I absolutely know how the compassion templates work and that the stories being generated now are to bring us to a place of compassion more quickly for the shifting in consciousness that is taking place. The heavens are aligning with the perfect energy for the monumental shifting that is taking place. Stories like Cecil's are intended to bring us into our heart while helping us all to realize that we are all a part of the whole. The following channel is shared because it is exactly truth in it's message delivery as I was given the same message as has been many others. In the moment that I read about Cecil, I saw Aslan, the lion from Narnia who was a Master. He communicated to me that this was yet another step toward compassion and more than anything, we were to honor the soul of Cecil for agreeing to have this experience so that we could move more into compassion. Moving deeply into compassion is the key to returning to unconditional love and grace.
Cecil the Lion's message~~~Channeled through coryelle kramer www.coryellekramer.com
“Good morning, I want to thank Coryelle; for giving me this outlet so that I can share my message with all of you. Let me begin by saying, I feel all of your pain and frustration, I see all your anger and your rage, I hear your cries and your tears as they fall, and I feel your love, and I am honored that you would express such raw and intense emotion for one being, and I thank you. I lived my life as I promised the Oneness (what animals call God/Goddess/Universe) I would, this life that I had, the time that I had there was meant to bring about a immense change into the world, in order to do that I knew that my transition was going to be monumental and powerful. I chose to be the catalyst for change, and as you know change is not always easy sometimes in order for change to occur the earth must shake and the winds must blow and the water must rage violently. For this change that I was meant to be a part of was not small but rather earth shattering.”
“I knew that I was to be a leader in a mindset that needed to redevelop into something positive, my soul made the agreement that I would be this leader even before I came into my body. I will not lie and say I wasn’t afraid (not many face their death who aren’t) but what gave me peace was that my death would MEAN something, would be the tsunami of positive thoughts and acts. Everyone including the man who took my life had a part to play in this energetic chain reaction, everyone (whether conscious or unconscious) played the role they promised to play when our souls made the contract together in the place of nonphysical beingness (heaven). The PHYSICAL part of the men and women who brought about my death will suffer, however it’s important to know that their souls (their the God parts of them) will not, they will become more, expand, grow and thrive so when they come back to this world this experience will make them better beings. Their souls had nothing to do with the acts the bodies perpetrated, their souls are and always will be good.”
“Yes, I left this earth in violence and I know that it had to happen, but no, that does not mean that I believe act of how I left this Earth to be right. I left this world this way, so that hopefully no one else need to, I don’t condone violence no matter if it’s for a “good” cause or a a”bad” one. Don’t let my transitioning become the tool for violence that will counter act all that I have done. Instead change the laws, help my fellow animals protect themselves, walk with us equally and show that we are just the same as people, with thoughts, and feelings, and hopes and dreams. For the change that is being brought about is NOT in seeing people as less than or better than animals, it’s seeing all of us as the same, no matter if we have 4 legs, wings, scales, antenna or skin.”
“My wish for all of you? Be in peace in your heart for I am at peace in my soul, remember me and why I did what I did, let that blossom in your heart and touch your soul and ignite your passion in this life, let it fuel your creativity, and your mind bringing about new ways of seeing this world and the beings in it. That is all I ask for my brothers & sisters.”
With Unending Love,
As the week has continued, still more heart wrenching stories of which I will not go into here. For those feeling so deeply right now, and most are, there is no way around these feelings but straight through them. Be strong and remain in your heart as you hold all those involved in the highest honor and respect for the roles they are playing in our evolutionary process. Without them, perceived good and/or bad, we could not get there from here. Each person in each situation is playing a role that was agreed to before they incarnated into the physical. A message that someone shared with me that made a huge impact on the shifting of my heart into compassion - Even Lucifer gets a bad rap when you think about it. He was an Angel of God and when the discussion came to asking for a volunteer to represent dark/evil/negative and no one stepped up to volunteer, Lucifer stepped forward knowing that it had to be done and who better than an Angel of God to facilitate in that manner for mankind and planet Earth. His hopes were that he would not be forgotten as an Angel of God because he volunteered to step into that persona, but remembered as one who loved mankind and God so much that he would do anything to help in raising of consciousness.
At the time I heard that message, it flipped a switch in my heart and I became so much more in tune with the fact that everything is energy and energy is everything and it is neither good nor bad, black nor white, light nor dark.....but simply is what it is. EVERYTHING and EVERYONE has Divine purpose. No one is better or worse than anyone else. It is literally all about perception.
Holding each of those involved in a situation such as this was in honor for playing their part even though there was pain, suffering, and most definitely consequences on a physical level, is the highest form of compassion there is.
