It was a great conference with a lot of information shared. It's coordinated by the Ozark Research Institute of Fayetteville AR and takes place every April and September.
My guidance called me into a major download this afternoon in which I was unable to function until I sat down and received the full hour upload. I have learned it is futile to resist this feeling when it overcomes me as it completely takes over focus, mobility and energy. Once the upload/download is complete, everything is functioning as it should. This was a precursor to the energies coming in with the New Moon of the 18th. The trip to Arkansas atop of the crystals and in a very different energy was no doubt orchestrated by the Universe in preparation for what's just over the horizon.
During the last 3 months (first quarter of 2015) we have been caught up in such an influx of energy that things have not been flowing. I have found myself unable to handle details and follow through with planning. It has taken a lot of effort to sustain and maintain.
This influx has settled in and things are definitely flowing now. The infusions of energy have affected our senses in a profound way. I am now experiencing heightened senses beyond the physical senses, although they are definitely heightened too. In fact, they are now more acutely tuned in and consistently picking up in amplified manner. For an empath, this can be extremely overwhelming.
The most beneficial way to adapt to this amplification is by keeping your vibration up. As your vibration lowers, for whatever reason, you may feel like you are suffocating, finding it hard to breathe and move around. Use the Quiet Touch (left hand over heart) to bring yourself back to center and to focus on your breathing, being sure to breathe deeply. Inhale filling the abdomen completely and exhaling completely. Focused breathing with the QT is a quick way to regain momentum.
Meditation is absolutely the best means of rolling with these waves that will continue to sweep through. They won't be letting up but rather intensifying as a necessary part of this evlutionary process.
The Universe sent me a message on Tuesday. I found a message on my facebook timeline that I had posted April 14, 2014 (1 year ago). I have never had facebook do that and for it to be such a profound post.....
Facebook 04-14-14~~"Are you aware of the intensity of the 'winds of change' that are upon us? Ohmygoodness....totally life-changing events coming in. Unfolding as I write this. Just can't seem to get past "ohmygoodness" The Universe & Great Spirit only know what's in store as we move forward. Have faith that everything is unfolding in Divine Timing & Divine Order. Wow....just wow! What an eye-opening day of truth!
Remember...."What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." ~~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am not even remembering why I wrote that post. What exactly prompted me to write it? You would think that it was pretty profound based on the way the post is written. Perhaps was just a day of feeling the transformative energies that were sweeping through at the time. Perhaps it was a feeling of having stepped through the portal into more of the unknown. was written then as a reminder - past, present, future - of what was emerging. It definitely flipped a trigger when it popped up on my page Tuesday. Took my breath away for a moment.
This is an indication of the types of synchronistical magick we can expect on our journey now. Not the kind that makes you scratch your head in wonder, but the kind that takes your breath away.
We are truly in uncharted waters and we are in the midst of the most powerful influx of Light Humanity is capable of receiving. The Company of Heaven revealed that this greatly accelerated influx of God’s Light will continue to build in momentum day-by-day as we God Victoriously accomplish the unfolding Divine Plan for 2015.
This unprecedented influx of Light is exponentially increasing the Divine Alchemy that is taking place within Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. This physical transformation involves changing our Earthly Bodies, at a cellular level, from carbon-based planetary bodies into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies.
People everywhere are experiencing this influx of Light in a multitude of ways. Every 24-hour period, the I AM Presence of each person is striving to assimilate into his or her Earthly Bodies the maximum Light those vehicles can withstand. The Company of Heaven said that there are a few people who are moving through this challenging transformational process fairly easily, but that is the exception to the rule. They say that the vast majority of people are experiencing all kinds of stress in both their physical and emotional bodies. This phenomenon is causing a lot of confusion, as well as some intense physical pain, emotional upheaval, genuine fatigue, and general discomfort.
Our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies are comprised of earth, air, fire, water, and ether elements. Fortunately, these elements are intelligent and respond well to positive and nurturing energy from Humanity and from other facets of the Elemental Kingdom. This means that we have the ability to assist our bodies and to relieve them of the pain and excess stress by Loving them, and by using some of the powerful tools from the Elemental Kingdom that are being given to us from On High. ~~~Patricia Cora-Robles
The Clarity and Purity of the Divine Mind is the unparalleled Genius of All That is.
The Divine Mind ~ is in Union with the Divine Heart and Soul. They function as One in complete Harmony.
The Lower Mind ~ The Ego personality ~ revels in denial of truth and exists through Fear through the lower self Identity that experiences itself as separated from Divine Consciousness.
The Divine Mind is the Awakened Conscious Observer of All ~ The All Seeing Eye ~ The Eye of Ra ~The Overseer of All of Creation.
The Divine Mind is Pure Imagination ~ Pure Divine Vividness ~ Pure Creator God Creativity in All Moments.
Being the Observer and Living as the Divine Mind ~ in All Moments ~ is the Pure Freedom of Divinity ~ In Union with the Heart ~ Living ~Heaven on Earth.
Move out of the Lower Mind ~ Ego Personality ~ (and all of its myriad reactive responses through your karmic memory) which denies the truth of the Divine Mind ~ which IS ALWAYS Observing ~ and is always in Harmony with your Heart and Soul. With All That is.
Move deeply into the conscious awareness of the Divine Mind and Heart ~ in All moments.
Beloved ones we are the Arcturians.
We are here to begin our process of sharing with you the energetic weather reports. As you know the energy fields on Gaia have been extremely intense, and the frequencies seem to be rising every day. However, simultaneously, there are other places, situations and people where the frequencies seem to be getting lower. This is because as the frequency gets higher, there are people who are dropping out.
