We are living a new life with the soul integration that took place between 11:11, 12:12:12 & 12:21. This was a merging of the divine feminine & masculine energies, facilitating the balance of the sacred heart/sacred mind where ascension really takes place. We will be feeling this process intensely throughout the months of February & March. What we have to look forward to after the initial integration process is physical & emotional clearing (not the easiest part of the process). This is necessary to surrender & release any and all fear based & lower energies stuck in our physical 3D bodies. This process was in fact set into motion in 1999 and culminates in a very big way in 2013.
I have had many tell me they didn't think they would make it through March. We have to keep in mind that the process is most intense just before it all comes together. It is almost unbearable for some and yet it is necessary for our ascension. The process that I have have been given to work with others at this time that is most powerful & beneficial (other than sound healing) is the Violet Flame Heart Activation. This process works on the heart, thymus, pineal & pituitary to re-calibrate after releasing major lower vibrational energy. It clears out the energy and provides an activation that attunes the frequency of the body to the original soul vibrational signature. It is quickly becoming one of my most requested sessions, and rightly so, as it facilitates moving through the emotional & physical clearing that goes with the soul integration quickly. The soul is re-integrating into the physical body by way of the pineal/pituitary/thymus and ultimately into the heart/core which is it's original 'home'. As it descends into the physical 3D (physical) body, the lower 3 chakras (solar plexus, sacral chakra & root/base chakra) along with the heart are literally purged of old/lower/stuck/karmic energy, emotions, beliefs, any anything that is not in alignment with the soul's original vibrational signature. The effects of the VFHA are immediate allowing you to move on quickly, as is required during the integration process. This activation process was given to me to serve the multitudes that would require assistance in moving forward during this part of our evolutionary cycle.
When I was in Tucson last year, I was given a message of the soul integration that was under way and what it meant for us. This integration of the light/dark, feminine/masculine, sacred mind/sacred heart, soul/heart is ultimately the return to balance that could only be accomplished by this process. This process has been very uncomfortable for most of us and down right painful for others. The important thing to know at this time, is that this integration process is the return to our truth and power. It is the only way at this time. Of course the raising of our vibration is a 'growing pain' in that it is an intense process of raising our vibration in order to facilitate the soul integration. It is also a constant process of releasing and re-calibrating.
Spirit communicates constantly the message that we are not alone. We are guided every step of the way. It is in those moments when you feel most incapacitated, confused, overwhelmed & defeated, that you are absolutely lifted up. Please know that "IT IS SO", and there are those such as myself that are here to hold the energy and to facilitate the moving through the process for ALL creating a grid of energy that as you set your intention to move forward, upward, allows you to connect to this energy making your journey a bit easier just by tapping into it. It is that simple. For those times when you can't seem to move past the clearing, please do not hesitate to call me or to reach out to someone you know that can facilitate the re-connection process. The energy/field/consciousness I work with serves as a catalyst for the Highest Good of All and part of what I do in sessions is to connect you to that source to serve you during your journey.
I am preparing to leave for Tucson at the end of January for 24 days and have come to know that this trip is a multi-faceted trip. I get to spend time with my soul sister, Sherry Whitfield & her family along with the ancient crystal skull, Synergy, work with her in her booth at the 3 week long huge Tucson Gem & Mineral Show that enfolds all of Tucson, spend time in the beautiful Sonoita Mountains experiencing such a closeness with nature and my guidance uses this time to really deliver prophetic messages and visions. I experience such clearing while there almost effortlessly. It is a lot of work, but I enjoy every minute of it and all that the trip brings. I am so grateful for this opportunity to be able to go there again, for the 3rd year in a row. I know that although Sherry makes the trip possible, my guidance & the Universe use this opportunity in every way to assist me on my journey revealing information to me that will serve me in the years to come. I am also able to incorporate what I experience into my work in service to others. Guidance shares with me information on healing that I could not possibly have known consciously, yet when I research it, there it is.
I am most excited about what the trip holds this year. No expectations, although I know there is magic awaiting the adventure. I look forward to all that I will return with to share and each time, know that I return as a different person. It is a vision quest that the Universe and my guidance has so methodically arranged. It is no coincidence that it happens in February before the Spring Equinox that my guidance says is a most important date this year. We are just now getting our feet wet in 2013. We will be taking the plunge over the course of the next few months. This dance of a lifetime is most exciting. It is meant to be a journey of adventure.
The links this week will confirm, validate, empower, & uplift you. Please take what resonates with you and use it wisely. Feel free to share any of this information as you pay-it-forward on this journey of enlightenment. It is in the sharing that we realize our true identities & abilities. We are moving into new territory as we forge ahead in the 4D/5D reality. Remember that all is vibration and your choice delivers you to that vibration that is your reality.
- 2013: Where Soul Meets Body
- Crossing a Cosmic Boundary
- The Letter K
- Trust Your Talent
- Shifting, Revisiting the Past, Divine Feminine & more
- The New World; The Next Steps
- Born Again & Again & Again ...
- Throwing Energy
- The Impact of Universal Light
- Updating Our Images of What Transformation Looks Like
- New Wave of Grace