Get ready for a full weekend of meditations next weekend starting on Thursday the 16th. I will also be scheduling two Ancestral Breath Meditation sessions on the 19th @ 2 pm and 4 pm, so if you are interested, please let me know asap as these sessions tend to fill up fast as they are limited to 6 people.
This has been a week of processing and integrating after the intensity of last weekend's Full Lunar Moon Eclipse. I have found it visually hard to focus and have been a little discombobulated. Just now beginning to feel rested but still a bit slow. The weekend's sound sessions were amazing and so facilitating given the energies sweeping in. I love the way the Universe sets me up to do so many sound sessions during these intense energetic periods.
My intention in writing this weekly energy update is to share my journey with you as well as assuring you that you are not alone and not the only one going through all the crazy ups and downs. I continue to be inspired by those who enjoy receiving the updates and share them forward. It's important to share for the purpose of empowering, enlightening and uplifting. It's also important to stay connected reminding you that I, along with many others, am holding the energy/space to facilitate the shift and transformation that is occurring for all. It is my intention to be available at some level at all times. This requires mindfulness, awareness and a strong faith in my connection to Source and my guidance. It is hard to imagine that my life has ever been any other way.
The past 13 years have been amazing as my journey continues to evolve and reveal aspects of myself that I only dreamed existed. We are in the same energies that facilitated so much change in 2002-2003. Life changing on every level.
Feeling the acceleration? There is a 'Quickening' at this time. It is likely that you are receiving your call to action or purpose at this time. Due to this call, if you have been accustomed to 'playing it safe', you may be feeling a bit uncomfortable now as that is no longer possible. It is time for you to fully awaken and remember. This can be done through meditation and intention. Of course, it also takes commitment and dedication to yourself. My point here is that it's not magic but synchronicity. It's a Divine plan already in place that you tap into through vibration and frequency.
This is why the sound meditations that we provide are so beneficial and seem to be flipping switches for those attending. They facilitate so much on so many levels as well as raising the vibration of the geographical area.
The most important thing I can pass on at this time is to be true to yourself. Honor your heart and soul. If something doesn't feel right to you, regardless of what anyone else says or does, honor that feeling. Your heart and soul are glad to help you in discerning what is for your highest good and always right for you. The more you are in touch with your heart, the more you are in touch with your soul. The more you navigate with your heart, the more you are connected to the Earth as well as your guides. This is especially important during these times of change.
There is much that is changing right now on a very profound level. The Earth itself is changing, and you in your body and Light Body are feeling these deep and profound shifts and changes.......It is now time for you to connect with the deep inner knowing in your heart and your soul and begin the next task of creating a New Earth Community of Beauty and Abundance, of Love and Joy and Compassion. To do this requires that you release the focus of 3D and money and power, and move to a focus on Unity Consciousness, Oneness, and the expression of Creative Love and Compassion. This means that money and power are the results of the work, not the aim of the work! You will find that when your heart is engaged and when your soul is singing with joy, the flow of abundance and love will be natural and powerful in your is so important here that you listen to your heart and soul, for it is here that you will hear the whispers of your soul that will guide you forward. Use your intuition, your heart and your feelings. Feel your way forward rather then thinking your way forward............
The best way that we can explain this to you is to suggest that you think vertically rather than horizontally. Don’t think about “moving forward” as such on a timeline, think rather about moving “upwards” to connect with your soul and spirit. It is through this connection that you will find the way in which to move forward in partnership with your soul and spirit.
~ Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Know the truth of who you need to be with and when and why. You need yourselves. Everything extends from there. Those of you who believe you need your partners, your friends, remember you need yourselves first.
Without yourself, you will never experience the fullness of relationship with those beings you are looking to experience that relationship with.
You are feeling beings. I do not ask you to contemplate every single feeling you have. It is not about contemplation. It is not about analysis. It is not about knowing how you feel at every moment in the mind. It is simply about being open and allowing.
- Ziadora through Lee Harris, from The Heart of Humanity and 'Energy Speaks'
VERY IMPORTANT NEWS:: JUPITER MOVES YOU AHEAD: "Hello my beautiful community! It's a cosmic event many of us have eagerly awaited and planned for. I've been talking about it since December. You would have noticed that since the week commenced, life has sped up. Opportunities are at you thick and fast...Over the NEXT 24HRS Jupiter begins it's forward movement relative to Earth, after a long retrograde period since early December 2014.
The largest planet in our solar system has a huge affect and pull on our lives. For the past five months we have been slowly working on projects close to our heart. Yes? You have put a lot of effort in and now the rewards make themselves known. You may have wondered when your worked upon plans will take off? Well...the move ahead has begun.
