The key focus remains on nurturing yourself and taking/making time for yourself each and every day. Truly this is so important right now to maintain balance and stability physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It's also important in order for you to recognize/realize the fruits of your labor as we move through this year. We are in a particularly intense time of emergence and the Universe is observing how we will handle what is emerging. No doubt there are quite a few WTH days during this period.
The 'process' continues. We are all a work in progress. As we realize that and focus on the here and now, it seems to magically unfold. We are moving beyond a major purging that occurred during January and now are in a place of more clarity and receptivity.
If you find yourself stuck or out of balance, please do not hesitate to call on me. I can definitely assist in releasing & re-calibration. Many are needing a 'tune-up' at this time.
I am in the midst of another great shift and can feel it so very deeply. Usually I feel this way when I return from my February trip to Arizona. It was already in progress as 2014 ended and I could feel the accelerated process as we rounded the corner into 2015. I am, as many are, experiencing so very much at this time, words are simply not adequate to describe or even express what is moving through. I am grateful for so much that's coming through now and yet it has only just begun.
I share the following excerpts and links for confirmation, validation, and enlightenment. As I read and resonate with certain articles, it just seems fitting to pass them on as they provide clarification on what's happening around us and why we are experiencing the many things that we are.
From now to the Spring Equinox there will be a lot of changes happening. And then at the time of the Equinox there will be a Uranus/Pluto square and a new moon solar eclipse. This eclipse will be seen over Orkney Island in Scotland. In the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar this is where the energy from the Central Sun comes to Earth. This energy is also felt at Stonehenge and has been measured by scientists. It is very powerful energy. This is why the story of Avalon was set in those areas. According to legend, Avalon disappeared into the mists or higher dimension. We need to be prepared for this tremendous energy that will be coming to Earth at that time and concentrate on manifesting total unconditional love. Then we have other events happening in our world. Do you know what the beautiful comet Love-Joy did as it was passing through Orion, Sirius, and the Pleiades? It caused a disturbance in our solar system. According to Celia Fenn who says “The comet is creating a disturbance in the field. This disturbance has the ability to influence the gravitational orbit of celestial bodies, as well as Timelines. Yes, Timelines are anchored in electro-magnetic energies as well and disturbance in the field can also create disturbances that affect Timelines”. “In this case, the disturbances in the field create a potential relationship and a new timeline with Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades that reflects Earth’s new status in the Galaxy as an ascending Multi-Dimensional planet. This means that the Earth will assume an honorary status on the Solar Council, and these other member bodies will be working in harmony and co-operation with the Earth Councils. They will be working with us as equals as we tell them what we need and how we would like their assistance in our work”. To read the entire article, visit Planet Alert February 2015 &
Lessons in Cosmic Juggling
FEBRUARY 4TH: We have two days left of the karma energy shift that came in. This one was a major energy shift for everyone as a lot of energy movement, clearing and releasements have come with this change for everyone in the world. With this the increase in positive vibrational energy for all of our karma connections in our life is a shift that will not only increase our vibrational levels but also enhance the positive energy flow and help with ascension issues as well. Remember to allow for the releasements to come through and do not hold onto the old past emotional issues coming to the surface.
Happy Full Moon. The Full Moon tonight is aka - the 'Snow Moon.' It's special because it is conjunct Jupiter - the planet of good fortune. Have you had something remarkable happen to you lately?
Many people have had major shifts with this Full Moon - perhaps it didn't even feel amazing at first, but, there is an essence of moving ahead and an opportunity to break old patterns. Really, that's what Jupiter is about - your ability to recognize and respond to opportunities and then to practice responsible self-determination to maximize your gain.
There are other major shifts happening also. Mars conjunct Chiron in Pisces right now presents an opportunity to heal ancestral wounds and to release the injury, the affront - from the face of the earth.
This Full Moon activates the 15th degree of Leo, a degree also known as 'the Gate of the Avatar.' Leo, the Moon, and Jupiter are about faith, hope, and optimism. They're also about integrity, wholeness, and connection.....Maya White
EAR VIBES & BIG BOLD MOVES NEXT 24HRS: Are you making them?Or are you goign into old patterns of being shy and withdrawn? There is a time and a place for timid moves and right now the emphasis is on owning your power and firmly saying, "Yes" to where the wind is taking you. And you know what this means for you smile emoticon
Many people are again asking me about the ear buzzing. Yes we do register a high vibration through one ear or the other when we are advancing spiritually and physically (as we all are this year). When this occurs we can hear a sound much like a bee buzzing in our ear. It comes in slow and then increases in sound and then slowly fades out. When you hear this sound you know something special is occurring. You can feel it. This buzz does not hurt you at all and is not the same as Tinnitus (lets be very clear about that). You find you are completely in the moment, focused on the sound. It leaves after about 30 seconds.
