We are being offered so much healing at a core and cellular/soul level. That being said, we must know in our minds that it is possible and be open to that healing before it can occur. It is not enough to simply want it, you must believe in it and then you must follow through with your part of that healing process.
I see so many times how desperately someone wants healing and yet they are not fully anchored in the belief that it will happen. If you doubt, fear or question any healing that you are provided or that comes your way, you sabotage the possibility of it's happening.
The mind is a powerful tool. It can work for you or against you. You have to train it or it will be conditioned as the world around you believes. It can always be reconditioned, but it does take effort on your part. I can help you with this part through Hypnosis and Sound Healing. I can also coach you with other ways to make the changes in your thinking patterns that will be positive and will override negativity.
There are so many different methods of natural/alternative healing available today. I remember the first person I sought help from in 2003 after a major breakdown of my system and the major transition at that time was a Naturopath that someone recommended. I had never been to a holistic practitioner of any kind and didn't know what to expect. When I walked into her office, racked with pain from head to toe, she asked me what I wanted from her. As I sat there for a moment, unsure of what to say, what came out of my mouth was 'clarity'. I calmly stated that I wanted clarity. And then for a moment, I thought, who said that? I want help with the pain. She answered my request with, 'I can do that.' I went to her for about 8 months and during that time, she facilitated so much for me, going way beyond clarity. I have always known that I am guided to the right people, places, things and experiences to assist me the most on my journey in all ways.
I am once again reminded at this time that there is a great healing taking place just as there was at that time. It is very old and deep. It is taking things to the next level as I open to that Higher Power to serve at even greater capacities. I am humbled by the experience that is helping me to know myself from a much different and higher perspective. This truly is a most magickal dance at this time. I am excited to see how it all unfolds.
The energies of late have been strange. Very unpredictable. Unexpected 'isms' popping up. Most of it is a product of our thinking, and some of it is the Universe guiding us on how to align with that which is already in place for us as we move into this very new chapter of our lives.
Magick is in the air. Now more than ever. Have faith in goodness and grace and love. Have faith in yourself as you navigate this journey of the soul. Acknowledge and express gratitude each day for Divine Guidance. Open to all that is being offered to you at this time and know that you are absolutely and unconditionally loved!!
Very sluggish and fatigue wave has been hitting us the past few days or so. Nothing seems to help this except to just go with the flow and wait it out. smile emoticon Very difficult to get anything done, like walking in quick sand. Very heavy feeling when we are walking or doing anything. Unmotivated feeling goes along with this. I have been trying to get my website article update done and it is not coming easy to me. I have to be inspired to write and it has not been there. I am hoping I can finish my energy report tomorrow about the incoming energy that has been coming in. ( if you do not feel it yet, you will ) Earthquake activity the past week or so also could be building and this can cause tiredness and fatigue. Pronounced time slips also, time is slipping away or going too slow. heart emoticon A new symptom has been happening. When I go into 3D and am around many people who are not awake yet I am getting a lot of crown chakra activations coming in. This means those of us who have reached a very high level in the ascension process are now activating those around us. heart emoticon ~~~
Diane Canfield www.dianecanfield.com
YOUR BODY IS LETTING GO :: Have you noticed since late last week that your body is not craving what it used to? Perhaps a whole new dietary and physical resolve has come over you? That is to be expected right now.
If not, it may soon hit you. Why?
BODY CHANGES - going with it.
- as I mentioned in yesterdays wall post, we have been up-shifted with greater cosmic light since late last week. A portal opened and your physical body is about to let loose.
As a result:
- your body requires more water. Make sure you get it and be in it.
- your body requires less food. Stop when you are full.
- your body requires more movement. Exercise & stretch daily.
MORE TO COME new humans......Elizabeth Peru 02-15-15
Greetings, friends! Tomorrow we have a rare and unusual New Moon in Aquarius at 29 degrees/59 minutes which is a very interesting phenomenon! Why? Because both the Sun and the Moon go into Pisces within SECONDS after this New Moon alignment, making it a 'last breath' in Aquarius. It's a final hurrah even though it's in the 'beginning' energy of a New Moon cycle. So how do you make the most of this odd combination?
Be open to the innovative solutions or a new vision that may arrive in your awareness before 3:39 pm PST on Feb 18, but be ready to let it go and allow it to rise up to another form. Don't lock yourself in to one way of doing it. Pisces is about completions and releasing, so trusting at a higher level is required (don't we know it! wink emoticon. It's the second New Moon in Aquarius though, so you could simply have the awareness of a new way of doing something that is really going to work this time, since the last New Moon in Aquarius was when Mercury went retrograde. You may realize something out of the blue or finally have a brilliant path to follow. The solution arrives, then you have faith and trust in what your next steps.
