As I have been going through this experience this last week, and in those moments of feeling really ready for it to be over, my guidance kept reminding me of how I could equate the level of discomfort/pain to the level of growth that was taking place. During this time I was reminded to do what I felt was necessary to ensure that no secondary complications surfaced. I did not talk about what was going on specifically as I did not want any energy given to it and was told by guidance that it could manifest into something on the 3D level if I focused on it in that manner.
My nurturing provided me the opportunity to surrender-release-allow and give myself permission to 'Let Go & Let God'. There were little hints from the Universe that showed me the emotions and attachments that were being cleared & cleansed. Some had been released to a certain degree at other times in my self-work and some were a bit of a surprise. Guidance showed me that these were ancestral imprints and attachments.
I was also reminded how much stronger in many ways I would be once this passed and that I would not only feel the shift, it would be so obvious that I could recognize it energetically especially in those areas affected. We all know that after a few days of any discomfort, we are ready for it to be over and done with, and I am no exception. I have put things off and gotten extra rest and truly listened to my guidance and my body, and at the same time feeling frustrated that I didn't feel like doing the things that I felt needed to be done. Guidance was quick to remind me that no one knew my body energetically like I did. In being reminded to not focus on it, other than nurturing it, I was also reminded that not talking about it or sharing it with others also assisted the process rather than prolong it. We are in times of instant manifestation, and if we go into fear mode about what we are experiencing, we sink back into the old 3D paradigm and perspective. If we focus on it in that perspective, we prolong the process.
We can feel when we shift back into the old 3D paradigm & perspective now. You literally blink your eyes and know energetically that something is different. You may feel nausea, dizziness, nervousness, or any other form of discombobulation that accompanies this shift. If you are more in the 3D paradigm than the 5D paradigm, you will find yourself agitated, frustrated, irritated, confused, and lacking clarity in your daily journeys. This is a sign that you have some old, blocked, &/or stuck emotions in the 2nd chakra specifically that requires attention and possibly assistance in transmuting it.
Some interesting information about the 2nd Chakra:
The 2nd Chakra – The Sacral Chakra – SvadhisthanaThe Sacral Chakra is in the sacral plexus area located in the lower abdominal. This chakra is associated with the element water and it represents desire, pleasure, sexuality and procreation. As we move up the chakra system, we change from the 1st chakra which is solid, formed earth to the 2nd chakra which is liquid, formless and ever-changing water.
The Sacral chakra represents change, fluctuation and movement. Even it’s location in the body is related to movement. The sacral plexus is a collection of nerves located in the lower spine which control movement in the legs and pelvis. This chakra is associated with the color orange. The color orange has the second longest wavelength (635 nm) and second slowest frequency (480THz) in the visual color spectrum.
This is the chakra of emotion, sexuality, pleasure, and nurture. All of these things are fluid and ever-changing. This constant change is at once the source of pleasure and the source of pain. Many people fear change and have a tendency to grip the present moment. However, the sacral chakra teaches us that without change there can be no pleasure – for if nothing ever changed what would we have to be excited for?Without the night, what is day? Without the winter, what is summer? Without pain, what is pleasure?
Blocks in the Sacral Chakra: The symbol for the Sacral Chakra is a six petal lotus flower. There are also two lotus petals within the large six-petal lotus. This chakra is related to the moon. The moon, with it’s ever changing cycle, pulls on the tides of the earth creating subtle changes on earth’s residents. It is dark, mysterious and full of emotion.
Blocks in the second center can lead to loss of creativity, low sexual energy, a feeling of dullness, loss of emotion, and depression. It’s easy to get trapped in the second chakra by overindulging in pleasurable things such as food, drugs, alcohol, or sex. We can also be stuck in the second center by denying ourselves pleasurable activities. For example, do you deny yourself sleep because you feel you don’t have the time? Or maybe you deny yourself food because you are tying to lose weight.
They key to opening the second chakra is to maintain balance when it comes to pleasurable, worldly things. Do not deny, but do not overindulge either.