I have found these sounds to be a connection from home, from the stars and from soul. Each planetary body emits a frequency, just like Earth's resonant tone. When we tune into these frequencies and start meditating, adsorbing, growing, channeling and connecting with the universal forces we start getting downloaded with tune ups from other dimensions. All is sound in the universe, different variants of sound. I call the messages of the planets and stars Cosmic Codes. See my Video Course
Left ear receiving = spiritual growth. You are asked to act on your intuition and trust your divine wisdom. You are upgrading. Relates to the female aspect of nature.
Right ear receiving = physical growth. You are being guided on the practical steps to make. Go ahead with your plans and 'do'. Relates to the masculine aspect of nature.
WHAT IS ENERGY? : I'm often asked about what I do for a living and when I tell people that I forecast upcoming energy trends, they tend to think that I must work in electricity or gas smile emoticon Which are invisible energies too. So we do know that energy is beyond the physical. Yet it certainly impacts on us physically. Yes? What if we didn't have light or heat for a few minutes, we would soon know about it.
ENERGY FORECASTING - like a weather report
For me intuiting the upcoming global energy is a real buzz. I love to tune in to the collective cosmic and earth energy and start writing about what I feel we will all be influenced by daily. Energy is what we are made of. Everything that seems to be physical is actually made of energy, vibrating at different speeds. A rock is moving slower than a butterfly for example.
Every soul in human form is vibrating at a different rate too. Humans as a race are collectively within a range of frequencies that are different than say animals or minerals. People that 'resonate' to my energy forecasts are what we called 'tuned' in to a similar energy wavelength, or they are desiring to be so.
I've spoken about the great energy shift of New Year (began approx. Dec 31 and is still occurring) and with this came an upbeat in frequency for the planet - all species, not just humans.
We are all spinning a little faster. Some more so than others. Hence, everything in life is speeding up, simply because we are. Energy has risen.
This is a fascinating aspect of life. Want to learn more? I welcome your comments ~~~Elizabeth Peru
One reason why spontaneous remission of dis-ease is considered an anomaly or unexplained by allopathic medicine, is that it seems to be in defiance of physical laws. It actually is in alignment with the Universal Law of Health as your own organic and true being and is a return to that state.
On working with Light to heal and restore the physical body it is important to be consistent in one's practice. This involves having a certain control over one's ability to calm the mind and focus energy through intention. This is why some beings are able to move out of undesirable physical and/or emotional states. There is also the factor of Grace, as Spirit becomes engaged to support your effort. ~ The Keepers thru Irma K. Sawyer 1.29.15
Prepare for 2015 Goat Year~~~~
If you haven't already noticed the lighter and more optimistic feel of the Goat Year, you will as this year unfolds. The Chinese New Year officially begins February 19, a day after a powerful new moon that's one of six super moons of 2015. This combination sets the stage for powerful shifts in consciousness and breakthroughs on a personal level.
What's New for Goat Year~~~
The 2014 Horse Year had fast-moving energies and much more fire energy than some earlier years.
Last year's focus had a lot to do with movement, journeys into new territory, and an intense desire to be free of past limitations. Some of this continues in the Goat Year, but with a different underlying energy.
Like horses, goats move - but in a more peaceful and careful way. The goat carries a more yin or feminine energy - artistic, creative, and collaborative. Goats are more generous and willing to compromise in order to get where they need to go.
As an example, picture a herd of goats traveling up the side of a rugged mountain. One leads the way and they go up as a team, paying attention to the path and slowing down when needed. The goats are agile and flexible, so are able to navigate difficult terrain. These are positive attributes for the individual goat, benefiting the herd too.
In general, goats enjoy helping each other, and because of this, there's energy of generosity and abundance. Imagine how this could translate in your personal life, and for society as a whole!
Goats like horses, move with fire energy. Managing your inner fire will continue to be important in 2015.
General Themes to Watch~~~
People everywhere will continue to feel the intensity of revolutionary change.
More than ever, too, in 2015, you will need to be challenging the status quo and pruning away things in your life that no longer work or suit where you are headed.
You are used to these cycles by now, yet each year has a different flavor.
This being a Goat Year, you are likely to see more discussions coming from a humanitarian perspective.
Initiatives for a better world, long on the back burner, could emerge to front and center in surprising ways. With enough collaborative spirit, some historical agreements could be reached.
The arts - including music and other creative expression - could be instrumental influences in resolving key issues.
On a personal level, it will be vital to apply creative approaches in all things. Creativity is necessary to break out of old ways of being and to take full advantage of open doors as they open.