This is a powerful week as we are in the energies of the Magdelen Gateway and the 8:8:8 Lion's Gate. It is a much heralded time of shifting of vibration and consciousness. Please take the time this week and during the weekend to sit in quite meditation or prayer and acknowledge all those who contribute to our transformational process that is delivering us to the highest aspect of ourselves.
08-04-15~~INTENSE 24HRS AHEAD OF US... OK, it's been building since Saturn moved direct on the weekend. A slight heaviness has come over us, but it won't last long. Over the next day or so personal worth and what we value about ourselves is on high alert!
We haven't felt this challenged to stand up for ourselves, since the Venus & Jupiter conjunction on July 1. Remember back then? You are facing similar energies, opportunities and life situations right now. How will you act differently?
AS I'VE SAID IN THIS WEDNESDAY'S TIP-OFF FORECAST..." As we move into mid-week, the energy asks us to stand tall and firm with our decisions. If ever there was a period in which to know yourself and prove what you know by doing it, then this is it. I can’t emphasize enough how important the next 24 hours is in directing your ... " heart emoticon Elizabeth Peru #thetipoff #lifepurpose
A NEW ERA BEGINS: OK, who's feeling it already? The rocket ship that is YOU is ready to launch and it's been a long time building. Yes? Since mid-march in fact! There's so much potential energy within you right now, spring-boarding over the next 24 hours...And why so? Well Saturn has just moved direct and for us in August that is very big news...
You see, your consistent work behind the scenes and therefore, patience is now set to pay off. You have been diligently working away at your plans, haven't you? These are the plans that serve your life purpose, they have the bigger picture in mind, you fulfilling why you are here on Earth...
AS I'VE SAID IN THIS MONDAY'S TIP-OFF FORECAST..." This week opens on some very upbeat cosmic light. After a somewhat heavier weekend after the Blue Full Moon, the lightness is now coming back and so is the optimism and drive to move ahead. Opportunity is virtually everywhere around you. It will be easy under this light to .. " Elizabeth Peru #thetipoff #saturndirect
The Lion~~Resonates In the Universe Awakening Limitless LOVE~~
All of the inner planets in the solar system from Mercury to Jupiter are very interactive with strong emphasis on the sign Leo. The very special day of August 8th, 2015 is the point of opening the Lion Gate in our galaxy and is also the Solar Eight vibration.
The planetary lineup with numerous angles to that creates a unique energy of give and take. And redirection of priorities within personal structures is what you may expect and see on a daily basis. During the week Mercury and Mars both change signs which adds to this time being very personal for EVERYONE.
Jupiter stands out with three major angles that include Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn. It takes a front seat with angles between Venus and Mars. Also, Mercury in Virgo until August 27th aids progress in all areas of life, especially with work and responsibility of daily living. There is greater awareness of small things needed and also interest in matters of health. Study and focus in those areas is beneficial. You may be busier than usual taking care of yourself and setting a productive pace and routine for managing.
Mars will be in Leo from Saturday until September 24 that elevates everything and energizes ALL that happens.
Leo rays are not just powerful Now but highly significant as the celestial Lion Gate opens. Not all are willing to accept change and resonate to finer vibrations and so resist and react destructively. Lion energy, that is also the animal representing Leo, is very strong right Now as we are Now within the Solar Eight energy of August 8, 2015. It is August, the eighth month, the eighth day in August in the year 2015 (2+0+15=8) that adds up to eight, making it 8-8-8.
This is also the season from July until early September called Dog Days which is named for the ancient time when Egypt celebrated the rising of the star Sirius, also called the Dog Star that is in the Canis Major Constellation, which rose over the Nile River correlating to its flooding, resulting in Life Abundance. It was a New beginning and part of the story of resurrection. The Sun, Mercury (for part of the week), Jupiter and Venus are in Leo and joining them in Leo on this day is Mars. Mercury has been in Leo and gives the opportunity to become more cognitive and mentally attuned. Mars energizes everything to a maximum!
The energy of the heart is the most personal resonation of ALL as it is the expression of all that is outside of logic, beyond reason, and is the eternal truth of LOVE and genuine fulfillment.
Regardless of what the mind says and often dictates the heart continually beacons you toward what you are naturally inclined from the soul level. The driving force that is indisputable comes from the heart. Now, with the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter all in Leo there is a combination of spirit, Love, desire and expansion all blended into one great manifestation.
This planet grid is very helpful to be able to link with the Lion Gate (a time portal) on August 8th. The energy is a surge within the heart and heart center (chakra) that for those who are resistant to change relating to Love and spirituality is painful and can be for them, chaos through resistance.
This unfolding reality of true Love has been part of a resistance to it witnessed through violence with the violent killing of a beloved lion. The sign could not be more obvious and the outcry of thousands across the world is part of the unity of true Love for ALL life. Seeing people suddenly being struck with grief over Cecil’s death is literally “heartwarming.” The killing did not have to happen and is not a message in itself yet reveals fear and the choice to reject Love, although the response to the killing is a response to Love, to purity of spirit, to sacredness and to the great vastness and order in the universe. The universe is about LIFE and that a life was wantonly ended for vanity is going in reverse which is felt like a painful stab in the heart.
