There is a very expansive beautiful circle around the Moon and Jupiter now and on Tuesday just before the full Moon, there were beautiful rainbow clouds around the Sun. I was mesmerized looking at the clouds and marveling in the beauty of the Great Spirit. The Sun, Moon & Jupiter all facilitate the expansiveness and illumination that lies beyond the physical senses. And that's just what we are able to physically see. So much going on behind the scenes.
They remind us to focus on that illumination as we move through these energies that are pushing buttons and triggering stuff that we might not have even known was there. There is a light beyond the darkness that is surfacing for healing now. The New Moon opened a Pandora's Box of healing that is necessary for us to grow into the Light that we are here to be. We are not alone and are being reminded that there are those that are holding the space and energy for this healing to be completed by the end of March. Another significant step in the Ascension process.
We are going through the tail of Comet ISON on the 16th which will shower us with a light frequency that very well may create some short circuitry and definitely promises enlightenment. This is even more of a reason to nurture yourself during this process as much as possible. If you are neglecting yourself, spirit/soul, at this time, you WILL know it. It will get your attention as other areas in your life may fall apart. Physicality is a reflection of your perspective of what life is supposed to look like. As we undergo this shift, we are also experiencing an upgrade in our perspective and the way we see the world and all that is taking place here.
Sharing more information on this Full Moon and all that is taking place right now in hopes that you will embrace your own journey of self-discovery. Many channels validating/confirming the process as well as the fact that we are not alone and ultimately have everything we need to move forward in Light & Love. Reminding us, especially that WE ARE LOVE and so creating LOVE here on this physical plane is our purpose.
"The Cancer Full Moon occurs tonight just a few minutes before Midnight. All day long we will be carried along by the emotional crescendo that is undeniable with this particular full Moon. The Moon belongs to Cancer, and vice versa. You really can’t have one without the other. These days, as our consciousness expands, the signs take on new meaning. The signs represent the various qualities of consciousness that all of us contain within our Being. Cancer, once known as the ‘crab’ in 3D, becomes the Earth Mother in the new world." 01-15-14
"What this lunar cycle can do best is to help you open your heart; you need only allow your heart to shine as big and full as the mid-winter moon." ~~
"Each year begins with a mix of energies, but this is the first year in a long while offering you the positive possibilities 2014 does.To put this in context, remember that you are one of the fortunate ones consciously aware of what these revolutionary times are about. You know, for example, that these years of mega shifting are unlike anything previous generations experienced. You understand at your core that this is a very precious lifetime – your most important one so far!You know that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and you have consciously chosen to strive for integrating spirit into your entire being – until you are truly merged. Being on a spiritual path for lifetimes – and having done a good amount of preparatory “homework” – you feel a relentless urge to be more and self-actualize more with each breath.There is a cumulative helpful impact from your inner work and spiritual mastery across time. Do not underestimate the good that can come to you in this life because of this groundwork." ~~~Selacia & the Council of 12 To read more on this visit The Power of January 15 Full Moon to Anchor Success
"Every Full Moon is a polarity of energies ready to be balanced and integrated into a higher form. January 15th's Full Moon in Cancer at 26 degrees is a call to examine how we are meeting our needs for safety and security while also pushing ourselves forward to new goals. Self-care is essential to traverse a committed climb, and yet for maximum results, it is wise to listen to our hearts and tune inward for validation.Since late December, five planets have been in Capricorn (Pluto, Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury) adding seriousness and weight to where we direct our energies, while also creating tension, movement, and wisdom to our journey with the ongoing Cardinal Grand Cross. Now we focus on our emotional needs and discern where we can be more powerful in our personal energy field. What has come to your awareness since the New Moon on January 1?Where are you ready to open up to deeper Divine Feminine experiences through your heart chakra? Have you discovered new situations, people, or unconscious patterns that perpetuate disrespect or fear? The dynamics of this Full Moon involve releasing what you have stifled, suppressed, or held back to maintain a false sense of peace in relationships – both within yourself and with others (T-square with Mars in Libra, Jupiter in Cancer, and Venus in Capricorn). Relationship