These are 'ascension' growing pains just as we experienced growing pains in our youth. These being associated with frequency can be really quite intense and almost unbearable. It helps if we remind ourselves that it is a process and it will get better. Rather than timing the process, (because, quite frankly it is a life long process!) surrender to it and allow it to move through you. You are electric and it is frequency. It is really simple in that we must do whatever it is that nurtures us during these intense energies. Sound will definitely assist in the process as well as accelerate the flow. There are many ways I can assist you during this process as we connect and journey together as there are many on the planet now whose purpose is to assist those accepting assistance.
I recently read an article on Spiritual Bypassing and thought I would share my take on this. "Spiritual bypassing, a term first coined by psychologist John Welwood in 1984, is the use of spiritual practices and beliefs to avoid dealing with our painful feelings, unresolved wounds, and developmental needs." While this whole process of 'life' is not all love and light, because of 'free will', there is still a choice in how you view and experience it. It doesn't have to be all pain & suffering, yet that is the way most learn the lessons they came here to learn. It is all about perception, always.
Mankind has been undergoing an evolutionary process ever since he came to this planet and will continue to do so. We are learning about ourselves every day, from those around us as well as through the planet we live on. What the "Powers that Be" don't want us to know, is that we are powerful beyond our imagination. This power is not something that someone imparts on us, but that we must remember ourselves through self-discovery. It is through self-discovery that we reclaim our power.
Spiritual is a way of BE-ing. It is a vibrational resonance to be reached that is peace within. In fact, we cannot attain peace at all unless we embrace this truth. Everything revolves around this inner Be-ing. The reality of this Earthly adventure is that we are here to experience every part of duality, polarity, etc., to feel everything that we can possibly feel, and sometimes all at once it seems. It is a proven fact that once we attain higher consciousness and are mindful and aware, we can navigate with intention, focus and responsibility for our choices. We will be more pleased with the outcome of the experience if we make our choices from our hearts for ourselves. The detour that most of us take in making our choices for someone else or sacrificing ourselves is something that always catches up with us later in life. We then tend to feel shorted or like we have missed something, because we have.
We are self-sustaining. We are capable of healing ourselves. We are not only capable of moving into a higher state of consciousness & awareness, but we incarnated on this planet to do so. It all really comes down to what you believe. While I make absolutely no judgement calls here, I know that my choice to live as a spiritually awakened being is not only transforming my life but other lives around me. I know that I am contributing to the initiation of peace as I make a choice to be peaceful. To realize that there is no real good or bad, light or dark, right or wrong, is to know that there is a Divine Plan. We have a choice always in how we view what is taking place around us. We have a choice always in how we react or don't. We have a choice always in whether we will continue to give our power away or to stand fully in our 'I AM' presence and know that we are truly Divine beings.
These energies now are encouraging us to stand strong in our convictions of what we feel in our hearts, knowing that the heart houses the soul. The soul is integrating now in a manner that is like putting on a glove. As it descends into our physical form, it is moving slowly but steadily and we are likely to feel the fullness of the heart as it moves in. As it moves in, the old ways of doing and being likely don't fit anymore and are pushed out, again creating release 'pains' that trigger sadness, depression, guilt, anger, frustration, anxiety and many other emotions as this new way of Be-ing is instilled. Whether you understand or not, we are fully supported in the process that is taking place now by the energies that are facilitating it. Each time we resist, we distort the outcome and create something else that must be dealt with.
