Guidance has asked me today if I was ready to truly expand outside of my current boundaries. I am feeling this means really moving outside of my comfort zone, and also that this is a substantial expansion on many levels. Lots of tones (encoding) flooding the soundscapes accompanying the headaches. Visual 'x-ray' likened to holographic overlay, or being able to see through things feeling as if you have either walked through them or merged with them. These are all indications for me that something is shifting on my journey.
I am not only ready, I actually made the commitment to follow through with this expansion about a month ago as I was guided to do. It was a further commitment to my purpose and willingness to allow the upgrades through activations being provided at this time via the Universe. I am sensing this expansion in all of my psychic senses with physical indications to validate what is happening.
I continue to move forward on my journey in faith knowing that although this is all pre-orchestrated, my willingness to allow the process is what makes it the adventure that it is. Someone asked me last week if we have to experience all this pain and suffering that's is all around us and projected onto us. Knowing that this whole life experience is NOT something that just happens to us or chooses us, but instead is our choice and is, in fact, a series of synchronicities that make up this life dance is the key.
We are enlightened either via pain & suffering or through spiritual practice. Our evolutionary cycle is a choice for each and every one of us. We can choose to learn through pain & suffering (which is the only way for some, it seems) or through spiritual awakening as we allow ourselves to connect with Source and navigate with Heart Consciousness through our own individual journey of self-discovery and transformation. It will happen one way or the other. By allowing, you take yourself out of that place of 'victimhood' and move into the position of co-creator. You take your power back that has been misplaced for eons of time. You step up to your 'I AM' presence (God Essence) and own your part of the bigger plan. We are all here by design. That design is a Divine Plan that I like to refer to as an adventure.
My faith in this Divine Plan has always been unwaivering. It is not something I learned or had to practice. It has always been within me and as I move more into my purpose, it strengthens with each and every step I take and choice I make. I am blessed to have this knowing and to be able to share it through the work I do in service to others. I hold the energy of faith for others and as I work in service to others, I facilitate that vibration in their energy field.
roles that will be triggered at the appropriate moment of the NOW. You are all
being activated, so it is best to relax and trust your SELF. In the manner you can
more fully accept this great gift It is important to release all trying and to allow your consciousness to float as a feather in a soft breeze. In the fifth dimensional world "doing" is an expression by your "being." However, in your 3D world your "being" is defined by your "doing." Therefore, your 3D world you became too focused on output and you forgot about you input.
You forgot to recognize and accept the constant inflow of the higher frequencies
of energy that reminded you of your true SELF. Then, instead of believing that
you created your reality, you believed that your reality created you. Hence, you
were buffeted around from situation to situation like a ball in the midst of a
game--the game of 3D life.
That game is coming to a conclusion and none too soon. Far too many were injured
in this game and far too many never even knew it was a game. Instead, they believed
that the game was reality. Worse yet, too often they were observers of this game
and never had the experience of being the creator of their own life.
Victimization and loss of hope overtook those who had fallen into the illusions
of the 3D Game. They became depressed--anger turned inwards--or combative--anger turned outwards. Either way, they chose anger to disguise their fear, which only created sorrow. Now with the doorway open just in front of them, they are too exhausted from the fight to even look up and see it.
Therefore, it is the assignment of those who did not forget their SELF, and those
who found their way to remembering, to assist those who have become so desperately lost. Some of you will assist people; others will help animals, plants, weather, world systems etc. As we remember that we chose to play the game and we can remember to BE our SELF who joined the game to assist.
Once the "helpers" are able to enliven the "helpless" changes will progress in an
exponential manner. In fact, these changes have commenced. However, you see what you want to see. If you choose to see what is wrong, there is plenty of "wrong"
left for you to ponder and worry about. However, if you choose to see that which
is rooting towards the higher light you will find that great changes are occurring
in your world everyday.
What you chose to think about and where you place your point of perception will
set your state of consciousness. If you focus on what is fearful and damaging, you
will become depressed, sad, angry and helpless. On the other hand, if you focus
on what is loving and transmutational, you will feel empowered, happy and purposeful.
Many of you have forgotten that you are the creators of your life, in fact many
never realized that you were the creators of your reality. Instead, you believed
the illusion. You believed in what you feared because you were on the edge of survival.
When you are on the edge of survival adrenalin takes over and your brains differ
to the fight/flight behavior of a wounded animal.
Fortunately, more and more of you are realizing that being a wounded animal is a
choice. The only thing you have to change to alter your perspective of realty is
your state of consciousness. Once you raise your consciousness enough to feel the
higher frequencies of light around you, you will be able to believe that you can
shift your perspective from victim to victor.
