Another way of moving through the holidays with more GRACE & EASE would be to remember that we are not separate from anyone else. There is so much to be said for COEXIST-ing, and not just with other humans but with everything on this planet. We are all a part of the ALL that IS, the Unity Consciousness, Oneness. We are here to have this experience with everything else on this planet not separate from it although we each have our own journey and unique experience because we each have our own perception of the journey AND the experience. As we open ourselves to that Oneness, it becomes easier to COEXIST without judgement, bias, prejudice or labeling.
Science supports the theory that prayer works. Now, more than ever, our prayers are needed to lift up the planet and all of her inhabitants in love, compassion, peace and healing energy to support the ascension process that is under way. Wherever there is imbalance, we can energetically join together to shift this energy and know it can be done. We know that we can focus positive, loving energy on water and change not only the taste of it but it's vibration. We are capable of doing the same thing by focusing energy on whatever we feel guided to. Focus positive, loving energy on our government, Fukushima, animal abuse, child abuse & anything that you feel deserves positive, loving energy to help it to change. Remember, you are not the only one focusing positive, loving energy on anything. There are many others around the planet that are doing the same thing. Prayers for peace at this time will bring us closer to peace globally.
These energies support us whole heartedly and Divinely. We are being encouraged to use the gifts that we have to heal ourselves and correct imbalance on our planet. We are all alchemists capable of working with energy to move mountains. Remember to use your gifts wisely and practice "Discipline, Discernment & Discretion".
Utilize this time to focus on giving from the heart, energetically, as well as receiving from your guides, angels, Spirit & the Universe at this time. "The Miracle is This......The more we share.....The more we have." An excellent way of sharing at this time of the year is through acts of random kindness.
We are in the middle of a big week with the 12:12 Star Gate and the 12:13 Day of Divine Feminine backing up to another powerful Full Moon, the last of 2013. There is a lot going on this weekend all over town. We have Psychic Channel Abigail Noel visiting us Friday night & Saturday, our Full Moon Meditation Saturday night and there is a "Spirit of the Season Holiday Market & Fair" on Sunday. Details below for these events (or call or text me if you have questions).
Utilize the energies being offered up to reach your highest potential and to assist you in moving out of 2013 and into 2014. It is a season of miracles. Open yourself to receiving yours and allow Spirit to work with you, through you and for you. "Surrender-Release-Allow"
I continue to offer my services to assist and facilitate the transformations and transitions that you are going through. Please do not hesitate to call on me as I can help you move into your purpose, passion and truth through the many services I offer. Holding all in love, gratitude, peace & lifting you up to move you through that threshold.
Cosmic Weather - Weekly Inspiration for December 9-15, 2013
Hello friends. We we are well on our way into the Holiday season and where I live in Southern CA has recently become very cold, unseasonably so. It seems rather fitting however, for a year that has been filled with shifts and surprises at every turn. I have just re-shared the Cosmic Weather forecast for 2014 if you are interested in my take the year ahead energetically speaking. You can also find that at my blog:
We don't have a lot of aspects in the coming week, but the ones we do have definitely count. The focus this week is on "awareness and opportunity."
Tuesday, December 10th we have a Uranus/Mercury trine. This can bring illumination and ideas literally "out of the blue." It doesn't stay around very long, but it's worth mentioning. If you are a creative type especially, and are out and about that day, I would have a pen and/or voice recorder handy. An idea or concept could come through that just might prove significant in the new year. This also provides a nice cosmic support and set up for the aspect to follow here below on 12/11.
On Wednesday, December 11th we have a Saturn-Jupiter trine. Keep in mind that Jupiter is currently retrograde which gives it an even more inward focus. The theme here is between reality and discipline (Saturn) and expansiveness and optimism (Jupiter.) Some questions to ask ourselves are: How have I been too hard on myself or "nose to the grindstone?" Where do I need to "lighten up" in my life" Also, where have I been too excessive and not paying enough attention? This trine supports the Middle Way between the two and the results have the potention to be quite eye-opening and glorious and may also provide some areas of focus for the upcoming year. Pay attention and check up friends.
Have a great week ahead and remember to keep it Cosmic!
NOTE: Looking ahead we have a powerful New Moon in Capricorn on January 1, 2014 which is a significant way to start the new year as it makes another contact with the Uranus/Pluto square energies of re/evolution. I just might have to return to my New Moon reports for that one. Please do stay tuned.