Jupiter's direct movement relative to Earth, right off the latest eclipse, super-charges our priorities. I know many of you have felt a little spiritual flu (see my previous wall post) and this cosmic helper will perk you right up and onwards. Trust me on this.
- abundance. act on your worth. live large.
- career and occupation.
- working on self-employment? It's the perfect year in 2015 'The Year of Action" to spread your wings and make the leap to support yourself..
Love you Jupiter...let's go new humans heart emoticon " Elizabeth
IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM ELIZABETH: "It has been a rather revealing 24 hours. Yes? What have you been shown about your life? What have you learned about your capabilities and your path? You are being given the opportunity to wrap up many loose ends and begin again anew. Are you?
The major message I have for you right now is this..."From the moment your body began to grow, it was unfolding. And it continues to unfold right now. Just as the rose unfolds, so do you, following the same force of nature. It is a continual movement, like a slow, rhythmic dance. There is no linear progression. No destination we reach. We unfold and extend with our experiences.
I urge you to pause and reflect on this unfolding. Delve deep and recognise that your life, every day, is one of unfolding patterns. We repeat patterns, yes? We create and re-make patterns, yes? In the morning you wake up and unfold from your sleep. In the evening you fold back up and rest again. Just like the rose opening and closing, continuously flowing with the universal pulse.
What if you truly knew that your life path follows this energy flow? Would you not give over to it? Bask in it? Allow the cycles to support you as you go with this flow? Greatness is experienced this way. The struggle is let go of and every requirement is found to be right there at your fingertips. Consider this...for as we unfold, we become...Love to you heart emoticon Elizabeth"
MESSAGE FROM ELIZABETH:: THE BIG MOVE..."Who's feeling a little edgy? Like something big is about to happen? After the intense build-up and then the huge weekend purge of the past (brought on by the weekend's Justice Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse) we can almost feel like..."Well OK, I'm getting used to all of this constant flux. This state of high cosmic awareness every day. I'm kind of liking what I'm capable of because of it. So what's next?... I'm ready."
Are you finding this? Are you enjoying that your abilities to work in tandem with the forces of nature are increasing? Are you testing yourself and stretching your limits? This is everything I encourage you to do in my Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast each day. Why? Well because it builds up your strength and gives meaning to your life. When you can see that YOU are the one creating everything in your life , then you come to know that your desires and how much you focus upon them determine what you experience on Earth. When you work with the cosmic forces you amplify your desires. Life becomes a magical ride. Yes? And it goes both ways. Focus on negatives, this is what you experience. On positives and this is what you experience.
Right now... we are on the verge of a big move. It's like you have been preparing and waiting on the starters blocks since late 2014. Career, occupation, life's all about to go and hence, you could be getting a bit nervy in the tummy. That's a good's those butterflies signalling your emergence...learn all about the big mover this week in my current Tip-Off Forecast heart emoticon" Elizabeth
VERY IMPORTANT: SPIRITUAL FLU: "I last wrote about this topic on my page just before the Solar Eclipse and it is a timely reminder yet again, just after the Lunar Eclipse. So many of my beautiful community are reporting about their 'flu like' symptoms since the eclipse. I myself had a dull headache for days which has now shifted, much of which was related to increased solar activity on Saturday. When you know of these cosmic influences, you can be prepared and go with them...this is why I have written The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast each week, for over 11 years now...
Since the big letting go process of this past weekend there has been an increase in what I term 'Spiritual Flu'. I've been using this terminology for many years, as I have seen myself and countless others go through major energy shedding periodically, after intense cosmic influences. It's like our body incubates, heats up and burns away the energy toxicity when we move to a new level of spiritual awareness. Personal power is being re-calibrated within...
What is Spiritual Flu?
- You may have sore joints/muscles, thumping headaches, tiredness, sore eyes, blocked ears or nose, feeling hot from within (but not fever), heat coming from hands and feet, tingling all over, thymus palpitations. There are many symptoms that arise seemingly out of the blue. In other words, you cant recall any physical event or reason that may have brought them on.
- Yet whilst you may think you are coming down with a cold or the flu, you don't actually get the full blown sore throat or fully inflamed sinuses etc. The signs are there, yet they are not physically intense.
- It's like you have an 'energy flu' rather than a physical one. There are some physical symptoms (as I mention above) yet they are MILDER than a normal physical flu. Naturally if you are physically ill, get this checked out. I always say, "Check out the physical so you can put your mind at rest".