changes may be needed to assert your self-respect, personal integrity, and trust in the wisdom of your feelings more. If anyone is triggering you at this time, understand how they are a soul supporting your growth to greater truth and knowingness. They are highlighting where you are ready to be stronger in your energy; choose to feel empowered about this opportunity to dismantle what no longer serves you. Avoid any victim or child-like tendencies that stem from the inner child's needs for adult validation. You have the acceptance you seek! Boundaries are incredibly important right now. Cancer energy can easily receive more than it gives, which opens up this soft energy to hard imposers. If anyone is throwing energy at you – verbally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically – safeguard yourself with shields of white light. Simply envision yourself surrounded by a cocoon of glowing white light that extends a few feet away from your physical self. Connect the energy down to Earth and up to Spirit. With this easy exercise, you feel into the experience of being connected to everything you need at all times, which is the most reliable way to source your need for safety, security, and self-respect." ~~~Molly McCord aka Conscious Cool Chic
You’re all very powerful intuitively, but you are all also afraid of the level of intuitive power you have. It is not surprising for allowing that level of intuition into your lives will cause energetic shifts in your body. It will cause you to feel different. It will cause you to see the world differently, but that is wonderful. It will make you more whole. So do not fear your power for you all have this power. You are only asking us to say this to you because you know it yourselves. You feel it.
Even now as we speak, just allow yourself to feel the energy in your body. Simply feel the energy that exists right now in this moment in your body and now ask your soul to give you a taste, a glimpse of how much power, how much energy that body can house for you. Just allow that feeling now as you listen to our words. Just allow your body to be shown a glimpse of how much is within you, how much could be within in if you allow it in. And now just allow your soul to return you to a state that will benefit you most in this moment. ~~Zachary through Lee Harris, from Personal Power
You don't have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection — you're going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships. The thing that most people do not understand, is that you get to control the way you feel, because you get to choose the thoughts you think. Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that's what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability because it doesn't take very much life experience to discover you can't control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you've controlled everything that has anything to do with you. -Abraham-Hicks
‘When your body is at rest, your inner being comes out and plays. Exploration of this alternant reality is often a reflection of what your spirit needs to work on, through, or celebrate. Listen to your dreams, as they reflect your subconscious and are windows to your higher self. As this other part of you journeys to other regions in the ether, and the joys, sorrows, healings, and blessings occur, the soul is cleansed and bathed in the holiness of the divine spirit. Once awakened, it is re-zipped back into the typical consciousness with the inner awareness of what happened in the dreamworld before. Often times, your star family will visit in the dreams while you are unencumbered by your physical body. Cherish these times, as they often reveal great strengths previously hidden to you, or directions on your path in life. When the moon is at its apparent fullness or darkness, what you call the full and new moons, this aspect of the spirit may be more intense. Honor the lessons learned and incorporate them in the life on the Earth plane. Remember that all is love, joy and compassion, in the healed, fulfilled life. You are ready, it is time.’-StarChild thru Celia Fenn
There has been a great shift in the energies these past days. It is integration and fusing of the higher levels of self, LIGHT Quotient and those frequencies into the physical atomic and cellular structure. ISON’s energies are upgrading and changing the H2O of all consciousness as it comes through. I have not had words or understanding that I could relate to others in video format these past months and until yesterday I was not fully understanding or relating to that which I feel in my own field. I have fused with it now.
It is interesting that happened 22 years to the day after 144,000 of us joined in unified focused thought and doing our ceremonies, the Wheels within Wheels mentioned by Ezekiel in his book chapter 1 so long ago… That it has taken 22 years now to bring our planet and humanity into a shift was not something I could relate to then… Most of us felt we would be off 3D Earth by 1999… but isn’t it funny how things shift as we are ALL ONE… The rest of the collective of humanity did not want to be left behind… hehe, and that was what 9/11 was all about, and more. So Thanks Team Dark for that!