This doesn’t mean that these people will not be able to continue their Ascension process, but it means instead that sometimes our beloved Galactics and Celestials wearing human forms need some time to rest. Some of you need to just stop and be still, take a vacation, do only do what you want to do, be with friends, travel, be in nature, write, sing, dance – whatever brings joy in your life.
This is so important because, even when you are sitting still, it is working very hard. Your body has to adapt to higher and higher frequencies of Light. As this higher Light is moving into your pineal gland, it is going into your endocrine system and moving through all of your Chakras. As the higher frequency light moves into the endocrine system of all of your chakras, you begin to have a different bio-chemical mix, so to speak.
Another thing that is occurring is that time is becoming increasingly confusing. This confusion is because as you are moving into your fifth-dimensional consciousness you are beginning to remember how it is to live in the NOW. Hence, you get so involved in the NOW of what you are doing, thinking or being, that you lose all track of time. ~~~To read full article, please visit Arcturian Energetic Report #1
As we move our very kicked cosmic butts away from the eclipses and the 4-4 doorway we look intensely into our selves seeing a deep shift that cannot be named or explained. Once again we are not who we were and we are not who we are becoming. Like a shape shifter we are caught mid-stream between a hard place and a slippery rock. How can one be so alone and yet to connected to everything in the universe?
The energy of the 4-4 came in like a razor sharp storm that cut right thru any and all illusion and perception. It stretched itself like a angry snake across all the lands and peoples that were to shift and allowed for the cleansing and opening of all that was whole and holy.
The land was cleansed as was the spirits of all that entered the 4-4 Magdalene portal. All that was hidden in time and circumstance is now slowly coming to the surface for all to see and sup from. Like a vessel of light, a chalice that asks to be filled to the rim. Every soul that ventured forth consciously into the vibration of the 4-4 energy cleansed their soul very deeply. Letting their tears and past fears touch the soil and soul of earth, letting go for good. The very land gave forth a ‘heart mound’ to be seen and acknowledged as a place of great healing for eons to come.
As the Magdalene heart was opened into a place of healing on 4-4 a great wave of love washed upon the earth releasing a dove into flight. All of those that were living vortex’s ambassadors of light will find that they have shifted forever. Coming into power is not for the weak willed, for it asks much of one, as they walk thru the kingdom of their creations.
We cleared many planetary and human blocks in order to hold a higher truth and walk a brighter path. Our group souls were in agreement with this change. Our group heart and eyes open to a brighter future filled with greater possibility. As we all go thru these shifts it is important to remember, ‘We cannot reach our highest potential on our own’, we always ‘need each other’ in order to move forward into a more light-filled future. When I give you all my truths then I empty out to receive more truths, and that is the way of the Universe.
Blessings, Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Join us this week as the events we offer are intended to raise your vibration, empower, uplift and inspire you on you journey.
We are consistently shifting at every level of our body~mind~spirit. It's important to nurture yourself and take time out to re-group and to take time to just 'BE'. Our sound experiences & meditations offer the perfect opportunity to raise your vibration and re-calibrate while facilitating healing at whatever level you are ready to embrace. Keeping your vibration up and maintaining balance will help you to move through the coming weeks of this most expansive year with more grace & ease. We hope you will join us. More event details follow this email.
Thursday, April 16th @ 7:00 pm, POWER OF POSITIVITY MEDITATION with Richard Ervin
Friday, April 17th @ 7:30 pm, BODY~MIND~SPIRIT ATTUNEMENT
Saturday, April 18th @ 7:30 pm, NEW MOON MEDITATION
Don't miss the opportunity (or any opportunity) to raise your vibration facilitating an easier acclimation to the energies welcoming renewal and expansion. As you raise your vibration, you become more aligned with all that is your soul's purpose, passion & essence. Raising your vibration also facilitates that shift in awareness, perception & consciousness. The energies we are experiencing now are intended to create that shift for us & in us; however, many are so caught up in the 3D that they are extremely uncomfortable even to the point of pain. Raising your vibration serves to lessen the discomfort and release the 'pain-body' to the level that is correct & appropriate for you in that moment. Raising your vibration facilitates that shift with more grace & ease. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to give you some clarity on it.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Prepare for April 18th New Moon
Whatever Spirit Wants
Are You in a Void
Doing & Being - Lazy & Leisure
The Universe Wants to Play
A Template of Balance Energy
When It Is Too Broken to be Fixed
Where We Go From Here
Electricity in the Air & Christ/Mary Magdelene Healing
How to Discover Your Own Truth
18 Spiritual Teaching to Alter Your Mind and Life
When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and dedicate your focus & intention to your journey and your own transformation, I can help you with sessions that are unique to you and your path. These sessions will give you clarity and build upon your abilities and bring to the surface the aspects of yourself that you are ready to embrace. They will also assist you in releasing the old, stuck and lower vibrational energy that is irrelevant to your growth and present journey, thus facilitating healing at a cellular/soul level. The key words are commitment and dedication.
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
It is such an honor to be a conscious channel for enlightenment/awareness and self-discovery & realization at this time. Blessings abound as we journey together. The work is the inspiration. It is my purpose and passion to facilitate peace through compassion, love & gratitude.
Thank you to those who share this email and continue to provide feedback. It is my intention to inspire you as you are certainly the inspiration behind my work!
Abundant Blessings of Infinite Love, Gratitude, Peace, Compassion, & joy to you as you ride the auspicious waves of ascension. I look forward to connecting with you soon and often throughout this most life-changing year of our return to consciousness.