As humankind moves into embracing a higher reality there is less room for lesser behaviors and so the demand for righting what was out of order comes forth. The resonation is about noble power and grace.
Leo in the natural zodiac governs the fifth house that is Love, desire, children and creativity among many other things. To realize humankind is outside of the natural grace of animals and therefore has free will and choice, is to realize that loving all life is part of recognition and therefore evolvement. NOW is the time to open to that kind of Love.
The Lion Gate and Solar Eight is about heralding in a higher consciousness and awareness that ranges from being more attuned to connecting to ancient beings and those of the highest nature in other realms.
The 8-8-8 energy, Solar Eight, is with you before the specific day and will be with you after it. For many across the world this is a day to take time to attune to the heavens and heavenly realms, to guardians and those beings in other dimensions. If you can, find moments to retreat and go within to connect to your heart and internal feelings. Limitless love means that you do not have to choose one over the other just as a parent would Love all their children. You can Love people, animals, the forests and oceans and all inhabitants within them. This is a sacred time to embrace your own soul journey and recognize your own eternal spirit of Love.
In Truth, Sandra Helton
Whatever material is emerging from your own personal depths with the energies now, allow it. It will be gently burned away as you pass through the Lionsgate of the 8:8 to reveal the emergence of your greater light and authenticity. – The Keepers thru Irma K Sawyer, 7.18.15 To read full article, visit Cosmic Weather - 8:8:8 Lion's Gate Report
We have awesome sound experiences scheduled this weekend. This is the perfect way to get your 'Vibe' on for your weekend. Join us as these events are intended to raise your vibration, empower, uplift and inspire you on your journey. It's going to be a great weekend of sound!!
We are consistently shifting at every level of our body~mind~spirit. It's important to nurture yourself and take time out to re-group and to take time to just 'BE'. Our sound experiences & meditations offer the perfect opportunity to raise your vibration and re-calibrate while facilitating healing at whatever level you are ready to embrace. Keeping your vibration up and maintaining balance will help you to move through the coming weeks of this most expansive year with more grace & ease. We hope you will join us. More event details follow this email.
Friday, August 7th @ 7:30 pm, BODY~MIND~SPIRIT ATTUNEMENT
Saturday, August 8th @ 7:30 pm, 8:8:8 LION'S GATE VIBRATIONAL RESONANCE MEDITATION
Don't miss the opportunity (or any opportunity) to raise your vibration facilitating an easier acclimation to the energies welcoming renewal and expansion. As you raise your vibration, you become more aligned with all that is your soul's purpose, passion & essence. Raising your vibration also facilitates that shift in awareness, perception & consciousness. The energies we are experiencing now are intended to create that shift for us & in us; however, many are so caught up in the 3D that they are extremely uncomfortable even to the point of pain. Raising your vibration serves to lessen the discomfort and release the 'pain-body' to the level that is correct & appropriate for you in that moment. Raising your vibration facilitates that shift with more grace & ease. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to give you some clarity on it.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
The 8:8:8 Lion's Gate Portal
New Adventures: August 2015
August 2015 Energy Report
August 2015 Astro Energy Report
Planet Alert for August 2015
August 2015: Transmuting Emotions into Motivation
When Two Suns Rise: Sirius & the Planetary New Year
Why You're Feeling Lonely
Is it Me or My Guides? It's Both!!
Moving Into a Radical Shift
Demystifying Death
Subtle Influences
Nasa Discovers Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field
Incoming: The Council
What Happens to Our Bodies When We Suppress Our Emotions
The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy
What's Your Purpose
Science Comes Full Circle
When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and dedicate your focus & intention to your journey and your own transformation, I can help you with sessions that are unique to you and your path. These sessions will give you clarity and build upon your abilities and bring to the surface the aspects of yourself that you are ready to embrace. They will also assist you in releasing the old, stuck and lower vibrational energy that is irrelevant to your growth and present journey, thus facilitating healing at a cellular/soul level. The key words are commitment and dedication.
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
It is such an honor to be a conscious channel for enlightenment/awareness and self-discovery & realization at this time. Blessings abound as we journey together. The work is the inspiration. It is my purpose and passion to facilitate peace through compassion, love & gratitude.
Thank you to those who share this email and continue to provide feedback. It is my intention to inspire you as you are certainly the inspiration behind my work!
Abundant Blessings of Infinite Love, Gratitude, Peace, Compassion, & joy to you as you ride the auspicious waves of ascension. I look forward to connecting with you soon and often throughout this most life-changing year of our return to consciousness.