Five planets will be in Pisces, so your dreams may be extra vivid and naps may be desirable this week, in addition to meditation and quiet time. As the Sun and Moon enter Pisces, we turn inward to our Higher Selves for guidance and release the reins on anything that is still weighing us down since this cycle began last March 21, 2014.
Detox, cleanse, release, completions - all of these practices are encouraged right now because the end of February into March brings more new starts for the next phase, which you may feel as soon as Friday, as both Mars and Venus enter Aries, followed by the Moon. Wishing you immense blessings and happiness as you appreciate your journey at this time! Everything is always in Divine order, and it's because you are Divinely guided in all ways~~~Molly McCord www.consciouscoolchic.com
This door of initiation is connected with the great problem of what H.P.B. calls the "mystery of electricity"; the door is itself an electrical phenomenon essentially. Having said this, even if you do not understand my meaning, you can, however, grasp the possibility that (being electrical in nature) it can easily present an obstructing force, a repelling energy to the approach of the aspirant; this is the correct way to look at it. It is only when the electrical energy of which the door is constituted and that of which the man is constructed at any particular time synchronize and vibrate in unison that the aspirant can pass through to greater light. This gives you a somewhat new and rather abstruse definition of initiation. Nevertheless, as science arrives at a better understanding of the human being as an electrical unit of power and light, and of his triple mechanism as created of three aspects of electricity, a truer comprehension of the significance of initiation will eventuate. The three fires of which all things are made are electrical in nature and - speaking symbolically - it is only when "fire by friction" is dominated by "solar fire" that the first four initiations can be taken, culminating in the fifth initiation in which these two fires are subordinated to "electric fire" emanating from the monad and giving a new revelation. This monadic process begins at the third initiation. It might be added that the third initiation (culminating in the Transfiguration) is taken on the three higher levels of the mental plane, and that it is therefore upon the fourth level of the mental plane that the aspirant first of all stands before the door, seeking initiation. That electrical unit or phenomenon of electricity which we call the fourth kingdom in nature, on this fourth subplane of the mental plane esoterically "ejects" the unit of electricity which is ready to be absorbed by the higher form of electricity. Fire by friction dies out and solar fire takes its place, and the relationship between the two higher forms of electricity becomes established. ~~~
~ The Rays and the Initiations, Djwhal Khul, Tibetan Ascended Master, 2-13-15 Channeling
I Was Asked if I was an Alien or Starseed ~ This is My Response.
No Soul on Earth is from Earth, the difference you may be referring to is ~
Am I conscious I am here?and does my consciousness exist in many other places?
Worlds and Universes? and is How I “arrived” here so to speak, the same as what might be considered a normal way of Being here and experiencing oneself on Earth?
Then if you are really asking me that, then YES ~ I am HERE in a different way, in a different Capacity ~ because I am aware of myself in a different way than what might be considered to be normal here~ compared to the way the Majority of people ~ may perceive themselves to BE in a body, how they perceive how they got TO BE in a body, and what they actually know and experience Themselves consciously to be.
I am Aware of What Earth really is, what Consciousness really is, and I know that HOW things seem to appear to be on Earth ~ is NOT really how things ARE.
So Yes~ whatever way you desire to “Name” what I am, whether an Alien, Not from Earth, etc. does not really matter, because names and words, are mortal symbols based on old beliefs that from Past conditioning. This past conditioning creates a filter so to speak, that then creates an individualized meaning, based on the level of imagination.
I Am a Conscious Being ~ not immersed in the idea and concept of Lack or Limitation, and I see What human form is, what consciousness is, what reality is, what life is, what Earth is and what is “actually” taking place here.
And yes the Mode that I function in, and experience myself as Being HERE ~in and AS ~ is in a capacity that is VERY different and would be perceived to most as non human ~
Yet I appear in a human form ~ Go figure ~
And again, words are just words, concepts just concepts, the TRUE nature of My Being is Really simply WHAT I AM in every Moment.
And in That I give ALL of myself "TO"
To my Beloved ~To All That I Am.
I love you Dear Souls of Light!
Angel Aura of Love ~ L’Aura
Full Post:
The heart is a sacred symbol for the vibration of love. In religious texts the heart has had mystical significance, as a metaphor and as an organ. The heart is genuinely believed to have spiritual and divine attributes. Many philosophers and scientists, including Aristotle considered the heart the seat of thought, reason and emotion often rejecting the instructs of the brain.