"You shall become PURE channels of this energy, for all the darkness shall be transformed to light, doubts and fears into confidence and peace. Bear in mind that as this energy passes through you, and cleanses your very being, you may experience various energy fluctuations throughout the 3 day cycle. Please understand that this shall be a natural state, for your bodies will be transformed FOR THE DURATION OF 3 DAYS (22-24) - YOU SHALL BECOME PURE PILLARS OF LIGHT. Your senses will heighten. Your vision will sharpen. Your hearing will significantly improve. Each word you utter will carry tremendous power within. Your thoughts will quickly manifest into your reality and so we ask all of you to be increasingly aware of these processes and to carefully monitor each and every thought, word and action, for you must think love, breathe love, BE LOVE. You must completely transform yourselves into pure VIOLET FLAME. " (Full Channeling HERE )
Beloveds, there is a saying "Love is the answer" and we would like to give a good example and application of this. You have asked how you can transform an ongoing situation in your life that has been problematic for you, and has also caused a modicum of emotional pain. As you lift your consciousness and being into a higher realm of light and unconditional love for all, you will see that this is both the way out and also the way through. Even if other beings do their same old "dance" of neurotic and/or counterproductive behavior, you will find that you are no longer ensnared to the point of distraction. This is another way that love is a divine protector from harm; as you are not in resistance to the patterns of others, you simply do not engage. You respond from a place of loving detachment and compassion. As the higher frequencies of the emerging 5D world come more into view, this will continue to provide ongoing support. Shanti. - The Keepers, 8/20/13 (Full Moon in Aquarius)
AUGUST 18 to AUGUST 24, 2013 (20/2)
This entire week is for more Spiritual awakening that will bring new plans, purposes and ambitions. It’s time to be the peacemaker within and without. The precessional order of these energies may make you very conscious of time and detail so use that information to act decisively and look at the larger picture before you make your decisions. You have integrated your mastery of duality so it is time to make choices which will require adaptation and renewal, which, in turn, creates awakened Spiritual awareness and illumination which will overcome any difficulties in life and assist in being the mediator. Your goal is to accept your mastery of duality and details so you can see all the alternatives and use your visions and revelations to guide you.
This is a more relaxing week with only three Master days.
Thursday is a day to share in harmony and peace as you manifest your Master Builder ability in the physical plane. Friday is to balance the higher Spiritual energies and the material world so that you will be aware that this higher view puts everything into perspective so you’ll manifest your dreams. Saturday brings in the Master Messenger again for direction so pay close attention to your insights and revelations. You start the week on Sunday with a restless energy that has to be focused and use constructively so that any remnants of “cages” and “limitations” to your personal approach can be transmuted and used. Monday increases your sensitivity and awareness of “what lies beneath” to help you take responsibility and bring things into harmony. Tuesday assists you to blend all of you together in one manifestation of your vision so use those energies to listen to your inner voice and follow directions. Wednesday gives you an easy free-flowing day of cooperation and compatibility so take responsibility to examine and investigate the details brought to your attention in your material affairs and make choices.
~ Rhonda Smith
As we journey from yesterday’s Quarter Moon to next week’s Blue Moon in Aquarius, our greatest challenge is to remain centred and in contact with the stillness which exists at our heart. There are many ways we can be distracted from it, pulled away by the promise of success or the fear of failure; by powerful emotion or seductive sensation; by challenges to our own peace and well-being from the outside world. In modern life we seem to have travelled so far from this place within that finding our way back can feel like a lifetime’s work and more. And yet…the stillness waits, its gently beating heart forever calling us home. It never gives up. Never writes us off. It just waits, ready to embrace us in every moment that we turn towards it, exhaling everything that has stood between us and releasing all that keeps us hooked into the dramas of the everyday world.
Now is the time to turn towards this stillness, relaxing into it, surrendering ourselves, our thoughts and feelings to it. No matter how far from it we may feel we have drifted it is, in fact, right here, right now, in every moment. No journey is necessary. Quite the opposite, in fact. The key is to stop journeying, step out of the motion and into the eye of the storm which is forever still and calm. No matter what emotional debris may be swirling around us, no matter how huge the pieces of flying rubble we must dodge in our everyday lives, for just one moment, a single second, we can step into the stillness and just be, thinking nothing, judging nothing, planning and fearing nothing. Just here, now, breathing, being, in the silence.
This silence is calling us now, more than ever. It reminds us that deep within it lives all the answers we will ever seek, all the strength we will ever need and all the wisdom that has ever been realised. This stillness connects us all: past, present and future. It is the melting pot of consciousness out of which we are each born as individual sparks of the Divine. It is you and me in our most pure form: stillness and light. It is where we meet, naked of our individuality, clothed only in that which connects us as a web throughout time and space.
