This week has been a bitter sweet week for me. I had to unexpectedly put one of my 14 cats down on Monday. They are each so unique and such a conduit for unconditional love. She was only 8 and had never shown signs of sickness. Her kidneys crashed and within just a few days time, she became immobilized. It is such a hard decision to let go of someone we love. When the vet called to give me her prognosis, she began by saying, "Because of the test results (that were off the chart), the humane thing to do would be to put her down; however, we can give her fluid and antibiotics for a couple of days to see if she comes back." After meditating on it, as I wanted to make sure we had done all that we could do, and not just letting go based on what someone was telling me, 'humane' kept ringing in my ears. IF she had pulled through the few days of fluid and antibiotics, she would still have required fluid on a consistently regular basis, medications and special diet for the rest of her life.
I saw this when I worked at the cat shelter that I worked in for 5 years. You see, the thing is, animals don't know all the prodding, poking, the invasion of their bodies. They don't do well with that. That is a human condition to keep from letting go of the physical. While I don't condemn that, I do feel it is a selfish act to want to keep someone (person or animal) alive at whatever cost. I feel in many instances that the humane thing to do is to let go rather than subjecting them to what WE think/feel as the natural thing to do, when in fact, it is our fear of loss of the physical & death that drives us to keep people and animals alive by any means possible. That being said, when you have to make this kind of decision, please ALWAYS go inside your heart and listen for the answer that is right for you rather than listening to what someone else (doctor, family, friends) tells you is the right thing to do. You will know if it's the right thing for that soul or if it's your own 'need' for that presence in your life to remain there no matter what the cost to that being.
The last several cats I have lost in the past few years were 15-16 years old, so to me, this one was still young (although most people consider around 10 old for an animal). I knew what had to be done. I also knew that this was the Universe's way of checking out my courage & strength for the compassion of the other being. Despite the loss, I walked my talk. And it really didn't make me feel good about myself. Sometimes the right thing to do creates so very much pain in our hearts. I haven't cried so much in a very long time. I cried all day Monday, and even now feel the urge to cry over the loss of this beautiful companion. She facilitated such a release and ultimately an opening of my heart at such a critical time. The Universe brings us exactly what we need to deliver us to the innermost parts of ourselves helping us with the level of growth that is necessary in our journey of self-discovery & realization.
On the same day that I had to put my cat to sleep, we found out that my mother-in-law, who has undergone lung surgery and chemo for lung cancer in the last 10 months, is now cancer free. This good news came just a few hours after the news on my cat. There is always that balance of the perceived good with the bad, yet sometimes we choose not to see it. We are inclined to attach to one or the other and ride the wave. The object during these times is to find that balance and to allow yourself to be within that space. It helps to stabilize the energy rather than overwhelming one way or the other. It is not easy, yet can be done if we set the intention to live through grace.
Grace is a way of life. It is a choice to take the perceived good with the bad and know that 'it is what it is', truly neither 'good' nor 'bad'. Navigating with heart consciousness and riding the emotional waves as if they were gusts of wind meant to carry you to higher realms. You may be saying, "That's easier said than done, given the situation, sometimes." As we focus on navigating through heart consciousness, it becomes easier. There was a time when I could not have put my cat down. Instead I would have gone the route of prolonging the inevitable, not even taking into account whether she would have a quality of life or not. Without a doubt, she would be loved but would she be comfortable?? And I give myself credit now for being so much wiser than I was even 10 years ago. I have been shown this week just how far I have come, yet by no means is the journey over. There is more laughter, dancing, singing, & yes, tears, to be experienced. I know, as should you, that I am not alone. The love is felt so deeply at this time and it is my intent to give that love as deeply as I am receiving it. Grace lies in living as the love that we are.
The links this week give us further info on what to expect in 2013, as well as confirmation about what we are feeling and experiencing at this time. Please take what you resonate with and use it to build upon your own wisdom and share knowing that it facilitates the raising in consciousness and vibration. As always, this information is mean to empower, uplift, validate & motivate you on your journey.
- Planet Alert 2013 - Part 2
- Assuming Your New Galactic Mission
- The Galactic Superwave
- Expect Wonderful/A Strange & Beautiful Time
- First Things First
- Setting the Tone for an Easier Year
- Weekly Lightblast
- 2013: Great Promise for a More Loving Humanity
- The In-Between Stage
- Era of Peace: Welcome to the New Earth
- 2013: Navigating the River of New Life
- Introducing Your New Spiritual Manifestation Skills
- You're Not Responsible for Everyone & Everything