Just remember, that you always have a choice as to what you allow in your energy field. Even if you are a uber sensitive, you can choose to detach simply by stating the intention. It really is that easy. You may have to do it regularly for a while until it becomes your truth, but you can choose to remain in compassion for those on the planet (as well as the planet) going through transformation and transition. You do not have to let it anchor into your physical body. It is ALWAYS a choice. Our empathic sense is a gift/blessing/tool to navigate on this journey. We came here to feel. The more you awaken, the more you will feel. The more the truth is revealed the more you feel and the less you can tolerate untruth. This is the awakening process. I can help you understand your empathic sense and learn how to utilize it as the tool that it is. There are several links included with this update this week that deal with empaths and the energy of now.
These next few weeks will be very transformative and revealing. Just remember there is some major shifting taking place and if need be, lay a little low and observe how things unfold. The majority of the work has been done, whether you realize it or not. Now is time to see what has been created with all that clearing & cleansing and raising vibration.
We all know the holiday season can be stressful but for empaths it can be even more challenging, almost overwhelming. This time of the year their ability to be emotional sponges heightens, which overrides their sublime capacity to absorb positive emotions and all that is beautiful. If empaths are around peace and love, their bodies assimilate these and flourish. Crowds or negativity, though, often feel assaultive, exhausting. For empaths to fully enjoy gatherings with family and friends, they must learn to protect their sensitivity and find balance. Since I’m an empath, I want to help them cultivate this capacity and be comfortable with it. I’ve always been hyper-attuned to other people’s moods, good and bad. Before I learned to protect my energy, I felt them lodge in my body. After being in crowds I would leave feeling anxious, depressed, or tired. When I got home, I’d just crawl into bed, yearning for peace and quiet. Here are six strategies from my book, The Ecstasy of Surrender to help you manage empathy more effectively and stay centered without absorbing negative energies.
§ Move away. When possible, distance yourself by at least twenty feet from the suspected source. See if you feel relief. Don't err on the side of not wanting to offend anyone. At the gathering try not to sit next to the identified energy vampire. Physical closeness increases empathy.
§ Surrender to your breath. If you suspect you are picking up someone else’s energies, concentrate on your breath for a few minutes. This is centering and connects you to your power. In contrast, holding your breath keeps negativity lodged in your body. To purify fear and pain, exhale stress and inhale calm. Picture unwholesome emotions as a gray fog lifting from your body, and wellness as a clear light entering it. This can produce quick results.
§ Practice Guerilla Meditation. Be sure to meditate before the gathering, centering yourself, connecting to spirit, feeling your heart. Get strong. If you counter emotional or physical distress while at an event, act fast and meditate for a few minutes. You can do this by taking refuge in the bathroom or an empty room. If it’s public, close the stall. Meditate there. Calm yourself. Focus on positivity and love. This has saved me many times at social functions where I feel depleted by others.
§ Set healthy limits and boundaries. Control how much time you spend listening to stressful people, and learn to say “no.” Set clear limits and boundaries with people, nicely cutting them off at the pass if they get critical or mean. Remember, “no” is a complete sentence.
§ Visualize protection around you. Research has shown that visualization is a healing mind/body technique. A practical form of protection many people use, including health care practitioners with difficult patients, involves visualizing an envelope of white light around your entire body. Or with extremely toxic people, visualize a fierce black jaguar patrolling and protecting your energy field to keep out intruders.
§ Define and honor your empathic needs. Safeguard your sensitivities. In a calm, collected moment, make a list of your top five most emotionally rattling situations. Then formulate a plan for handling them so you don’t fumble in the moment. Here are some practical examples of what to do in situations that predictably stymie empaths.
1. If someone asks too much of you, politely tell them “no.” It’s not necessary to explain why. As the saying goes, “No is a complete sentence.”
2. If your comfort level is three hours max for socializing--even if you adore the people -- take your own car or have an alternate transportation plan so you’re not stranded.