The solar emanations come directly into the human heart as soon as they are birthed on the Sun. Many will feel physical pain as the heart struggles to clear away the tragic remains like one looking for love letters after a string of tornados have hit. All that was stuffed away in nooks and crannies, comes to the surface to be seen in the light of a new day.
This heart evolution is necessary for all of earth as we move forward in time. Love is the key that will turn the hands of time in a direction that will fulfill the Creators desire for mankind. First one must love all their good, bad and ugly thru the fullness of time, Knowing without a shadow of a doubt it was all necessary. Humans seek peace in every country but it is not until they fully love the creation that they are, will they ever find that peace. Peace work is exactly that, heart to heart, piece by peace.
~~ The heart is a powerful generator of electromagnetic energy. Producing the largest electromagnetic field of any organ
~~ The heart has 60 times more electrical field than the brain.
~~ The heart field is also a transmitter. Our heart is a biological oscillator that can entrain other hearts even at a great distance
~~ Both the heart/brain receive and respond to intuitive information, but the heart receive the information first
~~ Heart rate increases prior to future emotional stimuli. The heart processes emotional events seconds before the body experiences the events
~~ The heart acts as if it has a mind of its own 60-65% of the heart cells are neuro cells/like brain cells
To read the entire article, visit Quantum Awakening Newsletter
Join us this week as we offer three awesome events to raise your vibration, empower, uplift and inspire you on you journey.
We are consistently shifting at every level of our body~mind~spirit. It's important to nurture yourself and take time out to re-group and to take time to just 'BE'. Our sound experiences & meditations offer the perfect opportunity to raise your vibration and re-calibrate while facilitating healing at whatever level you are ready to embrace. Keeping your vibration up and maintaining balance will help you to move through the coming weeks of this expansive New Year with more grace & ease. We hope to see you this weekend. More event details follow this email.
Thursday, February 19th @ 7:00 pm, HEALTHY BODIES/HEALTHY MIND GROUP HYPNOSIS with Richard Ervin
Friday, February 20th @ 7:30 pm, BODY~MIND~SPIRIT ATTUNEMENT
Saturday, February 21st @ 7:30 pm, SOUL INTEGRATION MEDITATION
Don't miss the opportunity (or any opportunity) to raise your vibration facilitating an easier acclimation to the energies welcoming renewal and expansion. As you raise your vibration, you become more aligned with all that is your soul's purpose, passion & essence. Raising your vibration also facilitates that shift in awareness, perception & consciousness. The energies we are experiencing now are intended to create that shift for us & in us; however, many are so caught up in the 3D that they are extremely uncomfortable even to the point of pain. Raising your vibration serves to lessen the discomfort and release the 'pain-body' to the level that is correct & appropriate for you in that moment. Raising your vibration facilitates that shift with more grace & ease. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to give you some clarity on it.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Cosmic Intelligence New Moon Report
Make Your Own Magick with February's Super New Moon
New Moon on the Edge of Aquarius
Induction Period: the apprenticeship begins
The Sun, The Earth & The Human
Higher Dimensional Jump
Earth's Grids and Portals
25 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Rumi
What is Your Purpose?
We Are All Growing Together
Ascension Symptoms Alert
Solar Expansion, the Divine Mother Energy & Multi-Dimensional Experience
Open the Flow to Your Soul
Scientist Discover That Eyes are Windows to the Soul
The Wholeness of the Tree
Meditation Booms as People Seek a Way to Slow Down
When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and dedicate your focus & intention to your journey and your own transformation, I can help you with sessions that are unique to you and your path. These sessions will give you clarity and build upon your abilities and bring to the surface the aspects of yourself that you are ready to embrace. They will also assist you in releasing the old, stuck and lower vibrational energy that is irrelevant to your growth and present journey, thus facilitating healing at a cellular/soul level. The key words are commitment and dedication.
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
It is such an honor to be a conscious channel for enlightenment/awareness and self-discovery & realization at this time. Blessings abound as we journey together. The work is the inspiration. It is my purpose and passion to facilitate peace through compassion, love & gratitude.
Thank you to those who share this email and continue to provide feedback. It is my intention to inspire you as you are certainly the inspiration behind my work!
Abundant Blessings of Infinite Love, Gratitude, Peace, Compassion, & joy to you as you ride the auspicious waves of ascension. I look forward to connecting with you soon and often throughout this most life-changing year of our return to consciousness.