Another way to get stuck in the second chakra is by suppressing emotions. Emotion itself is fluid – it’s ever changing and dynamic properties are perfectly represented by water. Emotions travel, by moving from the atmosphere around us, to the subconscious within us, through the conscious mind, and back out into the atmosphere in whatever way we give them off. It’s very important to keep this movement flowing. However, many people will suppress their emotions in the subconscious level. Feeling emotion can be painful, and these people choose to keep it bottled up rather than let it out and feel it’s effects.
Although this may work temporarily, it will cause problems in the future. Emotions which are stuck in the subconscious will manifest themselves in other ways – be it anger, fear, anxiety, or hatred. Meditation is an excellent way to work through emotions and allow them to rise to the surface.
The Second Chakra also works in conjunction with the 5th Chakra or the Throat Chakra. Usually when you are experiencing problems in one, you will also notice issues to some degree in the other.
The kundalini energy is greatly affected at this time as well. This is our conscious awakening to truth. There are many ways it can be affected or put into motion. We have now entered into a time when everyone's kundalini energy is opening up. The energy infusions that we are experiencing are facilitating this and it may have many adverse effects on those who are not familiar with it. Click HERE to read an article that explains more on the kundalini.
My request to be the best me I can be, to have my God Essence/Christ Consciousness shine through and move me into an even more effective and efficient conscious channel for this Divine Energy was set into motion when I went to Tucson AZ in February. Each year when I go there, I receive a gift from the Universe for my soul. It facilitates more clearing & cleansing (thus so much of the water & fire elements that are a re-occurring theme of these adventures) each time that takes me to new and higher degrees of myself.
This last week for me was the reveal of what has transcended in me. As I write this, I feel a renewed sense of enthusiasm for my life and journey knowing that I am here to share my journey as well as adventures in facilitating transformation and transition for others. I AM a catalyst for change and I serve best by example. For me, it is a sign of all good things to come. This is my chosen perspective. I choose to see the journey as positive, but in essence, 'It is what it is'. I have the power to see it as positive and so it is.
For the first 3 months of 2013, we have been undergoing a clearing & cleansing facilitated by the heavens. We may have found ourselves energetically, emotionally or physically 'ill' or out of balance. Guidance now refers to it as misaligned. We are not aligned with our Highest Good which includes our abundance, prosperity, joy, happiness, love, peace, & harmony. If we are misaligned, it is necessary to be re-calibrated in order to find & feel our passion and truth. If we are misaligned, we are incapable of being true to ourselves. We are not living joyfully. We are merely existing. If we are merely existing, we are not honoring our spirit/soul and are adding to the imbalance of the planet rather than assisting in the evolutionary ascension process. More simpler stated, we are contributing to the problem rather than the resolution.
Following up with a simple snipet about this auspicious New Moon of today, April 10, 2013:
This is a fantastic NEW MOON & it's Action packed.
It's time to take a GOOD LOOK inside.
Is what you are doing, working for you?
Be HONEST with yourself.
Step FORTH into your truth.
You are the one who is LOOKING into the Mirror.
Aries rules the 1st chakra. Root Chakra.
Ground with Mother Earth.
Feel her LOVE.
This New Moon provides excellent opportunity to break free from old pattern, let go of anger, impulsiveness, selfishness, and any issues related to fears related to survival.
FEAR is a best friend as it is guiding you to what is no longer in vibration harmony.
Take a GOOD LOOK within in today's darkest phase and CHOOSE to see the light that is in this space of darkness. It's there and it is shinning brightly.
Loving you on this dark phase and start of NEW MOON, new beginnings, new starts and new energy. Woohooooo!
~~Honi Borden
Links of Interest
You are infinite and you can do, be or have anything your heart desires. It is all about alignment. My work is centered on bringing you into alignment with your soul at this time and everything I do facilitates that alignment. Your focus should be on this alignment as it allows everything to flow to you that is in your heart. Everything, no exceptions. Remember, though, to distinguish heart from mind. Although they work together quite efficiently, the heart is still the core of your being.