3. If crowds are overwhelming, eat a high-protein meal beforehand (this grounds you) and sit in the far corner of, say, a theatre or party, not dead center.
4. Some empaths are highly sensitive to scents, if you are overwhelmed, for instance by perfume, nicely request that your friends refrain from wearing it around you. If you can’t avoid it, stand near a window or take frequent breaks to catch a breath of fresh air outdoors.
5. If all else fails and you absorb stressful or negative energy while at a gathering when you get home take a bath or shower. My bath is my sanctuary after a busy day. It washes away everything from bus exhaust to long hours of air travel to pesky symptoms I have taken on from others. Soaking in natural mineral springs divinely purifies all that ails.
Saturn is in the last degree of Scorpio!! Can we all just stop with the pity party now? Whatever negative comes up for you this week is waiting to be released. A new year, new lessons and a new spiritual term is about to begin. Wrap up the old, gift it, release it, let it go. Whatever is standing in your way to being the best of you let it go, let it go.
This degree is called the veil of tears, it is tough, it is hard but it is passing. The Universe gives us periodic times to let things go, this is one of those times. So, in my quest to get ready for the next level of my life may I just ask an overall, general forgiveness for any hurt I may have caused. There are a few I will get to personally but if I miss you let me say that I am sorry for whatever I did or failed to do.
I am looking forward to Saturn in Sagittarius, I know many astrologers preach really negative things about it, and it can be hard, but it can also bring the most awful of things about Saturn. It is in essence learning, it's learning to age gracefully, it's doing what is needed to be done, it is about being responsible for our own actions. It is about being adults. It's our choice, each of us to choose how we react to the situations we find our self in. Sag is about optimism. generosity, freedom of spiritual belief and being better human beings. I am not the poster child of any of these things but I am in school to becoming just as we all are.
This time frame is a little like getting a tooth pulled, yes it hurts but do you want to keep the ache a little longer? I for one am really glad that this last lesson is about over. Bring on cheer, smiles and twinkle lights. I am ready.~~~ Teri Van Patten
Your human bodies have never had to go through these frequencies on Earth. There is nothing in the memory code of this body from any of your ancestors that has had to deal with such a time. So love yourselves back to vibrational harmony. Especially those of you who work a great deal with computer energy which is growing on Earth. Balance it with nature. Balance it with fresh air. Nothing beats fresh air, even city fresh air. This is very important for you to remember. It is not a luxury to go for a walk in the park, it is a necessity.
~~Zapharia through Lee Harris, from A Self-Love Journey - Self Love and The Mind.
SERVICES ~~ 30 min. Reading = $40
1 Hour Reading = $75
Sound Sessions = Special Package 3 sessions for $150 (must be taken by March 2015) OR
Regular Package of Buy 3 Get 1 FREE = $195 (must be taken by end of March 2015)
As always, I offer combined session discounts and it's the perfect time to get a combined sound session/w 30 minute reading. It's a great way to welcome in the Winter Solstice, holidays and the New Year.
I also offer for sale the FREENOTES Wings musical instrument that you absolutely do not have to be a musician to be able to play beautifully. When enough people have purchased these beautiful sounding tools, we plan to hold a regularly scheduled 'Women With Wings' Melodic Circle. I am really excited about this circle as I LOVE the Wings chimes. The prices are as follows:
The Wing A Minor = $315 + s&h (11 notes)
The Wing C Major = $315 + s&h (11 notes)
The Wing D Minor = $250 + s&h (9 notes)
The Wing G Major = $220 + s&h (7 notes)
Delivery is about 2 weeks.