The key to your success in this Goat Year is to remain present and access your inner and outer resources that help you stay positive and alert to new opportunities.
Relationships will play a significant role in your success and in your level of inner harmony. Therefore focus on maintaining inner balance and clearing away old blocks preventing you from relating to others in positive ways.
Join with Friends and Groups--
Come together with friends and with groups of people sharing similar goals - do this more often in 2015 in order to advance on your path.
Do what you can to hone your relationship skills. This includes mastering the art of connecting with new people and cultivating relationships.
Allow the people in your life to give you useful feedback - helping you to see yourself more clearly. Keep in mind that sometimes you can get a more accurate self-assessment by being around a person who disagrees with you, or even a person you hardly know!
Humanity Looks Deeper at Itself--
Overall, the 2015 energies will catalyze even deeper levels of questioning across the planet than possible before. This is partly because of rare planetary lineups and the long momentum of changes in recent decades.
Humanity's deeper look at itself, however, is also happening because it's time.
New Levels of Critical Mass~~
The progression of awakening is reaching new levels of critical mass - triggering a radically new and more loving mindset. As this percolates to the surface within people, the seeds for a more loving world are planted.
At times you may feel like you're in a void, with nothing happening. Do not fear the void. Indeed much is percolating beneath the surface in such times. The void is the fertile unknown, containing everything you could possibly create. This is true on both a personal level and for the collective. That's why conscious choice is so important.
Remember these things next time you experience a void or simply an unexplainable delay. Trust that you are not alone, not for one instant. Imagine yourself surrounded by a loving team of helpers - physical and invisible. They are your collaborators in a profound awakening process. They help you to plant vital seeds for a more loving world. As you do this in our 2015 Goat Year, you raise your vibration and accelerate your forward momentum.
Join us this week as we offer three awesome events to raise your vibration, empower, uplift and inspire you on you journey.
We are consistently shifting at every level of our body~mind~spirit. It's important to nurture yourself and take time out to re-group and to take time to just 'BE'. Our sound experiences & meditations offer the perfect opportunity to raise your vibration and re-calibrate while facilitating healing at whatever level you are ready to embrace. Keeping your vibration up and maintaining balance will help you to move through the coming weeks of this expansive New Year with more grace & ease. We hope to see you this weekend. More event details follow this email.
Thursday, February 5th @ 7:00 pm, HEALTHY BODIES/HEALTHY MIND GROUP HYPNOSIS with Richard Ervin
Friday, February 6th @ 7:30 pm, BODY~MIND~SPIRIT ATTUNEMENT
Saturday, February 7th @ 7:30 pm, JOURNEY WITH SOUND MEDITATION
Don't miss the opportunity (or any opportunity) to raise your vibration facilitating an easier acclimation to the energies welcoming renewal and expansion. As you raise your vibration, you become more aligned with all that is your soul's purpose, passion & essence. Raising your vibration also facilitates that shift in awareness, perception & consciousness. The energies we are experiencing now are intended to create that shift for us & in us; however, many are so caught up in the 3D that they are extremely uncomfortable even to the point of pain. Raising your vibration serves to lessen the discomfort and release the 'pain-body' to the level that is correct & appropriate for you in that moment. Raising your vibration facilitates that shift with more grace & ease. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to give you some clarity on it.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Cosmic Weather Full Moon Report
Monthly Astro Forecast for February 2015
Energy Report February 2015
Spontaneous Healing
Being Human & A Shift Into Consciousness
Now is the Time to Let Go of Fear
IS God on Our Side?
Will You Be Among the Chosen?
Re-member Your Magic
How to Communicate with & Heal Your Body's Cells
3 Signs Your Higher Self Gives You Every Day
Transforming Your Life - The End of Compromising
When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and dedicate your focus & intention to your journey and your own transformation, I can help you with sessions that are unique to you and your path. These sessions will give you clarity and build upon your abilities and bring to the surface the aspects of yourself that you are ready to embrace. They will also assist you in releasing the old, stuck and lower vibrational energy that is irrelevant to your growth and present journey, thus facilitating healing at a cellular/soul level. The key words are commitment and dedication.
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
It is such an honor to be a conscious channel for enlightenment/awareness and self-discovery & realization at this time. Blessings abound as we journey together. The work is the inspiration. It is my purpose and passion to facilitate peace through compassion, love & gratitude.
Thank you to those who share this email and continue to provide feedback. It is my intention to inspire you as you are certainly the inspiration behind my work!
Abundant Blessings of Infinite Love, Gratitude, Peace, Compassion, & joy to you as you ride the auspicious waves of ascension. I look forward to connecting with you soon and often throughout this most life-changing year of our return to consciousness.