We are definitely at the threshold of the Renaissance of Consciousness as so many are awakening all at once now. It is obvious that we are moving through a shift that is intended to awaken the masses. There is so much drama taking place everywhere right now. We just have to resolve ourselves to taking certain people, place & things in small doses so as not to get drawn into that drama.
If you read the headlines, we are on the brink of some major situations that have instilled fear into many. Along with the energies we are experiencing now, most everything has a tendency to place us in fear, anger, anxiety, hopelessness, blahblahblah.....as we spiral downward in vibration by going there. Remember especially at this time, it is all a choice. Make your choice to raise the vibration by focusing on love, gratitude, peace, compassion, joy, harmony, forgiveness & Oneness.
It is truly our moment to shine our light out into the world & even the Universe as we hold the energy of peace & compassion. Sure there is a reality out there that is war, poverty, and so on; however, unless we are actively involved in those situations to make them better, if we focus on how dire they are, we are only contributing to the problem (& this applies to all of the drama in our lives). If we instead focus on raising our own individual vibration & frequency, we can together raise the vibration of the situation, thereby minimizing, diffusing or eradicating it. While this may not happen over night, we are in times that can certainly shift the whole situation for the better in the blink of an eye.
We all know how powerful meditation & prayer is. Let us focus on raising our vibration for the greater good of all. Let us move beyond the boundaries of these lower vibrational situations and raise them up in order to transcend them. We can do this. This is why we are here now and connected at the heart level.
“Destruction, of course is not power, never has been. It is easy to destroy. That’s because it takes no power. Power is in creation. Power is in relationship. Power is in unity. THAT IS POWER. It takes no power to destroy, that’s why anyone can do it. And it’s easy and quick. You can destroy a building in seconds. Create together, bond together a foundation that is unbreakable across the planet." Bashar
We are waking up to all that we are truly capable of and we have only just begun to tap into it. We are so much more than we give ourselves credit for. The self-love energies that are moving through us now are intended to bring all that we are to light in our own hearts. Our hearts are really expanding and in doing so, some may feel the aching of 'home'. This Soul Integration & Alchemical Transformation that is taking place is awakening us to our identity, origins & purpose. In doing so, initially, we have a tendency to feel 'alone'. Please know that we are all having these feelings with this unveiling. Several of my sessions are designed to assist one in moving through this process. These sessions can also be combined for an even more effective outcome and the benefits are immediate.
In one of the articles that I read over the weekend it talks about the death of metaphysics. Metaphysics is simply stating that something is 'beyond physics' or beyond the study of the phenomena of nature. We have and continue to move beyond physics in this great awakening state that we are now in.
"Saying that metaphysics is beyond the study of nature suggests something supernatural. However, as nothing can exist outside of the Creation, then nothing is beyond being natural. Supernatural, therefore, is a word that contradicts itself.
'Supernatural' is an oxymoron, just like 'an exact estimate,' 'clean dirt,' 'fresh frozen,' and 'a definite maybe.' How can anything in Creation be beyond the natural? More likely, it is something beyond the understanding of physicists because it is too subtle to be included in today's physics.
Let's drop the use of the word supernatural. 'Supernatural' implies that some things are permanently beyond our understanding and, in the New Reality, that attitude just doesn't make it any more. If something exists, it can be understood. The first step is to admit that it does exist.
The study of consciousness will also expand physics, which is just beginning to recognize the role of consciousness in subatomic behavior. Subatomic particles are displaying signs of consciousness, and this is happening under controlled laboratory conditions. This is leading to the realization that the universe, and everything in it, must be conscious. In other words, the universe must be one big, fully aware, inter-connected, Infinite Being.
The boundaries between physics and metaphysics will blur as the study of consciousness becomes their common ground. Physics will find that it has to expand and become something more all-encompassing than it has been to date. The big turning point will occur when physics grows to include a philosophy of Creational consciousness. When it adopts the habit of asking the question, "How did the Creator's consciousness achieve that?", then it will be on the fast track to its greatest discoveries ever.
Physics, the study of nature, will grow to include everything in nature. When that day comes, there will be no metaphysics because metaphysics will have become a part of the new, expanded physics.
The unknown will have become the known, and our appreciation of the works of the Creator will have grown along with this expanded knowledge. " Owen K Waters, The Death of Metaphysics
These are truly amazing times that we are in. What is taking place on a global level is designed to shove us through the door of enlightenment. It can be very uncomfortable, and yet is necessary for some to feel that discomfort before the seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It is best to free fall through life as much as possible now. Any resistance is futile and in resisting, you may cause physical imbalance and impairment. Pay attention to what is in your face right now asking you to 'open your eyes'? Ask that it move into your heart for processing and to allow transcendence. It really is that simple.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Ascension Notes
Astro Insight
The Keepers on Current Issues & Alternative Timelines
Riding the Wave
Revolution & Revelation
A Cosmic Gift
Living Out Other People's Beliefs
Realign Anytime
Finding Truth
What the Winds Bring.........
Strut Your Stuff
Commentary on New Age Light Worker Deceptions & Alternate Timelines
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.