Irma Kaye Sawyer~~
We see that the three main causes of physical pain and discomfort in the physical body (not caused by accident or injury) are: judgment, fear and unforgiveness. Also, that resistance and judgment of one's feelings can also make discomfort worse. An example of this can be feeling angry or hurt over an encounter with another person, but then feeling that you are wrong or "unspiritual" for feeling it. It's true that judgment and/or anger towards others is often based on the disappointment of your own needs not being met in some way, but this is perfectly understandable from a human perspective. The more you label and/or judge yourself, the more you can "box yourself in" so to speak. It is *allowing* that you create freedom for yourself. If harm has been done to oneself or others, make amends when necessary. Forgive, move on and return to the NOW moment. Healing also has much to do with releasing frozen or stuck energies from past moments. This is something the shamanic practitioners know quite well.
On another note, regarding Color Ray Therapy: Though it is often thought to use the opposite color energy for healing, there are times where one will actually use the same as a type of "energetic homeopathy." For example, with inflammation in the body, the energy of the tissues may actually appear Red, and the cooling color of Blue may be exployed as a healing and calming agent. There are times when the Red may actually be appearing from a *depletion* of this color ray energetically and more of it is what is required to balance. Of course, use your best intuitive guidance when employing this technique. - Excerpt from "The Aquarian Healer," 12.7.13
ENERGIES OF THE WEEK AHEAD: How are you right now? As we look to a new week (and the third to last week of 2013), there is currently a solar storm in progress on earth, caused by recent solar flares. Yesterday we felt a big one and for us sensitives this means we are literally jumping out of our skin with increased energy. So you may notice you are dropping things, are maybe a little light headed and are sleeping very light. Get lots of exercise, drink loads of water and use your healing skills daily. Here's what to expect this week...
~ First quarter Moon. We are building up to a big Full Moon next week. We are extra mental right now. Lots of thoughts are being processed. Get your ideas onto paper so you can start actioning them in readiness for 2014.
~ Lots of Mercury activity this week. Meaning interactions with others is high. You are urged not to put off saying what you need to say and acting on your opportunities before they slip away from you.
~ Wednesday is an 11 Master Day! Doors opening for you and an acceleration of your life path. Great for new beginnings.
- The last Friday the 13th for 2013! It's the Day of The Goddess and will be full of extra special feminine power!
~ The annual Geminids Meteor Shower peaks later in the week. Expect energy to be whipped up and an excitement all over the globe.
What a wonderful week of influences to help us along. Take full advantage of each day and of course I will be informing you of the best way to navigate each day, right here on my page. Please share!
Love to all for a very joyful week xxx
?#?ElizabethPeru? ?#?globalenergies? ?#?weeklyforecast?
Elizabeth Peru~~~
12-10-13 THE NEXT 24 HOURS: Who's feeling slightly uncomfortable? There is a build up on energy right now as we head into these final 2-3 weeks of 2013 and into the Christmas season for much of the globe. Over the next 24 hours the following is impacting us...
Globally the next 24 hours:
~ The Moon quarters. If you look at the Moon right now it is half lit and half in darkness. We have one week till Full Moon. So there is a build up of energy occurring. You are asked to check in with your important projects and devote some attention to them now. You will then have a very strong motivation to move you along come next week.
~ We are in transition. There is a new day coming in your life and as it emerges we need to let go of the old ways. So we are in TRANSITION right now. Adding to this state, there are some conflicting planetary positions causing us to feel slightly moody, off colour and a bit irritable. Have you felt this? It will pass in the next day or so, so be aware that you may feel slightly slower and withdrawn. This is good. It means focus within.
My advice is to quietly go about your business, head down and bum up (so to speak Discipline yourself to move into a daily routine that supports you and your most precious desires for your life.
And do you best not to take out any scatteredness you may be experiencing on anyone else. It's not their fault. You must be responsible for your feelings. Knowing this have a very personally inspiring and productive 24 hours ahead. Remember a new day is coming very soon for all of us xxx
12-11-13 THE NEXT 24HRS: Well the energy has lifted slightly from yesterday's much heavier change. As I have said we are in a transition mode at present. There is change coming and you can feel it. In approx. 6 hours (from the time of this post) we will be getting a big nudge from Mercury to slow down and carefully overhaul what we say and how. This is the energy of only saying what you mean or don't say it at all!
