There is much anxiety over the Boston Marathon event. Remember, these type of events are set in motion to raise the consciousness and compassion of the planet. During the time immediately following an event of this type, the whole world is in prayer together for those lost and injured. This is where we are required to be in this moment, as it serves as a catalyst for moving the whole planet forward/upward as a collective. As a reminder, the best way to honor those lost or injured in this event is to surround the experience with love, forgiveness, and compassion. Holding the energy in those vibrations will raise the vibration of everything surrounding the event which is choosing 5D rather than 3D reality.
This is easier done for those of us that were not directly affected by this event, and yet as a unified consciousness, we are all directly affected. Those of us on the outer edges of the event are here to hold the space for those who actually lost loved ones or suffered injury. We may never know the 'truth' behind the event, so let us focus on shining our Light and lifting the world up at this time of grief and sorrow rather than feed and fuel the fear that it can create. The media focuses on publishing the most negative side of the story, but remember there is always, always Light in any given situation. The more the dark is focused on, the more dark will be seen.
Now more than ever, we are reminded that what we focus on is what we attract to us. There are global events taking place that are intended to eradicate the old paradigm. When we learn of these events, rather than fall into a panic of 'what if?' , let us know without a doubt that a new way of BEing is already in place. The same can be said for our individual lives right now. Rather than focus on what is falling away as truth is revealed, focus on the magic that already exists and is only a matter of your allowing it into your heart.
Many are finding themselves in a place of depression now due to the whirlwind of changes that is occurring. We are feeling not only our own transformation/transmutation/transcendence, but that of all our relations as well as the planet. There is no thing on this planet that is not being affected by the evolutionary shift that is underway. This is why it is so very important to remain in that vibration of Infinite Love & Gratitude. My mantra has become "Grace through Gratitude', as this is the way we journey forward through our heart consciousness.
With a week like this week, we are all feeling the challenge of the changes that are all around us in our physical bodies. There is much being downloaded into our systems now. We are being infused with higher frequencies that are flushing out old, stuck, & karmic energy. Some of this energy has been with us for lifetimes and as it is being flushed out, leaves us feeling weak and compromised. My Team continues to emphasize the importance of breath work, meditation, energy work, sound/vibrational healing, being in nature and nurturing the whole body-mind-spirit being. If you are not taking the time to do so, you are likely to find yourself totally out of balance and manifesting dis-ease at the physical level.
***I am offering a new session at this time called "Alchemical Transformation". It consists of sitting with my crystal skull "Alquemie" while I channel Source through the Didgeridoo. This is a very powerful session that moves you through your many incarnations to the beginning, where it all started: You as a Spiritual Light Being. This session activates your soul at it's core serving as a catalyst to reveal your original vibrational signature. There is a deep healing that takes place with this session at a cellular level while at the same time activating dormant DNA. This session is approximately an hour and costs $65.
Links of Interest
- Lightquake on Earth
- The Art of Acceptance
- Changing Your Past, Recreating Your Future Part 2
- Making the Turn: Sourcing Every Action from Your Heart
- Feeling at Home on Earth
- Why You Can't Connect with Some
- Meteors: The Seeds of Life
- Sequoia: The Healing Energy of Conscious Trees
- Exerting Your Will is Powerful
- The Keepers on the Events of April 15th in Boston, MA
"Well holy Solar Flares & Hail Eris, last week was quite a doozy, wasn't it? Not to say it was all negative, but it was definitely not sedate. If you're feeling a bit of what I call "Cosmic Whiplish" you're not alone. This week we have a big shift in energies later in the week as the Sun moves into Taurus on Thursday, and Mars joins in on Friday. This will change up the energies from "go-getter" Cardinal Fire Aries to the more slower, grounded feel of Fixed Earth Taurus. I know many people who are more than ready to get off the Aries Stellium ride, so by next Friday you can. Keep in mind that our next Full Moon (4/25) is also a Lunar Eclipse which may open up the space for people, places and thing to get "eclipsed" out of our life. The wise Zen saying, "Let go or be dragged" may apply here."
by Patricia Cota-Robles
"We have recently experienced the Birth of the New Earth. As a result of that God Victorious accomplishment, 2013 is being heralded by the Company of Heaven as the Year of Humanity’s New Beginning.The patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional New Earth are now flowing into the mental and emotional strata of the Planet. This unprecedented influx of Light is providing Humanity with an amazing opportunity to utilize these higher frequencies to transform our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. The Beings of Light will be guiding us through this process step by step and there will be powerful tools provided by the Elemental Kingdom that will assist us greatly in raising the frequency of our Bodies.There are things we can all do to accelerate this process such as eating lighter and more purified foods. Consuming organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, pure water, and more raw food will certainly help raise our vibrations. Being in nature, listening to beautiful music, meditating, being kind to ourselves and others, and remaining in a state of harmony and listening Grace whenever possible will also help. The more love, joy, laughter, relaxation, and peace we experience the better.Daily and hourly controlling our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions is also very important. Remember, the 5th-Dimensional Light pouring into the Planet is amplifying everything in its path. Pay close attention to what you are thinking, feeling, saying, and doing. Empower only the things you want to create in your life."
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.