I also thank everyone who has been working with me on the High Energy Exchange which allows me the funding to do projects I manifest… That is working well…
WE-l-come to 2014 and New Earth my dear other parts of ME!
LOVE! Bill Ballard
Happiness is allowing yourself to be okay with what is, rather than
wishing for, and bemoaning, what is not. Obviously, what is is what is supposed to be, or it would not be. The rest is just you, arguing with life. Somewhere along the way you will have to learn to just Trust Life. (Read that, "Trust God.")~~~Neale Donald Walsch
Beloveds, especially in these times there is no reason to have apprehension for your future. If you are here now and embodied, you indeed have a purpose to fulfill. 2012/13 was a great gateway of initiation as you may know that many beings passed through. Please understand that for many their tasks on earth were fulfilled and they have been called home, for the moment. The next two years especially, will be filled with great manifestation power and movement.
It is also growing more imperative for you to connect as ONE mind to manifest healing energy for Gaia/Earth and all upon her; especially to focus energies to the oceans of the world and all areas affected by environmental and other toxicity. Those who have natural shamanic gifts are especially called to task in this year. Join hands and hearts in a spirit of healing, light and abundance. It is so. Shanti. ~ The Keepers, 1.14.14~~~Irma K. Sawyer
Q: Keepers, how it is possible to communicate with a loved on on the other side if they have already taken another life form (i.e. they have been passed on for many years, for example?) How is it possible to still communicate with them as they "were" and perhaps not as they are now?
A: Dear ones, we thank you for your question. In many cases this is due to the person being attuned to the multi-dimensional nature of their own being. Perhaps when you knew them they were a certain gender with a certain name and disposition, but now they are manifested differently. It is also due to the fact that their energy has not been destroyed, it has simply changed form. There is a certain bit of energy that for a time was called ___ and it was how you recognized them. If they were to take another form perhaps you would not recognize them, you see? Apparances from loved ones in spirit body/light form to you are often due to these two factors: 1) Love for you, and 2) They have a message or some wisdom to impart to you that is essential for your own path while in human form. Shanti. ~ The Keepers, 1.12.14~~~Irma K. Sawyer
Beloveds it is possible to see the truth of the statement, "Love is all there is." Granted for those who are in a deficit or in any kind of suffering this may seem rather implausible at least in their own current experience, but it is not unattainable. Please do know this. We have often shared about your "view" and the multi-dimensional nature of experiences available to you while embodied in physical form, and also while you are not.
We would say that we aren't particularly in full agreement with the term "earth school" which implies a rather set curriculum, but more to say your earth is a place to grow, create and experience different realities and possibilities. We see that in the future especially starting with your current year (2014: Universal Year "7") it will be easier for you to "change the channel" so to speak through your frequency, will and intention. We also see that the "critical mass" of spiritualized thinking will begin to finally take an outer form that you will begin to see actually taking place in your reality. We will be sharing more on this subject later, but just to say that it is a good time to continue to gather in communities either in person or in further development of online communities for the purpose of establishing aspects of Divine Will/Mind; such as compassion, love, light and abundance for all. Shanti. ~ The Keepers, 1.12.14~~~Irma K. Sawyer
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Weekly Weather Report
Astro Insight
Twin Black Moons of 2014
2014 Cancer Full Moon
Soulstice Rising: Ascension Notes
33 Keys to Spiritual Mastery
Sacred Language of the Human Body
Being a Portal Opener
Galactic Energy
I Am Loving Awareness
Sowing the Seeds of Love
A Glimpse at the Gifts 2014 Will Bring
Trust the Earth
The Possibilities of 2014
Navigating through Solar Flares & Other Energetic Influences
"Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. " Abraham via Esther Hicks
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. "- HH Dalai Lama