Superfluous speech is not necessary going forward. In fact manifestation is happening so quickly for many of us right now, that we need to be very aware of what we are creating with our words.
As you think you are imprinting your life with messages. Then as you speak what you think these messages are commanding your thoughts into being. Creating your reality.
Silence is liberating as it allows you to drop head to heart and be with the soul. It is from here that you will come up with your answers and daily direction to act upon.
Over the next 24 hours the past will be revealing itself to you. And in particular you may be drawn to thinking about who you were many years ago. Do you best not to speak from this old energy, but instead to give thanks for what you have learned by reflecting on your memories.
Remember a New Day is dawning...
Ascension: Soulstice Rising
We are in preparation once again for two big energy pushes forward: The 12-12 portal and Winter Solstice.
As most of you have already embraced the New You and New Life, these two events will push you further into the New. So take a look at your life and see if there is anything that is left to release completely. I say this because next year will be all about building on the New and it will be very very difficult to keep any of the old within you.
Remember that the only Truth now is Love. The only way to live is to express Soul in all you express. If you are attached to the old way of life, next year may be a difficult one for you.
New Life means that you resist nothing, are open to change, realize the miracles are commonplace and there is no duality (good/bad, right/wrong, peace/conflict, etc.) ~Kara.
Ascension: Soulstice Rising
As we move closer to the 12:12 portal of New, question everything.
Question your thoughts. Do they expand or constrict you? Make a choice to change them, if guided, to expand you into more Love and Joy.
Question all that you do. Does it expand or constrict you? Make a choice to change it, if guided, to expand you into more Love and Joy.
Question all that your religion and government tell you. Are you willing to see the truth?
By questioning all, you will be led to shift more into Love and the New. Are you courageous enough to change? Are you willing to let go of the illusions of the old? Ask why you do and think certain things. Are they guidance from your own Heart or placed there by someone or something else? The only thing that matters is what YOU choose to be and do. Anything that "makes" you feel less than or anything that dictates that you do or feel a certain way is illusion. Do you buy into the hype of anything? Let it go; be free; fly untethered into the New. ~Kara.
The Return of the Divine Feminine
No one can awaken until they are ready. Lies are forced upon people as much as the call to look at what's been hidden from us. Some bring truths and some disinformation - to further manipulate those who are lacking their own self awareness.
Truth is a resonance that begins to transform a person and disinformation usually creates more outer dependency, panic, idealism or attention on predictions that haven't even happened yet. We can't be very effective if we aren't in the Now actively co-creating, and if our energies are scattered.
Becoming empowered and conscious is a personal journey and the outer events and information give us a free will choice -- to either understand things on our own terms through how we experience it, or to continue to be thrown around by everything that comes our way, without a strong inner foundation.
Awakening and unification is organic though, in the same way the immune system responds to illness. The more unconscious we are, the easier it is to be invaded by energies that don't really serve us, whether they promise ascension or further draw us into news and government and what we are up against.
True awakening is an inward discovery and we are all at different stages. We are dealing with duality and can only safely navigate with the willingness to find balance and walk in both worlds till transformation happens. It happens when we influence the outer world from our own divine power, rather than give our power away to the light or dark presented to us.
We are both and must balance it within and find unity with masculine, feminine and all aspects of self. From this inner strength and clarity, we can find our way and Truth and guidance will stand out and the rest will fall away.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast
Cosmic Weather 2014 Yearly Forecast
You Are the Light
Signs Your DNA Has Been Activated
St. Francis Shows Us How To Be Happy
Releasing Illusion to Remember the Truth
The Wisdom of Timing Attunes to the Larger Matrix
We Need the Discipline of Magic
The Remembrance of the Sacred is a Key.......
A New Christmas Story
Living As The Heart's Prayer of Gratitude
A Time for Innocence
Relative Bliss
True Giving
It's Time for Love Now
KSOW 2014 Overview
KSOW Lifting the Veil
Spiritual Work in the 5th Dimension
The Unification of Human & Spirit
"Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don't worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. " Abraham via Esther Hicks
"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. "- HH Dalai Lama