light.”
“The roughness of the world, the off-track-ness,
the folly that you see,
these are the most precious gifts
you will receive in this lifetime.”
“They are not here to distance you from the world,
but to guide you, into your contribution to it.”
“The world was made with a you-shaped hole in it.
In that way you are important.
In that way you are here to make the world.
In that way you are called.”
Tara Sophia Mohr from Your Other Names: Poems by Tara Sophia Mohr
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Get Ready Year of the Horse and 1/30 Super Moon
The Ancients Speak
A Time of Stillness: The Sun's Polarity Change
The Bridge: Crossing Into a New Reality
Today is a New Beginning
Looking Toward 2014
2014: From the Mud Comes the Lotus Flower
The Really Big Cosmic Picture of What's Happening on Earth
Allowing Divinity
Why It's Crucial for Women to Heal the Mother Wound
Massive Light Flows to Gaia
The Twin Black Moon of 2014
33 Key to Spiritual Mastery
The Time of Vigilance & The Gift of Comet ISON
"Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. " Abraham via Esther Hicks
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. "- HH Dalai Lama