As we approach the coming Blue Moon tensions may rise, energies fragment and sensitivities run high. But none of this need stop us from connecting in that stillness, you and me, everyone, coming together in a place of silence which we can find within ourselves to connect us with each other.
‘Remember’ the heavens tell us today, ‘no matter what may be happening around and within you, at your deepest core you are Still, you are Light, you are Love, you are Wisdom. These are not qualities you have, they are what you are, each one of you. They are your very essence, and that essence is calling you home’.
Sending much love out to everyone today and hoping to meet you in the Stillness.
Sarah Varcas 08-15-13
A Moment Of Power Not To Be Missed
The Keepers commentary on the upcoming 8/25 power portal/gateway: Beloveds, the opportunity here is to further anchor higher frequencies (that some have referred to as 5D and above,) more fully upon the earth plane. Also to "bridge the gap" between energetic fields and states to further create a "Unified Field" of one heart and mind grounded in loving consciousness. In reference to the recent "Lionsgate" portal, it is also an opportunity for those who identify as light workers of all kinds to step more fully into their greater soul missions and pathways. The past weeks and months have been a journey into personal empowerment, detachment and compassion. This has all been an excellent preparation for what can now be considered a new incoming phase for you personally and also collectively. - The Keepers, 8.16.13
A little head's up on the potential physical symptoms that may be showing up between now and 8/25 (and possibly a few days after that too.)
1) Headaches - before you diagnose yourself with a brain tumor or something else dreadful, I suggest you wait it out. Also do some grounding techniques that will help. In times of high energy, the upper chakras can take a beating due to movement and expansion. Exercise and getting OFF the computer and moving around also help. There may be days where staring at a computer screen will just not be cutting it, and that's perfectly okay. Time outdoors and in nature is good medicine for just about everybody.
2) Being spacey or in a "brain fog." - This is also common in power portal times. Again, grounding is helpful. It is also not uncommon to have insomnia or restless sleep due to the high energies, which may also contribute to a foggy head. Be mindful that others may also be in the same boat and be extra careful out there.
3) Radical shifting between lower and higher psychic/energetic states. - This can be confusing and actually cause some folks to feel that they are developing a bi-polar or other psychological issue. Be gentle with yourself and again, I suggest you wait it out. However, if emotional flip-flopping has been ongoing and/or severe, please do consult a mental health professional.
Blessings all & enjoy the ride cosmic friends!
TIME - OK, just on 4 months left of 2013. Hasn't this baby gone quick, or has it? Have you found that time is evaporating into more and more moments after moments after moments, rather than long drawn out hours and days? Are you finding that time (which is a constraint of the head and personality) is not so much a problem for you as it used to be? The more we start following and acting on the direction of soul (or heart) which operates outside of time, the less worried we become that we are "running out of time" or that "times goes too quickly". The more relaxed we become that time isn't the issue at all, what is, is DOING what you love here and now. How are you finding you are relating to time these days?
#ElizabethPeru #Time
True bliss lies in being in alignment (vibrational resonance) with your original vibrational signature. We have been thrown out of alignment by the very thing that we came here to as physical beings. Our alignment was sync'd with everything around us to be able to participate in this Divine Plan, and now as we 'ascend' we must experience re-calibration and synchronization with our soul in order to follow through with this process. As we focus on reaching that place within ourselves, knowing that it lies within, we will once again be able to soar with our etheric wings, moving beyond time and matter.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Weekly Astro Insight
Cosmic Weather Full Moon Report
Blue Moon In Aquarius
Aquarius Full Moon Tune-Up
Solomon's Seal: August 25, 2013
Tip-Off Global Soul Report
The Lions Gate & The Body Electric
Post Lions Gate Update
The Purity of the New Age Arises
New Energies & How They Affect Your Body
Super Charged Sensitivity
Trusting What Spirit Shows You
Things Are Happening Suddenly
Time Delation Fields
Emergence Into Self, Life & Love
A Natural Flow to Live
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.