~~~GREAT GEMSTONE TREASURES ~~~You won't find crystals like this anywhere else in this area!~~~
Come by our office and shop for unique gifts. Inventory in Stock: New in~~~Peruvian Florida Water (Shamanistic), Himalayan Salt Lamps, Mystic Merlinite, chakra bags, angelite wands, green kyanite, selenite charging plates, third eye agates, and more in addition to existing inventory.....crystal skulls of all sizes & stones, crystal skull pendants, bracelets, earrings; crystals angels, crystal hearts, crystal totem animals, crystal pyramids, crystal goddesses, crystal merkabas, crystal vogel wands, shaman stones, crystal sacred geometry, crystal points, crystal obelisks, crystal eggs, crystal spheres, selenite wands, selenite hearts, selenite bars, selenite pyramids, selenite starseed wands, selenite octahedrons, selenite plates, pendulums, gemstone pendants, earrings, bracelets, silver chains, rings, Goddess stones & Fairy stones, tumbled stones, a wide variety of palm stones, high quality white sage sticks and much more. Let me know if you are looking for anything particular or would like to come by and browse. I also offer gift certificates to be used for services or merchandise. Just let me know you will be coming by and I will make sure you will have time to peruse.
We have a very special event this weekend that promises to be fun on many levels. BE SURE TO JOIN US FOR OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY TRUNK SHOW, Friday, December 19th from 4 - 9 pm.
This is a busy time of the year and we are consistently shifting at every level of our body~mind~spirit. It's important to nurture yourself and take time out of he hustle and bustle to re-group and to take time to just 'BE'. Our sound experiences & meditations offer the perfect opportunity to raise your vibration and re-calibrate while facilitating healing at whatever level you are ready to embrace. Keeping your vibration up and maintaining balance will help you to move through the coming weeks and into the New Year with more grace & ease. We hope to see you this weekend. More event details follow this email.
Friday, December 19th @ 4 - 9 pm, HOLIDAY SPECIAL CRYSTAL TRUNK SHOW
Saturday, December 20th @ 7:30 pm, SOLSTICE NEW MOON MEDITATION
Don't miss the opportunity (or any opportunity) to raise your vibration facilitating an easier acclimation to the energies welcoming renewal and expansion. As you raise your vibration, you become more aligned with all that is your soul's purpose, passion & essence. Raising your vibration also facilitates that shift in awareness, perception & consciousness. The energies we are experiencing now are intended to create that shift for us & in us; however, many are so caught up in the 3D that they are extremely uncomfortable even to the point of pain. Raising your vibration serves to lessen the discomfort and release the 'pain-body' to the level that is correct & appropriate for you in that moment. Raising your vibration facilitates that shift with more grace & ease. If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to give you some clarity on it.
The links provided are always intended to inspire, uplift, empower, and validate you on your journey of self-discovery. Please feel free to share this email or any part of it giving credit where credit is due knowing that you are shining your light and raising the vibration and consciousness.
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast
The Joy of Being Conscious
Looking at the Illusions of Life
The Keepers on Detachment from the Collective
Saviors are so Yesterday!!
Flipping the Mirror to Liberate the Godhead Within
6 Shifts in Consciousness We are All Experiencing Right Now
When you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and dedicate your focus & intention to your journey and your own transformation, I can help you with sessions that are unique to you and your path. These sessions will give you clarity and build upon your abilities and bring to the surface the aspects of yourself that you are ready to embrace. They will also assist you in releasing the old, stuck and lower vibrational energy that is irrelevant to your growth and present journey, thus facilitating healing at a cellular/soul level. The key words are commitment and dedication.
We are love, loved & loving and we are Divinely guided every step of the way on this journey. We can get through this by breathing and focusing on navigating with our heart so as to stay out of judgement. A good mantra for now is, 'I AM Divinely guided, connected, secure & protected always in all ways and in all things.''
It is such an honor to be a conscious channel for enlightenment/awareness and self-discovery & realization at this time. Blessings abound as we journey together. The work is the inspiration. It is my purpose and passion to facilitate peace through compassion, love & gratitude.
Thank you to those who share this email and continue to provide feedback. It is my intention to inspire you as you are certainly the inspiration behind my work!
Abundant Blessings of Infinite Love, Gratitude, Peace, Compassion, & joy to you as you ride the auspicious waves of ascension. I look forward to connecting with you soon and often throughout this most life-changing year of our return to consciousness.