ECLIPSES bring it to a head
The upshot is that we are now nearing the end of eclipse season (April 19) and all imbalances have come to a head. What needed to be brought to justice has been and we are now integrating and running with the after effects. Yes, some people will feel physically challenged. Others will not. It all depends on your level of spiritual awareness and what you DO with it.
In particular these spiritual flu symptoms seem to always be more gentle on people who make their changes 'as and when they feel called to', rather than then leaving them up to the cosmos to bring about. Which are you?" Elizabeth Peru
One way to bring yourself back to physical health is to love your physical body. It has served you well in your journeys through life. It has served as an accurate "weather vane" regarding danger and disturbances. No matter what age, shape or size you are you can love yourself. Just tune out society's dysfunctional attitudes of what is attractive and most desirable. You are you, and that is more than enough. In comparison to others you can feel that you fall short and this fuels that particular illusion. Just "unplug" from this toxic viewpoint dear ones. Negative body image can actually contribute to ill health over time. Your physical vehicle is a miraculous thing. It also believes what you think. Be kind. - The Keepers thru Irma K Sawyer, 4.8.15
There is concrete evidence to suggest that Mother Earth herself is shifting her vibration. A few days ago, the Schumann frequency hit 16.5 hertz which is harmonic to the Solfeggio tone 528 - the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA.
The Schumann Frequencies
March was a landmark month energetically, with several rare planetary alignments, including a Super moon, Solar Eclipse and Equinox all within the same 24 hours on March 21st! Coming as it did just after the 7th of 7 exact T-Squares, everything points to that day being a moment of paradigm shift – a time of great Awakening. Our ancient ancestors believed that Eclipses open a portal to higher realms, making it possible for us to receive huge downloads of information. That is why they built sophisticated and mysterious structures such as Stonehenge and Newgrange, which were designed to amplify the powerful cosmic energies being made available to them.
Despite the opening of powerful Stargate portals and the potential for new beginnings offered by the current universal geometries however, many people find it difficult to believe that anything is really changing when chaos still seems to reign, and evidence of human mayhem continues all around us. Perhaps this ‘madness’ is part of a deep cleansing of the planet? And perhaps how quickly we can integrate the new energy and adjust to it, will depend on the level of each individual’s vibratory frequency. We are being asked I think, to do everything in our power to raise our vibration out of 3D density and into the higher frequencies of Light. This always has been and still is, the prime purpose and raison d’être of the ‘Sounds of Sirius’. It’s my belief that the melodies, tones and Light Language that flow through me from the higher dimensional realms, are being gifted quite specifically to raise the vibration of those who receive them, and in so doing, reconnect them with their soul’s original blueprint.
There is concrete evidence to suggest that Mother Earth herself is shifting her vibration, in order to adapt to the paradigm shift. The Schumann Frequencies are the ‘sound’ of the earth. It’s like hearing the sound of a big drum, with that drum being the earth’s resonant cavity. Only a few years ago the earth was vibrating at around 7.8 hertz, but a few days ago, the Schumann frequency hit 16.5. This demonstrates that the earth itself is changing…she is literally speeding up!
Continue reading from this link:
~ Lia Scallon - Sounds of Sirius
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Theme for April 2015: Expect the Unexpected
Integrating the Eclipse Cycle
Created From Beyond
Adjust Your Body Language to Quickly Raise Your Vibration
What is an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person
Soul Fragmentation
The Secret to Awakening
Be the Resurrection of Light
Easter Transformation
Let There Be Light
Time Doors Swing Both Ways
Nature Does Not Have Expectations
Between Disillusion & Grace
Clear Your 3D Creation Beliefs
When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and dedicate your focus & intention to your journey and your own transformation, I can help you with sessions that are unique to you and your path. These sessions will give you clarity and build upon your abilities and bring to the surface the aspects of yourself that you are ready to embrace. They will also assist you in releasing the old, stuck and lower vibrational energy that is irrelevant to your growth and present journey, thus facilitating healing at a cellular/soul level. The key words are commitment and dedication.
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
It is such an honor to be a conscious channel for enlightenment/awareness and self-discovery & realization at this time. Blessings abound as we journey together. The work is the inspiration. It is my purpose and passion to facilitate peace through compassion, love & gratitude.
Thank you to those who share this email and continue to provide feedback. It is my intention to inspire you as you are certainly the inspiration behind my work!
Abundant Blessings of Infinite Love, Gratitude, Peace, Compassion, & joy to you as you ride the auspicious waves of ascension. I look forward to connecting with you soon and often throughout this most life-changing year of our return to consciousness.