From this perspective of reality, you have the courage and ability to change everything.
Your earth vessel will still live in "time," so patience is important. However,
if you really think about it, time is always just NOW. The past in which you were
wounded is over and the future has not occurred.
However, if someone enjoys the role of being the victim they can curl up in their
fear and sorrow and be angry at anyone who tries to show them the light. All Lightworkers have had experiences of people being angry at them when they attempt to show a higher perspective of their life. Why?
Why do people get angry when others are trying to assist them? It is because they
have lost HOPE and are so beaten down that they are afraid to try. These people
cannot be helped--yet. They have become their sorrow and will need many role models of transmutation before they can find the courage to come out from undercover and see a better world.
Yes, the world is better if you look for better. If you look for worse, you will
find that too. In fact, that is how you create your life.
* Your belief sets your state of consciousness.
* Your consciousness sets your perception.
* The reality you perceive is the reality you live.
Therefore, you need to take the risk to believe that your reality is shifting NOW
into a higher frequency. If you choose (as it is a choice) to believe that you are
transmuting into higher frequencies of your SELF, and hence of your world you set
a state of consciousness filled with hope, joy, forgiveness, gratitude and unconditional love.
Within this state of consciousness your body releases, not adrenaline, but endorphins.
Your Pineal Gland is signaled to open to higher frequencies of light, which further
stimulates your inner pharmacy of consciousness expanding and joyful "drugs." You
feel "high on life" as your body is calibrated to that experience by your own inner
Because you feel so joyful, elated and focused, you find that you focus only on
that which fills you with love and joy. Because of this choice of perception you
begin to see and hear solutions, creations and new ideas for how to improve your
life. Your creative channel into the higher frequencies of reality is turned on.
Thus you dedicate yourself to helpful and creative endeavors.
Instead of stealing time to have fun or be creative, you grab a moment in your wonderful day to take care of whatever remaining 3D tasks call you. We move to the place you love. You quit the job you hate. You see the people you enjoy being with and share your joy with the very atmosphere of the planet.
Solutions to problems are found inside and patiently waited for knowing that you
are infinitely guided. At this point you KNOW you are protected because you commune and communicate with your inner guidance, which you realize is higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF.
Yes, fear threatens to take you down into victimization. However, you have the map
that shows you the way to be your SELF. You remember how easy it is to just give
up and be a victim of your "awful life." But, since we have traveled the path,
you also know the way back into your SELF.
From the peak you have created, you remember to remember to choose love. You remember to go inside your SELF for guidance and reassurance. Most important, you remember that YOU are great multidimensional beings who took a form HERE in the NOW to assist with planetary ascension.
You remember that:
You are NOT your body.
You are NOT your job or your chores or your bills.
YOU ARE New Earth--NOW!"
via Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians
And more from Suzanne: Multidimensional News
IMPORTANT MOON INFO: Over the next 24 hours it is first quarter Moon (the Moon is half full) and we are in the lead up to the next Full Moon on Aug 20/21 which is a SEASONAL BLUE MOON. Why? Because it falls in the sign of Aquarius and it also was in this sign when full in July (that's two Moon's in the same sign from Solstice to Equinox) - two Full Moon's in Aquarius in a row! Quite rare (last time was 2010) and for us very significant. Why? Because back around Feb 9/10 some very special energy came to us at New Moon in Aquarius. It was one of being in your 'authenticity' and throughout 2013 this has been a major theme for so many. We are all wanting to be as real and as true to ourselves as possible. Yes? So to do this people are leaving relationships, themes and jobs that no longer work, they are accepting who they are, forgiving in the process and coming home to their truth. So this energy of 'just being your unbounded self, of breaking free, of acting on it' is now peaking. What we began in February is now at it's height. Watch for your life to significantly move and be supported over the next week or so. The truer you are to what you love, the more it moves. Exciting stuff - and remember July - September are the power months of 2013 xxx ~Elizabeth Peru
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
The Cosmic Path Weekly Weather
The Lion Roars & The Dream is Renewed
The Quiet Restructuring of Life
Truth or Sabotage
Letting Go of Worry, Letting in a Solution
Knowing When
Having a Little Faith
8-8 Check Point
Igniting Like Rockets
Diving in Hot Water
A Difficult Year
Open to Your Crystalline Hologram
The Quantum Awakening Newsletter August 2013
How to Physically Heal Yourself
Healing to Whole
Anchors of the Past
In Every Atom
Is That All There Is?
Ascension Notes: Merging with Soul
States of Consciousness
Choices of Perception
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.